
音标: 英 ['dredlɒk] 美 ['dredlɒk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. "骇人"长发绺

n. one of many long thin braids of hair radiating from the scalp; popularized by Rastafarians


1. Then there was the colored fellow with the dreadlocks.


2. Somebody groomed their dreadlocks in the bathroom.


3. And we queens, we cannot be in the back of the bus, cleaning up white dude's dreadlocks.

我們女王不能受不公正待遇 清掃白人男子的臟辮

4. Come back with dreadlocks and tell me how everything I know is incorrect.

留着长发绺回来 告诉我我以前的知识都是错的

5. We didn't see any goons with dreadlocks back at what was left of the homestead, so he's gotta be here.

我们在那片废墟里 没看见那个扎着脏辫的* 所以他肯定在这

6. But what I'm saying is, there's way too many chemicals on these shelves for my natural dreadlocks.

我说的是 架子上的这些洗发水里 化学物质太多了 对我的纯天然脏辫不好

7. They're gonna perform their new song, which is about the injustice of white people in dreadlocks.

他们将会为大家带来他们的新歌 这首歌是关于白人留脏辫之不公的

8. Molly, she's a patient, not a sophomore boy with saggy pants and ethnically inappropriate dreadlocks.

莫莉 她是病人 不是那些穿垮裤 分明是白人还非要留脏辫的高二男生
