
单词 污垢
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COVER〕He took off his gloves, which were deeply encrusted with dirt. 他脱下手套,上面沾了厚厚一层污垢朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕His hands and fingernails were filthy, his face and legs covered in muck. 他的双手和指甲肮脏不堪,脸上腿上沾满了污垢朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕His hands were black with grime from working on the car. 他修车弄得双手满是墨黑的污垢朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕On one wall of the entryway hangs a large oil painting, covered with grime. 通道的一面墙上挂着一幅大型油画,画上布满了污垢朗文写作活用〔Dickensian〕The bathrooms in this hotel are positively Dickensian - no hot water and grime everywhere.这家旅馆的浴室简直就像狄更斯书中的那样——不仅没有热水而且到处都是污垢剑桥高阶〔INCREASE〕There were gaps between the floorboards where dust and bits of grime had gathered. 地板之间有缝,里面积着灰尘和一块块污垢朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕Appalled at the state of the kitchen, she set about scrubbing away the layers of grime and grease. 厨房里的情况让她惊愕不已,于是动手把一层层的污垢和油污擦掉。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕The inscription was hidden beneath a layer of dirt and grime. 碑文隐藏在一层污垢之下。朗文写作活用〔announce〕The soil announces the article to have been long exposed on the shelf in the shop.污垢说明这件商品给搁在店堂货架上招灰尘已有好长时间。英汉大词典〔antifouling paint〕Paint that counteracts or prevents the fouling of underwater surfaces, such as the undersides of boats.防污油漆:可消除或防止水下表面,如船底,污垢的油漆美国传统〔besmear with〕After their work on the car their hands were besmeared with dirt.修完汽车后,他们手上沾满了污垢21世纪英汉〔black〕His hands were black with grime.他手上黑乎乎的全是污垢韦氏高阶〔cake〕The men were caked in layers of filth and grime.这些男人身上积了一层层污垢剑桥高阶〔clean〕She cleaned the dirt from her finger-nails.她从指甲里剔掉污垢21世纪英汉〔crud〕A coating or an incrustation of filth or refuse.污垢:污物或垃圾的覆盖层或凝结物美国传统〔crud〕I spent an hour scrubbing the crud off the old stove.我花了一个小时才把旧炉子上的污垢擦干净。韦氏高阶〔crud〕Something loathsome, despicable, or worthless.污垢,渣滓,可鄙者:令人厌恶、可鄙或无用的事物美国传统〔crud〕Sports Heavy, sticky snow that is unsuitable for skiing.【体育运动】 污垢雪:重而粘的雪,不适于在其上滑行美国传统〔crusted〕He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.他把所有沾满污垢的脏盘子都放到了厨房。外研社新世纪〔dab off〕Dab off remaining dirt with a damp cloth.用一块湿布擦掉残留污垢外研社新世纪〔dip〕She dipped her handkerchief in the water and gently began to wipe the dirt from his face.她先将手帕在水里蘸了蘸,然后开始轻轻地擦拭他脸上的污垢麦克米伦高阶〔dirt〕Clean up the dirt.把污垢清除。牛津同义词〔dirt〕His clothes were covered in dirt.他的衣服沾满了污垢牛津高阶〔dirt〕Massage your scalp to loosen any dirt.按摩你的头皮去除污垢牛津搭配〔dirt〕No amount of cleaning will get rid of all this dirt.再怎么清洁也去不掉所有污垢韦氏高阶〔dirt〕There is dirt on your face.你的脸上有污垢英汉大词典〔embed〕Dirt embeds under his fingernails.污垢嵌在他的指甲内。英汉大词典〔excrete〕Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt.人身上张开的毛孔排出汗水和污垢外研社新世纪〔excrete〕Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt.通过张开的毛孔排出汗液和污垢柯林斯高阶〔filth〕Go and wash that filth off your hands.去把你手上的污垢洗掉。文馨英汉〔filth〕The floor and furniture are covered in filth.地板和家具上满是污垢外研社新世纪〔fingernail〕I noticed I had dirt under my fingernails.我发现我的指甲下藏着污垢牛津搭配〔formulate〕This new kitchen cleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.这种新的厨房清洁剂能去除油渍和污垢牛津高阶〔grime〕Black dirt or soot, especially such dirt clinging to or ingrained in a surface.污垢,灰垢:黑色脏物或煤灰,尤指附着或深嵌在一个表面上的污垢美国传统〔grime〕Dirt and grime hung to their clothes.灰尘和污垢粘在他们的衣服上。牛津搭配〔grime〕Kelly got the grime off her hands before rejoining him in the kitchen.凯莉把手上的污垢弄掉, 然后重新回到厨房去帮他。外研社新世纪〔grime〕Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen.凯利洗去手上的污垢,又回到厨房来帮她的忙。柯林斯高阶〔grime〕The walls were covered with grime.墙上满是污垢剑桥高阶〔grime〕To cover with black dirt or soot; begrime.使积满污垢:被黑色污垢或煤灰覆盖、弄脏;沾污美国传统〔grimy〕His hands were grimy and his clothes spattered with oil.他的手满是污垢, 衣服上溅满了油渍。外研社新世纪〔grimy〕The child's face was grimy and streaked with tears.那个孩子脸上满是污垢,还挂着道道泪痕。剑桥高阶〔grind〕Dirt was ground into the carpet.污垢渍入了地毯。韦氏高阶〔gum〕Dirt had got inside the watch and gummed up the works.手表里进了污垢,把机件卡住了。朗文当代〔gunk〕Here's your problem. The fuel line's all gunked up.你的问题出在这里,燃油管全给污垢堵塞了。朗文当代〔ingrained〕He told the court he had noticed ingrained dirt on the accused's hands.他告诉法庭, 他注意到被告手上深嵌着的污垢外研社新世纪〔inventive〕When will the makers of chewing gum harness their inventive powers towards clearing up the mess their products make?口香糖生产商们何时才能将创造能力用到清除其产品所造成的污垢上面?外研社新世纪〔mophead〕Fluffy nylon mopheads collect dirt and dust.轻软的尼龙拖把头部会藏污垢文馨英汉〔mung〕Jones noticed the mung on Lyndon's never-brushed teeth.琼斯注意到林顿那从来不刷的牙齿上的污垢英汉大词典〔nail〕There was dirt under his nails.他的指甲缝里有污垢牛津搭配〔never〕The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin.重要的原则是决不清除贵重硬币上的污垢柯林斯高阶〔opaque〕The windows were nearly opaque with grime.窗户满是污垢,几乎不透光。牛津搭配〔scale〕Dentistry To remove (tartar) from tooth surfaces with a pointed instrument.【牙科学】 除牙垢:用带尖工具除去牙齿表面的(污垢美国传统〔scour off〕He scoured the crud off the grout in the shower stall.我们擦掉了淋浴间缝隙中的污垢外研社新世纪〔scour〕Sand is a good scour.用砂擦污垢很有效。英汉大词典〔scrub off〕I started to scrub off the dirt.我开始把污垢擦掉。外研社新世纪〔scrub〕To remove (dirt or stains) by hard rubbing.擦掉:通过使劲擦而去除(污垢或污点)美国传统〔sluice〕I sluiced the dirt down the drain.我引水把污垢冲下阴沟。牛津同义词〔varnish〕The painting was obscured by discoloured / discolored varnish and a heavy layer of grime.脱色的清漆和厚厚的一层污垢使这幅画变得模糊不清。牛津搭配〔wash〕She washed the dirt off (或 from) her clothes.她洗去了衣服上的污垢英汉大词典Her face was dirty (= marked with dust, earth, etc.) and tear-stained.她污垢满面,泪痕斑斑。剑桥国际His jeans were ingrained with dirt.他的牛仔裤尽是污垢剑桥国际I can't get the dirt off these shoes.这些鞋子上的污垢我弄不掉。剑桥国际I had to use scouring powder to get those stains off the sink.我得用除垢粉把水斗里的这些污垢擦掉。剑桥国际I wish you wouldn't leave the bath in such a scummy state.我希望你不要让浴缸积着一层污垢不管。剑桥国际The bathrooms in this hotel are positively Dickensian--no hot water and grime everywhere.这个旅店的浴室肯定属于狄更斯笔下的那种----没有热水,到处是污垢剑桥国际

