
单词 好时机
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECIDE〕Kaldor judged that the moment was exactly right to call an election. 卡尔多断定此时正是举行选举的大好时机朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕It's a good time to buy a computer, because prices are low. 现在是买电脑的好时机,因为价格低。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Now is a good time to start applying for jobs. 现在是求职的好时机朗文写作活用〔any〕This is as good a time as any to discuss it.这是个讨论此事的好时机外研社新世纪〔baton〕It is probably the right time for someone else to be picking up the baton.现在可能是由他人担起这份责任的好时机外研社新世纪〔buy〕Stock prices are low, so now is a good time to buy.现在股票价格很低,正是买入的好时机韦氏高阶〔close season〕The close season is a good time to overhaul your tackle, particularly rods and poles.禁渔期是彻底检修渔具的好时机, 尤其是鱼竿。外研社新世纪〔corner the market〕They saw the great opportunity to corner the market and earned a lot of money.他们看准了垄断市场的大好时机并赚了很多钱。21世纪英汉〔declutter〕Moving is a good opportunity to declutter.搬家是清理无用杂物的好时机牛津高阶〔dynamics〕The fight for the leadership gave a fascinating insight into the group's dynamics.这场争夺领导权的斗争给了人们一个洞察该团体内部变革动力的良好时机剑桥高阶〔go out〕It will be a marvellous occasion and they should go out and enjoy it.这是个好时机,他们应该出去痛快地玩一玩。柯林斯高阶〔growth〕He sees his college years as an opportunity for personal growth.他把大学时代看作是个人发展的好时机韦氏高阶〔hunt〕August is a good time to hunt out bargains.8月是搜罗便宜货的好时机麦克米伦高阶〔invest〕Now is a good time to invest in the property market.现在是对房地产市场投资的好时机牛津高阶〔junket〕It was an occasion for rejoicing and junketing.这是一次进行庆祝并举行宴会的好时机外研社新世纪〔lose〕He must realize that an outstanding opportunity has been lost.他必定意识到错过了一次大好时机麦克米伦高阶〔mistime〕He mistimed his kick and missed the ball.他那一脚没把握好时机,所以没踢到球。朗文当代〔moment〕If you want a private conversation with her you'll have to choose your moment (= find a suitable time).如果你想私下和她谈谈,必须选好时机剑桥高阶〔moment〕This is surely the right moment to make amends.这的确是补救的好时机麦克米伦高阶〔newness〕The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.新年伊始是反思过去一年诸多成就的好时机柯林斯高阶〔nonetheless〕There are serious problems in our country. Nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return.我们国家存在严重问题。但尽管如此,我们仍然感觉这是归国的好时机剑桥高阶〔opportune〕The time would seem to be opportune to negotiate a halt to the arms race.看来这是通过谈判停止军备竞赛的大好时机英汉大词典〔opportune〕This seems to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.看来这将是恢复我们发展计划的大好时机剑桥高阶〔opportunity〕The weekend is a good opportunity for shopping.周末是买东西的好时机牛津同义词〔plunge〕If you have been thinking about buying shares, now could be the time to take the plunge.如果你一直在考虑购买股票,现在或许是采取行动的最好时机柯林斯高阶〔precisely〕It is precisely because the sector is depressed that it is the right time to invest.正因为该行业不景气, 所以现在是投资的好时机外研社新世纪〔print〕This might be a good time for Button's management to study the fine print of his contract.这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机柯林斯高阶〔sell〕Stock prices are increasing, so now is a good time to sell.股票价格在上升,正是抛售的好时机韦氏高阶〔sit tight〕This isn't a good time to sell a house. Let's just sit tight and see if the market improves.目前不是售房的好时机。我们不妨静观市场情况,看是否会好转。韦氏高阶〔slip away〕It's a good time for you to slip away.正是你溜之大吉的好时机21世纪英汉〔testimonial〕The book's popularity is a testimonial to its timeliness.本书大受欢迎说明其利用了好时机韦氏高阶〔then〕A: I'm meeting John for a drink this evening. B: Then would be the best time to discuss the matter with him.甲:我今天晚上要和约翰碰头喝酒。乙: 那将是跟他讨论这件事的最好时机英汉大词典〔time〕It seemed like a good time to tell her.那似乎是告诉她的好时机柯林斯高阶〔time〕Now is the right time for us to move to London.现在正是我们搬到伦敦去的好时机朗文当代〔time〕This isn't a good time to ask her.这不是问她的好时机外研社新世纪Now is a good time to invest in the property market.现在是投资房地产市场的好时机牛津商务People see this period as a good time to pick up bargains.人们认为这个季节是买降价货的好时机剑桥国际The success of a new product depends to a large extent on good timing.新产品的成功在很大程度上取决于良好时机的把握。牛津商务There are serious problems in the plan, nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return.这计划有些严重问题,不过我们感到这是回去的好时机剑桥国际This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.看来这是一个恢复我们的发展计划的大好时机剑桥国际We believe that technology stocks have reached their lowest point, so now is a good time to go long on these shares.我们认为科技股已经达到最低点,因此目前是做股票多头的好时机牛津商务

