
单词 存款人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bank account〕Funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.银行帐户:存入银行的资金,存款人可随意支取美国传统〔bankcard〕A card issued by a bank especially to identify the holder, used for receiving credit or for operating an automated teller machine.银行信用卡,提款卡:银行发给存款人的卡,尤指标明持卡人身份,用于赊购货物或用于操纵自动取款机美国传统〔fund〕The current account offers savers instant access to funds.活期账户使存款人可以随时取钱。牛津搭配〔penalty〕Savers also risk financial penalties if they try to recover their cash early.存款人如要提前取回现金, 就要冒损失财产的风险。外研社新世纪〔responsibility〕We have a responsibility to our shareholders and to our depositors.我们对股东和存款人负有责任。麦克米伦高阶〔unsuspecting〕The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors.此案的共同被告因向数千不明真相的存款人出售毫无价值的垃圾债券而被起诉。柯林斯高阶〔unsuspecting〕They are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors.他们因向数千名没有戒心的存款人出售毫无价值的垃圾债券而被起诉。外研社新世纪A depositor forgot to take the receipt. 一个存款人忘了拿走收据。译典通The government has sought to reassure depositors that the country's banks are in no danger of collapse.政府一直试图安抚存款人,称这国家的银行没有崩溃的危险。牛津商务

