
单词 八个
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕The ferry takes about eight hours! You'd be better off going by plane. 坐渡轮要八个小时!你还是坐飞机去好了。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Surveys were conducted in eight cities to determine the effectiveness of this approach. 在八个城市进行调查,以确定这种方法的有效性。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕This recipe makes enough for eight people. 照这个食谱做够八个人吃。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕He comes from a family of eight children. 他来自一个有八个孩子的家庭。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕After eight hours climbing, we were still nowhere near the top of the mountain. 我们爬了八个小时后离山顶还是远得很。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕Swift fashion changes mean that the shop has to change its stock every six to eight weeks. 时装更新很快,这意味着店铺每六至八个星期就要更新库存。朗文写作活用〔FATHER〕He fathered eight daughters and three sons. 他是八个女儿和三个儿子的父亲。朗文写作活用〔HOSPITAL〕I was in hospital for eight weeks after the accident. 遭遇那场事故之后,我住了八个星期的医院。朗文写作活用〔Krishna〕The eighth and principal avatar of Vishnu, often depicted as a handsome young man playing a flute.克利须那,黑天:毗湿奴的第八个和主要的化身,经常被描绘成一个吹笛的英俊年轻人美国传统〔Latin American〕Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas, Venezuela, today.来自八个拉丁美洲国家的领导人今天在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯进行会晤。外研社新世纪〔MORE〕Scientists have discovered eight craters on Venus with diameters greater than 100 km. 科学家在金星上发现了八个直径超过100公里的环形山。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕Kirk battled for eight hours to free himself from the wreckage. 柯克奋斗了八个小时才从残骸中挣脱出来。朗文写作活用〔REVENGE〕Eight people have died in this latest round of tit-for-tat killings. 在最近这一轮报复式的杀戮中有八个人丧生。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. 一名八个月大的女婴在一场车祸中父母双亡,她是唯一的幸存者。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕At least eight countries are known to have operational nuclear weapons. 已知至少有八个国家拥有作战核武器。朗文写作活用〔accustomed〕She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.她是那种习惯每晚睡八个小时的人。牛津高阶〔ascus〕A membranous, often club-shaped structure in which typically eight ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes.子囊:一种膜质的,常是棍状的结构,典型的结构中经由子囊菌的有性生殖形成的八个子囊孢子美国传统〔ballplayer〕Instead of playing with seven or eight ball players, we are now playing with twelve or thirteen.我们现在的对手不是七八个控球能手, 而是十二三个。外研社新世纪〔beat〕They've got eight children! Can you beat that? 他们有八个孩子! 你想得到吗?朗文当代〔book off〕We booked off after eight hour's work.我们工作八个小时之后下班。21世纪英汉〔church mode〕Any of eight scales of medieval music, each distinguished by its ending note, its arrangement of pitches in intervals, and its range.教会调式:属于中古音乐的八个音阶的任何一个,各音阶在尾音音符、音调间隔的安排及其音域上均有差异美国传统〔contest〕She contested eight of the eleven titles.十一个冠军头衔中她参与了其中八个的竞争。外研社新世纪〔cram〕He crammed eight people into his car.他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。牛津高阶〔create〕The government has created eight new peers.政府新封了八个贵族。牛津高阶〔diatonic〕Of or using only the eight tones of a standard major or minor scale without chromatic deviations.全音阶的:与使用的八个音构成一个无变化音八度的标准大调或小调音阶有关的美国传统〔double〕We'll need double this amount for eight people.八个人的话我们要加一倍的量。朗文当代〔ease out〕It took eight men to ease the piano out of the lorry.找了八个人才把钢琴小心翼翼地搬出卡车。外研社新世纪〔eighth〕He was the eighth to climb the mountain.他是第八个爬这座山的人。英汉大词典〔eighth〕One of eight equal parts.八分之一:八个相等部分之一美国传统〔eight〕The eighth in a set or sequence.第八:一组或一列顺序中的第八个美国传统〔eke out〕Dan, his wife Breda and eight children were struggling to eke out a living.丹、他的妻子布雷达以及八个孩子在艰难度日。外研社新世纪〔ex officio〕She sits, ex officio, on the boards of eight major cultural institutions.根据职务需要, 她是八个主要文化事业单位的理事会成员。外研社新世纪〔fantastically〕I played fantastically on the first eight holes.我头八个洞都打得非常好。外研社新世纪〔fetus〕In human beings, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.胎儿:人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿美国传统〔fragmentation〕This led to its fragmentation into eight independent parties.这导致其分裂为八个独立的政党。文馨英汉〔hole in one〕She got/made/had a hole in one on the eighth hole.她一杆就打进了第八个洞。韦氏高阶〔hound〕The family were hounded out of their home by 18 months of abuse.遭受了十八个月的骚扰之后,那家人不得已搬家了。朗文当代〔house〕The building will house twelve boys and eight girls.这所房子将住进十二个男孩和八个女孩。外研社新世纪〔in〕Think of a word with eight letters in it meaning 'cold'.想一个有八个字母、意思是“寒冷”的单词。朗文当代〔list〕There are eight names on the list.名单上有八个名字。文馨英汉〔month〕She has an eight-month-old daughter.她有一个八个月大的女儿。朗文当代〔month〕She was in her 8th month.她已怀孕八个月。英汉大词典〔number〕We were eight in number(= there were eight of us).我们有八个人。牛津高阶〔octad〕A group or sequence of eight.八个一组或一列美国传统〔octagonal〕Having eight sides and eight angles.八角形的:有八条边和八个角的美国传统〔octagon〕A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.八边形,八角形:有八条边和八个角的多边形美国传统〔octahedron〕A polyhedron with eight plane surfaces.八面体:有八个面的多面体美国传统〔octameter〕A line of verse consisting of eight metrical feet.八音步诗句:有八个诗步的诗行美国传统〔octandrious〕Having eight stamens.有八个雄蕊的美国传统〔octant〕One of eight parts into which three-dimensional space is divided by three usually perpendicular coordinate planes.卦限:八个区之一,这八个区是由三个正交平分割三维空间而成美国传统〔octave〕A group or series of eight.八个一组或一个系列美国传统〔octave〕The interval of eight diatonic degrees between two tones, one of which has twice as many vibrations per second as the other.八度音程:两个音程之间有八个音度的间隔,其中一个每秒的振动是另一个的两倍美国传统〔octet〕A composition written for eight voices or eight instruments.八重的乐曲:为八个人演唱或八件乐器演奏而作的曲子美国传统〔octet〕A group of eight singers or eight instrumentalists.八重唱:八个唱手一组的演唱或八个乐器一组的演奏组合美国传统〔octet〕A set of eight valence electrons in an atom or ion, forming a stable configuration.八重态:在一个原子或离子中,形成稳定组态的一组八个化合价电子美国传统〔octonary〕Consisting of eight members or of groups containing eight.含有八个成员的或八个一组的美国传统〔octopod〕Any of various cephalopod mollusks of the order Octopoda, such as an octopus, having eight tentacles.八足类动物:任何一种八腕目头足纲的软体动物,有八个触脚,如章鱼美国传统〔octosyllable〕A line of verse containing eight syllables.含有八个音节的诗行美国传统〔octosyllable〕A poem having eight syllables in each line.一首每行有八个音节的诗美国传统〔octuplet〕One of eight offspring delivered at a single birth.八胞胎:一次产下的八个新生儿之一美国传统〔octuple〕Having eight parts, members, or copies.有八个部分、成员或份数的美国传统〔ought to〕That ought to be enough potatoes for eight people.那些马铃薯供八个人吃应该够了。朗文当代〔package〕Eight resolutions were packaged into an omnibus bill.八个决议被合并成一个综合议案。英汉大词典〔phrase〕Music A segment of a composition, usually consisting of four or eight measures.【音乐】 短句,乐句:乐曲的一部分,通常包括四或八个拍子美国传统〔plot〕We make the calculation in the usual way, then plot about eight points on the graph.我们用常规方法进行计算, 然后在图上标出了大约八个点。外研社新世纪〔procedure〕It's a difficult procedure that can take 7 or 8 hours.这是一次可能会耗时七八个小时的高难度手术。麦克米伦高阶〔push〕We can sleep seven or eight people in the house at a push.不得已时,我们这间屋子可以睡上七八个人。英汉大词典〔recorder〕Music A flute with eight finger holes and a whistlelike mouthpiece.【音乐】 雷高德:一种笛子,其有八个指孔和一个哨状吹嘴美国传统〔ring〕On one wall were eight iron rings.在一面墙上有八个铁环。外研社新世纪〔saddle〕We did six or eight hours in the saddle every day.我们每天有六或八个小时在马背上。朗文当代〔see〕He's been seeing the same woman for eight years.他和同一个女人约会已有八个年头了美国传统〔serve〕He served an eighteen-month sentence for theft.他因盗窃罪服刑十八个月。朗文当代〔sire〕Sam sired eight children.萨姆育有八个孩子。朗文当代〔sleep〕I usually try to sleep for at least eight hours every night.我通常尽量每晚至少睡八个小时。韦氏高阶〔sloka〕A distich of Sanskrit verse consisting of two sixteen-syllable lines of two eight-syllable padas each.梵文诗对句:梵文诗的对句,通常包含两个六音节行,每行并包含两个八个音节美国传统〔talk〕She started talking when she was only eight months old.她才八个月大时就开始说话了。韦氏高阶〔tuba〕A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch.低音大号音栓:风琴里的簧管音栓,有八个音高美国传统〔twin〕The twins are now eight months old.这对双胞胎现在已经八个月大了。朗文当代〔unit〕The building is divided into eight units.这栋楼分成八个单元。韦氏高阶〔wait〕The average wait for an appointment at the clinic was eight weeks.该诊所预约看病的平均等候时间是八个星期。朗文当代〔walking bass〕A repetitive bass figure composed of nonsyncopated eighth notes, used in jazz.低音群持续奏:用于爵士乐中的由八个非切分音符组成的持续的低音乐型美国传统An American presidential campaign lasts for eighteen months. 美国总统竞选历时十八个月。译典通An octopus has eight long tentacles.章鱼有八个长触手。剑桥国际Eight chapels surround the main church, and the spires and brightly coloured exteriors create a fairy-tale effect.八个小教堂环绕着主教堂,教堂的尖顶和色彩亮丽的外观创造出一种如同神话世界一般的效果。剑桥国际Eight people were trampled to death (= killed) when the stadium collapsed and the crowd rushed out onto the football pitch.当体育馆倒塌,人群冲出来跑到足球场上的时候,有八个人被踩死。剑桥国际Eight people, including four men, were injured in the explosion.八个人,包括四名男子,在爆炸中受伤。剑桥国际I've only been working here for eighteen months, so I don't feel like another move just yet.我在这儿才工作了十八个月,所以还不想换工作。剑桥国际Living in India for eight months certainly broadened my outlook on life.在印度住了八个月肯定拓宽了我的人生观。剑桥国际My sales area covers eight states and 60 customers.我的销售区域覆盖八个州共 60 个客户。牛津商务The document lists the eight core values on which company policy is based.这份文件列出了公司政策赖以建立的八个核心价值观。牛津商务The embryo was implanted successfully, but she miscarried eight weeks into the pregnancy.胚胎被成功地植入,但她怀孕八个星期就流产了。剑桥国际The outward flight/journey took eight hours, but the return journey took only six hours.外出的飞行/旅行花去八个小时,而回来的旅程只花了六个小时。剑桥国际The ship will be in dock for eight months to be fitted out for its new duties.那艘船将在码头停靠八个月,进行装备以便执行新的任务。剑桥国际The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight months.对马弗京的围攻持续了八个月。剑桥国际There are eight members of the alliance.联盟共有八个成员。牛津商务There are eighteen students in that classroom. 那教室里有十八个学生。译典通There'll be eight for dinner, counting (=including) ourselves.算上我们自己,吃饭的有八个人。剑桥国际We can get 18 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到十八个频道的电视节目。译典通We had to put in/pull out the extra leaf of the table (= extra part of the table that can be folded away when not wanted) because there were eight of us for dinner.我们必须再支起桌子的一个活边因为晚上有八个人吃饭。剑桥国际We have signed a master franchise agreement with an international corporation to develop stores in 8 African countries.我们与一家国际公司签订了特许总经销协议,在八个非洲国家开设分店。牛津商务

