
单词 匹配
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUITABLE〕They're a well-matched pair. He's ambitious, and she'll back him all the way. 他们俩很匹配。他有抱负,而她将会全力支持他。朗文写作活用〔accordingly〕The car is made with the best materials and is priced accordingly.这款汽车用的是最好的材料,定价也与之相匹配韦氏高阶〔action〕An actor's words and actions should agree.一个演员的台词和动作应当匹配英汉大词典〔architecturally〕Architecturally, the chapel would be the perfect match for the school.从建筑上看, 这座小教堂与这所学校匹配至极。外研社新世纪〔become〕Her clothes become her.她的衣服穿在她身上显得很匹配英汉大词典〔bingo〕The computer program searches, and bingo! We've got a match.电脑程序在搜索,瞧!找到匹配的了。牛津高阶〔configuration〕We'll have to change the configuration of the system to accommodate the new server.我们必须更换系统配置以便匹配新的服务器。韦氏高阶〔conform〕The new building conforms with the old-blending-with-new character of the city.新大楼和该市新旧合璧的风格很匹配英汉大词典〔correspond〕These metal loops should be spaced to correspond with the curtain hooks.这些金属环应该留出和窗帘钩相匹配的空间。麦克米伦高阶〔deportment〕His stiff deportment matched his strict demeanor.他生硬的举止与他严厉的外表相匹配韦氏高阶〔fill〕Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.填补小洞要用颜色匹配的木材填料。外研社新世纪〔jaunty〕The new hard covers match the jaunty look of the original series.新的精装本跟原来丛书的整洁外观非常匹配外研社新世纪〔leno〕Weaving in which the warp yarns are paired and twisted.纱罗织法:将经纱线匹配并扭织在一起的织布方法美国传统〔logic〕The nonarithmetic operations performed by a computer, such as sorting, comparing, and matching, that involve yes-no decisions.逻辑,逻辑操作:计算机所完成的需要做出一些是非判断的非数学运算,如排序、比较和匹配美国传统〔marry up〕Align the images on a lightbox so they marry up.把灯箱上的图片排列好以互相匹配外研社新世纪〔marry up〕The technique maps the genes unique to the individual and then marries them up with DNA common to all humans.这项技术绘制出了个体化基因, 并把它们同人类共同的DNA匹配起来。外研社新世纪〔match〕She has a rare blood type, and finding a match could take years.她的血型罕见,要找到合适的匹配有可能需要几年时间。牛津搭配〔match〕The DNA samples found on her body did not match up with a sample taken from the accused.从她尸体上找到的 DNA 样本和被告的样本不匹配朗文当代〔match〕The available organs are carefully matched to people in need of transplants.可用的器官要与需要进行器官移植的病人进行审慎的匹配牛津搭配〔match〕The carpet and the curtains are a (perfect) match.地毯和窗帘很(完美)匹配英汉大词典〔match〕The curtains are a good match for the sofa.窗帘和沙发非常匹配麦克米伦高阶〔match〕The students are asked to match the books with the authors.要求学生将书籍与作者匹配起来。外研社新世纪〔match〕These ribbons do not match.这些缎带不匹配英汉大词典〔match〕We can't find a match for this ornament.我们未能找到和这件匹配的装饰品。英汉大词典〔match〕We need to establish a match between students' needs and teaching methods.我们需要使教学方法与学生需要相匹配朗文当代〔mesh〕The new software should mesh well with our existing systems.新的软件应该和我们现有的系统匹配得很好。麦克米伦高阶〔misalliance〕An unsuitable alliance, especially in marriage.不适当的联合或结合,尤指不匹配的婚姻美国传统〔mismatched〕There is a mismatch between the skills offered by people and the skills needed by industry.行业需要的技术与人们可以提供的技能并不匹配柯林斯高阶〔mismatch〕On paper it's something of a mismatch.仅从字面看这有点不匹配外研社新世纪〔mismatch〕There is a mismatch between the skills offered by people and the skills needed by industry.人们具有的技能与行业需要的技能并不匹配外研社新世纪〔one-to-one〕Allowing the pairing of each member of a class uniquely with a member of another class.一对一的:让这一组的成员和另一组的成员一一匹配美国传统〔palette〕Enter the URL of an image to get a colour palette that matches the image.输入图像的统一资源定位地址, 就找到与该图像相匹配的调色板。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕To be or provide an equal for; match.与…匹敌:成为或提供可匹敌的对象;匹配美国传统〔positive〕The fact that the DNA samples did not match is proof positive that he is not the father.*DNA样本不匹配的这个事实证明他不是孩子的亲生父亲。韦氏高阶〔primary〕The primary concern is to match the individual against the demands of the job.最重要的事就是将个人与工作要求相匹配外研社新世纪〔proportion〕The charge is in proportion to the person's income.费用与个人收入相匹配外研社新世纪〔register〕A group of matched organ pipes; a stop.音栓,调整器:一组相匹配的管风琴音栓;音栓美国传统〔right〕Their ages were just right for a match.他俩的年龄结婚匹配正相宜。英汉大词典〔standardize〕We standardize parts such as rear-view mirrors, so that one type will fit any model of car we make.我们对后视镜之类的零部件进行标准化生产,这样只要一种型号便能匹配我们制造的所有款式的汽车了。剑桥高阶〔suit〕To be in accord; agree or match.相一致,协调,匹配美国传统〔sync〕The action on the screen syncs perfectly with the music.银幕上展现的活动与音乐完美匹配剑桥高阶〔tone in with〕Her shoes tone in with her skirt.她的鞋和裙子颜色很匹配21世纪英汉〔tone〕The curtains tone (in) with the carpet.这窗帘和地毯的颜色很匹配英汉大词典〔unequaled〕Not matched or paralleled by others of its kind; unrivaled.不等同的:一类中其他所不能匹配的或不能相比的;无敌的美国传统〔variable logic〕A form of internal machine logic that may be changed to match programming formats.可变逻辑:内部机器逻辑的一种形式,能够变化以匹配程序格式美国传统He wore a faded blue shirt that matched his pale blue eyes.他穿着一件与他那淡蓝色的眼睛相匹配的褪色的蓝衬衫。剑桥国际Her skills are well-matched to the job.她的技术与她的工作很匹配剑桥国际The airline cannot be a genuine competitor in the discount market until its cost base matches its fares.在成本基数与票价匹配之前,这航空公司在折扣市场上不可能成为真正的竞争者。牛津商务These brands are an excellent fit with our core business.这些品牌与我们的核心业务相当匹配牛津商务They are an attractive and well-matched couple.他们是一对引人注意的,非常匹配的夫妇。剑桥国际We standardize parts such as rear-view mirrors, so that one type will fit any model of car we make.我们使诸如后视镜之类的零部件标准化,这样一种型号便能匹配我们制造的所有样式的汽车。剑桥国际

