
单词 安达
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Andamanese〕The language of the Andamanese, of no known linguistic affiliation.安达曼语:安达曼语,不从属于任何语言体系美国传统〔Hutu〕A member of a Bantu people inhabiting Rwanda and Burundi.胡突人:一群居住于卢安达及蒲隆地的班图人美国传统〔Malacca〕A channel between Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula connecting the Andaman Sea with the South China Sea.马六甲海峡:位于苏门答腊岛和马来半岛之间的海峡,沟通安达曼海和南中国海美国传统〔Martaban〕An arm of the Andaman Sea off southern Burma.马达班湾:缅甸南部安达曼海的一个海湾美国传统〔Nicobar Islands〕An island group in the Bay of Bengal northwest of Sumatra. They are part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands belonging to India.尼古巴群岛:位于苏门答腊岛西北方的孟加拉湾内的一组岛屿。属于安达曼群岛的一部分且归印度管辖美国传统〔Tutsi〕A member of a Bantu-speaking people inhabiting Rwanda and Burundi.图西人:说班图语民族的一支,居住于卢安达与蒲隆地美国传统〔flamenco〕A dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythms.佛来明哥舞风格:安达鲁西亚吉普赛人的一种强劲的、常伴随有即兴节奏的舞蹈风格美国传统〔home〕Andalusia, the home of flamenco 安达卢西亚,弗拉门柯舞的发源地牛津搭配〔quieten〕Javed Miandad appealed for calm, but he failed to quieten the protesters.贾维德‧米安达德呼吁保持冷静,但他未能让抗议者安静下来。朗文当代

