
单词 机时
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕They gave me a really good deal on my camera. 我买照相机时他们给我很合算的折扣。朗文写作活用〔Dunkirk〕A condition in which a desperate last effort is the only alternative to total defeat.孤注一掷:只有孤注一掷的最后努力才能避免彻底失败的危机时美国传统〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕The first time I flew a plane alone, I felt both exhilarated and scared. 我第一次单独驾驶飞机时,感到既兴奋又害怕。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕I think we'd better get moving, it's only five minutes to boarding time. 我想我们得赶紧了,离登机时间只有五分钟了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Stop if you see a cashpoint, I have to get some money out. 你看见自动提款机时停一下,我得取些钱。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Opponents fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis. 反对者担心,在农村经济危机时期,该制度提供的帮助可能不够。朗文写作活用〔answer〕When they saw the plane, they knew their prayers had been answered.当他们看见飞机时,他们知道祷告应验了。麦克米伦高阶〔barf bag〕A disposable plastic or paper bag provided to a passenger by an airline for use in case of airsickness.呕吐袋:由航空公司提供给乘客的,在晕机时可使用的一次性塑料袋或纸袋美国传统〔behind〕When it came to a crisis, they all rallied behind their leader.遭遇危机时,他们都支持他们的领袖。麦克米伦高阶〔belongings〕Remember to take all your personal belongings from the overhead locker when you leave the plane.记住下飞机时拿走头顶行李箱里的所有个人物品。麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。牛津高阶〔body clock〕Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change.由于人体生物钟不能迅速对时差作出调整,因而产生了飞机时差反应。柯林斯高阶〔boot〕You don't need all these applications to open every time you boot your computer.你不需要每次开机时都运行这些程序。韦氏高阶〔break in〕When breaking in an engine, you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles.当磨合发动机时,最初的1,000英里里程内尽量不要高速行驶。柯林斯高阶〔carry〕Older managers carry more authority in a crisis.处理危机时较年长的经理更有威信。朗文当代〔color〕He seemed nice at first, but he showed his true colors during the crisis.他开始给人的印象很友好,但在危机时就露出了真面目。韦氏高阶〔computer age〕The current era as characterized by the development, applications, and sociopolitical consequences of computer technology.计算机时代:目前的年代,以计算机科技的发展、应用及其对社会政治的影响为特征美国传统〔computer〕Such a large sorting operation can take up a lot of computer time.如此庞杂的排序操作会占用很多计算机时间。牛津搭配〔contrast〕That is in stark contrast to the situation during the 1970 oil crisis.那和1970年石油危机时的情形完全不同。柯林斯高阶〔costly〕This process is costly in computer time.这个过程要耗费大量的计算机时间。牛津搭配〔crisis〕In times of crisis it's good to have someone you can rely on for advice.在危机时期,有个可以依靠的人提提建议真好。牛津搭配〔dawn〕The camera age was just dawning, and none of us had ever had our pictures taken before.照相机时代刚刚到来,以前我们没人照过相。麦克米伦高阶〔depend on/upon sb/sth〕You can always depend on Michael in a crisis.危机时刻你总是可以相信迈克尔。剑桥高阶〔doom〕The arrival of the home computer spelt doom for the typewriter.家用电脑的到来结束了打字机时代。麦克米伦高阶〔downtime〕On the production line, downtime has been reduced from 55% to 26%.在生产线上, 停机时间已经从55%降到了26%。外研社新世纪〔downtime〕On the production line, downtime has been reduced from 55% to 26%.生产线上停机时间从 55% 减到了 26%。柯林斯高阶〔drag〕Engineers are always looking for ways to minimize drag when they design new aircraft.工程师们设计新型飞机时一直寻找在最大程度上降低空气阻力的方法。剑桥高阶〔duty-free〕We can buy our duty-free while we're waiting at the airport.我们在机场候机时可以买些免税商品。剑桥高阶〔either〕When there's a crisis, they either do nothing or do something totally useless.发生危机时,他们或者什么也不做,或者做些无用功。麦克米伦高阶〔experience〕I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane.我上飞机时曾一度感到恐慌。牛津高阶〔fault〕When she tested the recorder she could find no fault with it.她测试录音机时并没有发现什么毛病。牛津搭配〔first-generation〕Computer Science Of, relating to, or being the period of computer technology distinguished by the use of vacuum tubes.【计算机科学】 第一代的:指使用真空管的计算机时代的或与之有关的美国传统〔first〕The first time I flew on a plane I was really nervous.我第一次乘飞机时确实很紧张。朗文当代〔flight〕We only had 20 minutes to make our connecting flight .我们只有 20 分钟的转机时间。朗文当代〔fluctuate〕During the crisis, oil prices fluctuated between $20 and $40 a barrel.在危机时期,每桶石油价格在 20 元至 40 元之间波动。牛津高阶〔fly〕He insists on flying first-class.乘飞机时,他坚持要坐头等舱。韦氏高阶〔fuse〕The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor.他按下按钮启动电动机时熔断器烧了。外研社新世纪〔gate〕When she got off the plane, her mother was waiting for her at the gate.她下飞机时,她的母亲正在到达口等着她。韦氏高阶〔get in a sweat〕He tends to get in a sweat about flying.他坐飞机时总是很担心。剑桥高阶〔hang tough〕The president is hanging tough on the hostage crisis.总统在处理人质危机时毫不妥协。剑桥高阶〔have〕I can't talk to him while he's got the television on.他开着电视机时我没法跟他说话。麦克米伦高阶〔huddle〕During the crisis the President's national security advisers huddled.危机时期,总统的国家安全顾问们聚到了一起美国传统〔in-flight〕I always read the in-flight magazine.我在坐飞机时总是看飞机上提供的杂志。剑桥高阶〔jet〕He was photographed boarding his private jet.他在登上自己的私人喷气式飞机时被拍到了。牛津搭配〔jiggle〕It's hard to avoid a few jiggles when you're using a video camera.使用摄像机时,手抖几下是难免的。韦氏高阶〔jumble〕He jumbled the wires up when he moved the TV.他搬动电视机时将电线缠在一起了。韦氏高阶〔knock sth off〕He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.他在酒馆里出售偷来的车载收音机时,被当场抓住。剑桥高阶〔local government〕The study looked at the role of local governments in the financial crisis.这份报告研究了各地方政府在金融危机时的作用。剑桥高阶〔log〕The plane logs 500 miles an hour.这架飞机时速为500英里。21世纪英汉〔midst〕Nixon went to China in the midst of a crisis at home.正当本国发生危机时,尼克松总统前往中国访问。麦克米伦高阶〔midst〕The government is in the midst of a major crisis.政府正处于重大危机时期。朗文当代〔onto〕As he got on to the plane, he asked me how I was feeling.他上飞机时问我感觉如何。柯林斯高阶〔on〕I'll get some work done while I'm on the plane.乘飞机时我要把一些工作做完。麦克米伦高阶〔on〕When you turn the computer on, it goes through a procedure called booting.当你打开计算机时,计算机就进入启动程序。麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine.这些工人在操作隧道挖掘机时被大量的落石困住了。柯林斯高阶〔overarching〕Computer downtime is an overarching problem in all departments.计算机停机时间是所有部门的一个首要问题。韦氏高阶〔page〕He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.航班登机时, 广播中反复呼叫他。外研社新世纪〔page〕He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.航班登机时,广播里反复呼叫他。柯林斯高阶〔personal〕Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane.乘客们被提醒下飞机时要带走所有个人物品。剑桥高阶〔possession〕Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.下飞机时请记得携带好所有个人物品。剑桥高阶〔power-up〕Does the computer beep on power-up? 电脑开机时有发出“哔”的响声吗?牛津高阶〔professional〕I was impressed by the calm and professional way she handled the crisis.她处理此次危机时头脑冷静并且表现专业,给我留下了深刻的印象。韦氏高阶〔pull together〕In times of crisis, we all need to pull together.在危机时刻, 我们都需要通力合作。外研社新世纪〔register〕Next time you have the register open, could you give me some change? 你下次打开收银机时,给我些零钱好吗?剑桥高阶〔ring ... up〕The bill came to $60,but the salesgirl rang up $90 by mistake.账单为60美元,但女售货员在打现金收入记录机时误记为90美元。21世纪英汉〔rule〕An important rule is to drink plenty of water during a flight.坐飞机时有个重要的原则, 那就是多喝水。外研社新世纪〔service charge〕There's a £1 service charge for using another bank's cash machine.用其他银行的取款机时需支付1英镑的服务费。麦克米伦高阶〔shear off〕The aircraft's wings were sheared off in the crash.机翼在坠机时断裂了。外研社新世纪〔shear off〕The aircraft's wings were sheared off in the crash.机翼在坠机时断裂了。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare.我赶上飞机时距离起飞只剩两分钟了。剑桥高阶〔statesmanlike〕He was commended for his statesmanlike handling of the crisis.他处理那场危机时,因表现出政治家的才干而受到称赞。牛津高阶〔temperamental〕The printer's being temperamental this morning.今天上午这台打印机时好时坏。牛津高阶〔temperamental〕You have to treat our DVD player very carefully - it's old and temperamental.你用我们的光盘机时得格外小心——它很旧了,而且性能不稳定。剑桥高阶〔the House of Commons〕The mood was sombre as the Commons sat down on Wednesday to debate the crisis.星期三下议院开会辩论那场危机时气氛很严肃。剑桥高阶〔ticketless〕By the end of the year, 30 percent of passengers will be flying ticketless.到今年年底,30%的乘客将在飞机时不需出示纸质机票。剑桥高阶〔till〕Next time you have the till open, could you give me some change? 下次打开收银机时,你给我些零钱好吗?剑桥高阶〔troubleshooting〕The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the TV.产品说明书中包括“排忧解难”这一节,旨在帮助你解决使用电视机时可能遇到的简单问题。剑桥高阶〔when〕She was often nervous when facing the camera.她面对照相机时常常很紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔window〕I always ask for a window seat when I fly.我坐飞机时,总是要个靠窗的座位。牛津搭配〔wit〕To remain alert or calm, especially in a crisis.警觉:保持头脑警觉或镇静,尤指在危机时美国传统〔wrestle〕She was wrestling with her luggage as she boarded the plane.登机时,她费力地移动着行李。韦氏高阶Flight boarding times are displayed on the overhead monitors.登机时间显示在头顶上方的显示器上。牛津商务Flying is exciting the first time you do it but you soon become jaded.第一次驾驶飞机时你会很兴奋,但你马上就会厌倦的。剑桥国际He felt like a homicide as he raised the gun and pulled the trigger. 他举枪扣动扳机时,感觉自己像个杀人犯。译典通Her movements were deft and quick, as she assembled the radio.她组装收音机时,动作熟练迅速。剑桥国际I always fly business class.我坐飞机时总是乘坐商务舱。牛津商务I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare.我赶上飞机时距起飞时间只有2分钟了。剑桥国际I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/by the TV camera, I became very nervous.我以为我会保持镇静,但当面对摄像机时,我变得紧张万分。剑桥国际I was provided with no explanation of how the camera worked when I bought it.我买这架照相机时,没人向我解释如何使用它。剑桥国际If he's going to hold his party together in this time of crisis, it will require a herculean effort.如果他想在这种危机时刻保持党的团结,那他得花很大的努力。剑桥国际My PC freezes on shutdown.我的个人电脑关机时死机了。牛津商务My shirt was in shreds when I took it out of the washer.当我将衬衫拿出洗衣机时,它成了碎布条。剑桥国际Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane.旅客们被提醒离开飞机时带走所有的私人物品。剑桥国际She just caught the end of the programme when she switched the TV on.她打开电视机时,正好看到了节目的结局。剑桥国际The downtime resulted in lost production.停机时间导致了产量的损失。牛津商务The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the television.产品说明书包括故障排除法, 将会帮助你解决使用电视机时所遇到的简单问题。剑桥国际The program saves your workspace when you shut down your computer.当关闭计算机时,这一程序会把工作区贮存起来。牛津商务They scrimped on oil as much as they could during the energy crisis. 他们在能源危机时期尽量节省汽油。译典通When buying a computer, go for a brand name (= buy one made by a well-known company).购买计算机时,要买名牌(知名公司生产的计算机)。牛津商务You have to treat our video recorder very carefully -- it's rather temperamental.你用我们的录像机时得格外小心----它性能很不稳定。剑桥国际

