
单词 口角
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕It was just a little spat over who did the dishes last. 那只是一次小小的口角,为的是上次是谁洗碗的。朗文写作活用〔ARGUE〕The girls were having a spat in the back of the car over who got to use the armrest. 女孩们坐在汽车后排,因为谁用扶手的问题发生了口角朗文写作活用〔altercation〕According to witnesses, the altercation between the two men started inside the restaurant.据目击者说,两人之间的口角是在饭店内开始的。剑桥高阶〔altercation〕I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming.我和一些反对我们拍摄的人发生了小小的口角外研社新世纪〔altercation〕I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming.我和一些反对我们拍摄的人发生了小小的口角柯林斯高阶〔anguli〕The levator anguli oris muscles raise the corners of the mouth when we smile.人们微笑时提口角肌使嘴角向上提升。剑桥高阶〔bickering〕The two women bickered constantly.这两个女人经常发生口角柯林斯高阶〔bicker〕A petty quarrel; a squabble.口角;争吵美国传统〔bicker〕The two women bickered constantly.这两个女人经常口角外研社新世纪〔brabble〕To quarrel noisily, especially over a small matter; wrangle.拌嘴:大声争吵,尤指为小事;口角美国传统〔chaffer〕Chiefly British To bandy words; engage in small talk.【多用于英国】 口角:斗嘴;进行琐碎的交谈美国传统〔come between sb〕Don't let one little quarrel come between you.别让一次小小的口角影响你们的关系。剑桥高阶〔contretemps〕There was a slight contretemps between Richard and some guy at the bar.在酒吧理查德德和一个家伙发生了几句口角剑桥高阶〔dribble at〕The baby dribbled at the mouth.这婴儿口角流涎。21世纪英汉〔fight〕They are always fighting about money.他们总是为钱发生口角美国传统〔jar〕Households without a few family jars are rare.不发生口角的家庭少有。文馨英汉〔mar〕It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.这一天过得非常不错,只是回家路上在汽车里发生的一点儿口角令人扫兴。剑桥高阶〔maximize〕Maximize the window by clicking in the corner. 点击窗口角使之最大化剑桥高阶〔miff〕A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.无谓的争吵:不重要的争吵或争论;口角美国传统〔minimize〕Minimize the window by clicking in the corner. 按窗口角使之最小化剑桥高阶〔modiolus〕The modiolus is important for facial expressions.口角轴对面部表情很重要。剑桥高阶〔normal〕It's normal for couples to argue now and then.夫妻之间偶尔发生口角是很平常的。剑桥高阶〔originable〕Our discord was originated by a quarrel.一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。21世纪英汉〔quarrel〕An angry dispute; an altercation.争吵:怒气冲冲的争辨;口角美国传统〔quarrel〕They had a quarrel about/over money.他们为钱发生了口角韦氏高阶〔rise〕A quarrel rose between the twin brothers.两个孪生兄弟之间发生了口角21世纪英汉〔rumpus〕A noisy clamor.喧闹,吵闹,口角美国传统〔straw〕The last of these rows seems to have been the final straw.这最后一场口角看来成了彻底破裂的导火线。英汉大词典〔though〕I'm sorry about our quarrel; you began it, though.我对于我们的口角感到抱歉;不过,那是你先开始的。文馨英汉〔tiff〕A petty quarrel.口角:小争吵美国传统〔tiff〕Have you two had a lovers' tiff? 你俩曾有过情侣间的口角吗?剑桥高阶Don't let one little quarrel come between you! 别让一次小小的口角妨碍了你们的关系!剑桥国际He was younger than her, in his forties, and had a silver-tongued charm (= said charming things).他比她年轻,40多岁,口角春风。剑桥国际If you look at the quarrel from another angle, you will see how funny it all was. 如果你从另一个立场来看这场口角,你就看得出这整件事有多好笑。译典通Petty internal squabbles are doing nothing to help the party's image.内部的小口角对这党的形象没有好处。剑桥国际Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog's lead.波利和苏茜正在为谁来牵狗而发生口角剑桥国际The last of these rows seems to have been the final straw. 这场口角看来是彻底破裂的导火线。译典通The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw. 这场口角看来是彻底破裂的导火线。译典通The row between the Prime Minister and the opposition leader soon developed into a free-for-all between MPs from all parties.首相和反对党领导人间的口角很快就发展成为所有党派的下院议员间的大混战。剑桥国际We had a slight tiff over whose turn it was to clean the floor.为轮到谁扫地的问题我们发生了小口角剑桥国际

