
单词 侧边
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔airside〕The part of an airport directly involved in the arrival and departure of aircraft.机场侧边:直接与飞机到达和起飞相关的机场部分美国传统〔breezeway〕A roofed, open-sided passageway connecting two structures, such as a house and a garage.有顶过道:联接两幢建筑物的带屋顶的侧边敞开的过道,如房子和车库的美国传统〔catwalk〕A narrow, often elevated walkway, as on the sides of a bridge or in the flies above a theater stage.狭窄甬道:狭窄的、通常升空的过道,如桥的侧边或戏院舞台上布景控制处的过道美国传统〔clock〕An embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking or sock.绣花边花,袜子侧边的织花:位于长袜或短袜一侧的刺绣或编织的装饰图案美国传统〔deck〕A roofless, floored area, typically with low sides, that adjoins a house.露台:无屋顶但有地板的平台,典型的舞台带矮小的侧边,与房屋相连美国传统〔edge〕A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument.利刃:一种薄而锋利的侧边,如切割用具的刀锋美国传统〔hall church〕A church in which the side aisles are as high or almost as high as the nave and which consequently lacks a clerestory.会堂式教堂:侧边走道与教堂中殿同高或几乎同高的教堂,也因此缺少高窗美国传统〔labia majora〕The two outer rounded folds of adipose tissue that lie on either side of the vaginal opening and form the external lateral boundaries of the vulva.大阴唇:在阴道口两侧的两片外面的圆形脂肪组织褶皱,构成了外阴外侧边美国传统〔laterally〕The sound /l/ is produced laterally./l/以侧边发音。剑桥高阶〔line〕The center and two wings making up a hockey team's offensive unit.防卫阵线:曲棍球球队中场和两侧边翼构成的防守线美国传统〔side-whiskers〕Whiskers worn usually long on the sides of a man's face.鬓角胡子,连鬓胡子:通常长在男性面部侧边呈长形的胡子美国传统〔sidewalk〕A paved walkway along the side of a street.人行道:沿着街道侧边铺砌的走道美国传统〔skew arch〕An arch having sides not at right angles to the face of its abutments.斜拱:侧边与桥礅的面不成直角的拱美国传统〔topple〕These strong winds could topple a high-sided vehicle.这些强风可能会刮翻侧边高的车辆。麦克米伦高阶〔whisker〕Nautical One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys.【航海】 左右撑杆:从船首斜桁侧边支出的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索美国传统〔wing chair〕An armchair with a high back from which project large, enclosing side pieces.高背椅:一种靠背很高的扶手椅,靠背边突出大而围住的侧边美国传统He has a deep slash across his face / on his arm / in his side, where he was hit by flying glass.在他的脸上/手臂上/侧边有一条被飞来的玻璃割出的很深的伤痕。剑桥国际

