
单词 平板
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bed〕Countersunk rivets bed well against a flat plate.埋头铆钉和平板贴合齐平。英汉大词典〔bed〕The part of a truck, trailer, or freight car designed to carry loads.平板:卡车、拖车或载重运输汽车的一部分美国传统〔billboard〕A panel for the display of advertisements in public places, such as alongside highways or on the sides of buildings.广告牌:公共场所用来张贴广告的平板,如沿公路两旁或在建筑物一侧美国传统〔billboard〕The advertisement or message posted on such a panel.广告:贴在上述平板上的广告或消息美国传统〔board〕A long, flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank.板:锯制的长平板;厚板材美国传统〔buckboard〕A four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles.平板马车:一种轻便的四轮马车,车身为一有弹性的平板,上设座椅,无顶盖美国传统〔chromolithography〕The art or process of printing color pictures from a series of stone or zinc plates by lithography.套色印刷术:用一系列石板或锌板做平板来印刷彩画的技术或过程美国传统〔clamper〕One that clamps, especially a spiked plate attached to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping on ice.防滑钉片:钳制的东西,尤指附在鞋底的防止在冰上打滑的带钉平板美国传统〔crash down〕Huge plate-glass windows came crashing down.巨大的平板玻璃窗哗啦一声掉了下来。外研社新世纪〔dispassionately〕He spoke in the flat, dispassionate tone of a lecturer.他以一个讲师般平板、不动感情的口吻说话。柯林斯高阶〔dispassionate〕He spoke in the flat, dispassionate tone of a lecturer.他以一个讲师般平板、不动感情的口吻说话。外研社新世纪〔dray〕They often hid out in open railway drays.他们经常躲在敞篷平板火车里。外研社新世纪〔flat pack〕The flat-pack units are by Gower kitchens.这套平板家具是高尔厨房用具公司出品的。柯林斯高阶〔flat-screen〕We bought a new flat-screen TV.我们买了一台新的平板电视机。韦氏高阶〔flatbed〕A railroad flatcar.铁路平板美国传统〔flatbed〕An open truck bed or trailer with no sides, used to carry large objects such as heavy machinery, cars, or houses.平板载货车:一种用于载运重型机器、轿车或房屋等大型物体的开放式载货汽车或平板式挂车美国传统〔flat〕A flatcar.平板美国传统〔fold up〕Fold the ironing board up so that it is flat.把熨衣板折叠成一个平板外研社新世纪〔from〕Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window.参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。柯林斯高阶〔integral〕All rooms have a flat-screen TV with integral DVD-player.所有房间都装有内置DVD播放机的平板电视。剑桥高阶〔jog trot〕A regular, humdrum way of living or of doing.例行常规:有规律的,单调平板的生活方式或行为方式美国传统〔lapboard〕A flat board held on the lap as a substitute for a table or desk.膝板:放在膝头用于代替桌子或书桌的平板美国传统〔lap〕A wheel, disk, or slab of leather or metal, either stationary or rotating, used for polishing and smoothing.磨盘:由皮革或金属制成的轮子、圆盘或平板,或固定或转动,用于磨平和磨光美国传统〔negative〕Pictures and negatives were scanned using a flatbed scanner.用平板扫描仪扫描了照片和底片。牛津搭配〔panel〕A flat, usually rectangular piece forming a raised, recessed, or framed part of the surface in which it is set.镶板,板条:一个通常为长方形的平板条,构成其被固定的表面的突起、凹陷或框架部分美国传统〔piggyback〕Flatcars often take trucks piggyback from one place to another.火车平板车常常把卡车从一处背负运输到另一处。英汉大词典〔piggyback〕The railroad has been piggybacking for quite a number of years.许多年来铁路上一直用火车平板车装运。21世纪英汉〔plane table〕A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details.平板仪:一种便携式观测仪器,主要包括安放在三脚架上的绘图板和一把直尺,用于观测和绘制地形详图美国传统〔plate glass〕A strong rolled and polished glass containing few impurities, used for mirrors and large windows.平板玻璃:包含很少的混杂物,经过滚压和磨光的坚固的玻璃,用作镜子或大型窗户美国传统〔platen〕A flat plate or rolling cylinder in a printing press that positions the paper and holds it against the inked type.压印盘:印刷机中固定和支持纸张而使有油墨的铅字压印的平板或滚筒美国传统〔plinth〕Architecture A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed.【建筑学】 柱基,底座:上面放置基座、柱子或塑像的大楼或平板建筑物美国传统〔screed〕A layer or strip of material used to level off a horizontal surface such as a floor.整平板:用于压平一水平面(例如地板)的板或带美国传统〔sheet glass〕Glass drawn from a molten bath into a thin sheet of film, commonly used to make windows.平板玻璃:通过溶化浸盘制成的薄胶片的玻璃,通常用于制造窗户美国传统〔singsong〕A monotonously rising and falling inflection of the voice.平板的声调:嗓音单调地升降起伏美国传统〔tablature〕An engraved tablet or surface.匾面:一块被刻画过的平板或表面美国传统〔tablet〕These children are just as comfortable tapping away on their tablets as they are digging in the sandpit.这些孩子玩起平板电脑来跟挖沙坑一样熟练。外研社新世纪〔tympan〕A tightly stretched sheet or membrane, as on the head of a drum.绷紧的薄膜状物:挤压得很紧的平板或薄膜,如鼓面美国传统She is rather flat-chested (=She has small breasts).她的胸部很平板剑桥国际This new i-Pad features the state-of-the-art interface design. 这台新的平板电脑有著最先进的介面设计。译典通We have sold a lot of flat-screen TVs.我们已售出了很多平板电视机。牛津商务Welsh people are often described as having singsong voices.威尔士人通常被说成是用平板声调讲话的。剑桥国际You can order flatforms at Costco. 你可以在好市多订购四轮平板折叠式手推车。译典通

