
单词 强硬路线
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXTREME〕The army is run by a few hardline generals. 军队由一些走强硬路线的将领所掌管。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕There was pressure for the President to take a tough line on welfare issues. 总统受到压力要在福利问题上采取强硬路线朗文写作活用〔buttress〕The president's tough line is, however, buttressed by a democratic mandate.然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。柯林斯高阶〔consumption〕The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.强硬路线的讲话似乎主要是说给国内人听的。柯林斯高阶〔defiant〕The hardliners are angrily defiant of the government's refusal and threaten to take action.强硬路线派对政府的拒绝愤怒地表示挑战,并威胁说要采取行动。英汉大词典〔hard line〕A firm, uncompromising policy, position, or stance.强硬路线:坚定的、没有商讨余地的政策、立场或态度美国传统〔hardline〕East Germany's last hardline Communist leader东德最后一位奉行强硬路线的共产党领导人外研社新世纪〔impact〕When peace returned, the hard-line message lost much of its impact.恢复和平后,强硬路线思想的影响力大减。牛津搭配〔purge〕Hard-liners are expected to be purged from the administration.主张强硬路线的人预计将从政府中清除出去。剑桥高阶〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。外研社新世纪〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。柯林斯高阶〔toughness〕He is known for taking a tough line on security.他因在安全问题上采取强硬路线而闻名。柯林斯高阶Hard-liners are expected to be purged from the administration.预计主张强硬路线的人将被从政府中清除出去。剑桥国际

