
单词 倾侧
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bank〕The plane made a steep bank to avoid the tall building.飞机大坡度倾侧转弯,以避开那座高大的建筑。英汉大词典〔boxhaul〕To turn (a square-rigged ship) about on the heel by bracing the sails aback.使船抢风转向:通过用帆角索将帆逆转以在船倾侧转动(方帆装船)美国传统〔careen〕He careened his sailboat to repaint the hull.他将他的帆船倾侧过来重新油漆船体。英汉大词典〔careen〕Men worked on careened dhows while, further out, fishermen beat the waters around their nets.工人们在修理倾侧的独桅三角帆船, 稍远处渔夫们在拍打渔网周围的水面。外研社新世纪〔careen〕The act or process of careening a ship.船的倾侧倾侧船的行为或过程美国传统〔careen〕The position of a careened ship.船倾侧的位置美国传统〔careen〕The ship is laid on a careen.船被倾侧搁置。英汉大词典〔careen〕Their ship was put into port to careen and refit.他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。21世纪英汉〔careen〕They were careening their ship.他们正在将船倾侧外研社新世纪〔careen〕To cause (a ship) to lean to one side; tilt.使船倾侧:使(船)斜向一侧;使倾斜,使歪斜美国传统〔careen〕To clean, caulk, or repair (a ship in this position).将(船倾侧后)进行清扫、堵缝或修理美国传统〔careen〕To lean (a ship) on one side for cleaning, caulking, or repairing.倾侧以便整理:为清扫,捻缝,或修理,将(船)倾侧美国传统〔careen〕To lean to one side, as a ship sailing in the wind.倾侧:偏向一边,如一艘在风中行驶的船美国传统〔careen〕To turn a ship on its side for cleaning, caulking, or repairing.倾侧以便整理:为清扫、捻缝或修理,将船倾侧美国传统〔heel〕A tilt, as of a boat, to one side.倾侧倾侧度:向一边的倾斜,如一条船美国传统〔heel〕The boat heeled over in a strong wind.船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。英汉大词典〔heel〕The boat heeled over in the strong wind.船在狂风中倾侧了。牛津高阶〔heel〕The boat heeled steeply during the turn.这条小船在转弯时倾侧得很厉害。外研社新世纪〔list〕An inclination to one side, as of a ship; a tilt.倾侧:倾向一边,如船;倾侧美国传统〔list〕The ship has a list to starboard.船向右倾侧英汉大词典〔list〕The ship listed again, and she was thrown back across the bunk.船再次倾侧了,她又被甩回床铺的另一头。柯林斯高阶〔list〕The ship's list was so strong now that almost at once she stumbled.船现在倾侧得太厉害, 她几乎立刻就摔倒了。外研社新世纪〔list〕The ship's list was so strong now that almost at once she stumbled.船现在倾侧得太厉害,她几乎立刻就摔倒了。柯林斯高阶〔tilt〕He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.他将大桶倾侧倒空。21世纪英汉〔unbalance〕Her whole body began to buckle, unbalancing the ladder.她整个身体开始弯曲,搞得梯子倾侧起来。柯林斯高阶The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船受强风吹袭倾侧了。译典通

