
单词 友人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bleed〕Her heart bled at her friend's death.她为友人的逝世而心碎。英汉大词典〔blessing〕My blessing on my friends! 请接受我对友人们的祝福! 英汉大词典〔brick〕A friend steadfast in adversity is a brick.身处逆境而交情不变的友人才是可靠的好人。英汉大词典〔challenge〕He accepted his friend's challenge to swim across the river.他接受了友人提出的进行渡河游泳竞赛的邀请。英汉大词典〔cheat into〕He cheated his friends into the belief that he was an honest man.他哄骗友人相信他是个老实人。21世纪英汉〔condolatory〕Kate wrote to condole with her friend on the death of her mother.凯特写信慰问友人的丧母之痛。21世纪英汉〔cover ... up〕He had been punished for covering up for a friend.他因包庇友人曾受到处分。21世纪英汉〔delectation〕For the delectation of his friends, he did a lot of magic tricks.他玩了许多魔术以娱友人文馨英汉〔leave〕It is for his humanity as much as his music that his numerous friends and pupils will remember him. He leaves a wife, son and daughter.他的仁爱精神,以及他的音乐,都将长留在无数友人和学生的记忆里。他身后遗下妻子和一对儿女。柯林斯高阶〔rive〕The death of his friend rived his heart with grief.友人之死使他非常伤心。21世纪英汉〔swim〕He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.当一个精疲力尽的友人游上岸后他才获救。柯林斯高阶〔telegraph〕He telegraphed flowers to a sick friend.他拍电报定购鲜花送给病中的友人英汉大词典〔trust〕The farm is a trust which he holds for his dead friend's children.这农场是他为已故友人的儿女们代管的产业。英汉大词典〔unburden〕He unburdened his heart to his friends.他向友人倾诉衷肠。英汉大词典He is a close-knit friend of our family. Of course we will support him. 他是与我们家关系紧密的友人,我们当然要支持他。译典通She likes to pry into the private life of her friends. 她喜欢打听友人的私生活。译典通

