
单词 毫不在乎
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(a) thick/thin skin〕She has pretty thick skin when it comes to criticism.她脸皮厚,对批评毫不在乎韦氏高阶〔astonish〕What astonished me was that he didn't seem to mind.让我感到诧异的是他好像毫不在乎剑桥高阶〔blithe〕She shows a blithe disregard for danger.她对危险毫不在乎剑桥高阶〔care〕He says he couldn't care less if he gets fired.他说就算被解雇他也毫不在乎韦氏高阶〔damn〕I don't care a damn what you do.你干什么我毫不在乎英汉大词典〔dash〕He didn't care a dash.他毫不在乎英汉大词典〔dismissal〕Her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible.她对这些威胁毫不在乎而不予理会,似乎很不负责任。牛津高阶〔disregard〕Some students show a complete disregard for the rules of the school.有些学生毫不在乎学校的规章制度。韦氏高阶〔disregard〕The terrorists acted in complete/total disregard of human life.恐怖分子的行动毫不在乎人的生命。韦氏高阶〔feather〕I don't care a feather.我毫不在乎文馨英汉〔fiddlestick〕I don't care a fiddlestick for what they say.我毫不在乎他们所说的话。英汉大词典〔fig〕I don't care a fig for it.我对它毫不在乎文馨英汉〔fig〕I don't give a fig for what other people think of me.我毫不在乎别人对我有什么想法。英汉大词典〔gave〕He doesn't give a damn about it.对于那件事他毫不在乎21世纪英汉〔give a hoot〕I don't give two hoots about his problems.我毫不在乎他的那些问题。韦氏高阶〔give a sod〕I don't give/care a sod about what people say.别人怎么说,我毫不在乎韦氏高阶〔give〕He does not give a damn about it.对于那事他毫不在乎英汉大词典〔hoot〕They just don't give a hoot.他们根本毫不在乎柯林斯高阶〔impervious〕He carried on talking, impervious to the effect his words were having.他继续说着,毫不在乎他的话所带来的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔impervious〕He was completely impervious to criticism.他对批评毫不在乎牛津搭配〔jot〕She doesn't care a jot or tittle what they think of her behaviour.人家对她的行为有何看法,她丝毫不在乎英汉大词典〔monkey〕I don't give a monkey's if you drop down dead.如果你倒下死掉我也毫不在乎英汉大词典〔nonchalant〕He smiled nonchalantly.他毫不在乎地微微一笑。朗文当代〔personally〕Personally I couldn't care less.我个人毫不在乎文馨英汉〔rap〕I don't care [mind, give] a rap for his criticism.我毫不在乎他的批评。文馨英汉〔scrap〕I don't care a scrap.我毫不在乎文馨英汉〔show〕I made a show of interest, but I really couldn't have cared less.我装出一副很感兴趣的样子,但实际上毫不在乎英汉大词典〔snap〕They don't give a snap about what others think.他们毫不在乎别人怎么想。英汉大词典〔splurge〕I splurged the extra money on a diamond ring.我把这笔外快毫不在乎地用来购买一只钻戒。英汉大词典〔surprise〕What surprised me most was that she didn't seem to care.最令我感到意外的是,她好像毫不在乎朗文当代〔tittle〕She didn't care a tittle.她毫不在乎文馨英汉〔whit〕He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.他毫不在乎文学的社会、政治或道德层面。柯林斯高阶Although she was desperate to win the contest, she pretended to be stoical about the outcome.虽然她拼命想赢得比赛,但她装得对结果毫不在乎剑桥国际I do not care a fig for his opinion. 我毫不在乎他的意见。译典通I wouldn't give a red cent for their chances of winning.对他们有获胜机会我毫不在乎剑桥国际She did not care a pin about it. 她对此毫不在乎译典通She doesn't care a rap for what her father says.对父亲说的话她毫不在乎剑桥国际She doesn't give two hoots about being in debt.她对负债毫不在乎剑桥国际

