
单词 先祖
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Joseph〕In the Old Testament, the older son of Jacob and Rachel and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.约瑟:《圣经·旧约》中雅各和拉结的较年长的儿子,是以色列人一支部落的先祖美国传统〔ancestor〕He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years.他的先祖可以上溯到700年前。柯林斯高阶〔materialize〕She asserted that she had seen the spirit of her dead grandmother materialize before her eyes.她断言曾亲眼看到先祖母显灵。英汉大词典〔private〕The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors.国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。柯林斯高阶〔progenitor〕He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.他还是七位尼加拉瓜总统的先祖外研社新世纪〔shiver〕He still had the shivers when he passed the spot where his ancestor Sir Thomas More was decapitated in 1535.走过先祖托马斯·莫尔爵士于1535年被斩首之处时他仍会不寒而栗。英汉大词典

