
单词 去喝啤酒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barbecue〕She invited us over for some beer and barbecue.她邀请我们去喝啤酒,吃烤肉。韦氏高阶〔interest〕They made interest with me to get beer and pay for them.他们拉我去喝啤酒,让我为他们付账。英汉大词典〔only joking!〕Think I'll leave you with the kids while I go for a beer - only joking! 想想我去喝啤酒而留下你和孩子们在一起——开个玩笑而已!剑桥高阶〔slake〕After our long game of tennis, we slaked our thirst with a beer.打了很长时间的网球之后,我们去喝啤酒解渴。剑桥高阶He usually goes out for a pint at lunchtime.午饭时他通常出去喝啤酒剑桥国际

