
单词 牧师的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Methodist〕He comes from a family of Methodist preachers.他来自一个循道宗教会牧师的家庭。韦氏高阶〔RR.〕Right Reverend.主教大人(冠于主教姓名前的尊称)牧师的权利美国传统〔advent〕Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.圣保罗教堂新牧师的到来使德特福德变得生机勃勃。柯林斯高阶〔advent〕Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.随着圣保罗教堂新牧师的到来, 德特福德有了生机。外研社新世纪〔altar boy〕An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.祭童,祭台助手:在祭祀仪式中司祭牧师的助手;帮手美国传统〔altar server〕An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.侍僧,祭坛助手:礼拜仪式中主持牧师的助手;侍僧美国传统〔archpriest〕An honorific title applied to a priest, which may be accompanied by a specific function.大司祭:用于牧师的荣誉称号,可能伴有特别职能美国传统〔chaplain〕He joined the 40th Division as an army chaplain.他以随军牧师的身份加入第40师。柯林斯高阶〔church〕The clerical profession; clergy.牧师的职业;牧师美国传统〔clergy〕The Pope may consult certain sections of the clergy, but he alone decides.教皇可能会咨询一些牧师的意见,但由他独自作决定。麦克米伦高阶〔clerical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy.教士的,牧师的:神职人员的、与之相关的或具备其特征的美国传统〔curacy〕He's got a curacy in the North of England.他在英格兰北部谋了个助理牧师的职位。剑桥高阶〔curacy〕The office, duties, or term of office of a curate.助理牧师:助理牧师的职位、工作或任期美国传统〔curate〕A cleric who assists a rector or vicar.助理牧师:协助教区长或教区牧师的教职人员美国传统〔cure〕Ecclesiastical Spiritual charge or care, as of a priest for a congregation.【基督教会】 宗教监护:宗教上的管理或监护,如礼拜会牧师的监护美国传统〔cure〕The office or duties of a curate.助理牧师:助理牧师的职务或职责美国传统〔do〕Mrs. Jones does for the vicar now his wife's passed on.牧师的妻子过世了,琼斯太太帮他料理家务。韦氏高阶〔drivel〕And he drivels about the minister's language being unhelpful.接着他胡言乱语, 说牧师的话毫无帮助。外研社新世纪〔ease〕The priest's words had eased her mind, though a small doubt remained.牧师的话使她放心了, 不过她仍存有一丝疑虑。外研社新世纪〔fire and brimstone〕The preacher's sermon was full of fire and brimstone.那位牧师的布道词里满是死后下地狱受永恒煎熬的言辞。剑桥高阶〔holy order〕The rank of an ordained Christian minister or priest. Often used in the plural.授过职的神父或牧师的职衔,通常用复数美国传统〔imbibe〕As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。柯林斯高阶〔imbibe〕As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.身为牧师的儿子, 他从尚在襁褓时起便接受了一套神秘主义信仰。外研社新世纪〔manse〕A cleric's house and land, especially the residence of a Presbyterian minister.牧师的住宅及土地,尤指长老会牧师的宅地美国传统〔ministerial〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a minister of religion or of the ministry.牧师的,牧师职务的:与宗教的牧师或牧师职务有关的或有其特征的美国传统〔ministry〕She learned a lot during her first year of ministry.她在担任牧师的第一年学到了很多东西。韦氏高阶〔ministry〕So what prompted him to enter the ministry?是什么促使他成为一名牧师的呢?外研社新世纪〔ministry〕The clergyman's ministry covered a period of fifty years.这位牧师的任期前后有50年之久。英汉大词典〔ministry〕The period of service of a minister.牧师任期:充当牧师的时限美国传统〔ministry〕The profession, duties, and services of a minister.牧师职务:牧师的职业、职务和服务美国传统〔motion〕The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests.教会投票决定启动允许妇女当牧师的程序。朗文当代〔ordain〕To authorize as a rabbi.授权:授予犹太教牧师的权力美国传统〔parentage〕The novel starts when a child of unknown parentage is left at the house of the local priest.小说是以一个双亲不明的孩子被遗弃在当地牧师的门前开始的。剑桥高阶〔parish〕The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms.堂区的全体教徒敞开怀抱欢迎新牧师的到来。外研社新世纪〔parsonage〕The official residence usually provided by a church for its parson; a rectory.牧师住宅管辖区:通常由教会提供给牧师的正式寓所;教区长的管辖区美国传统〔pastorate〕The office, rank, or jurisdiction of a pastor.牧师的职位或管辖区域美国传统〔pastorium〕The residence of a pastor; a parsonage.牧师住所;教区牧师的封地美国传统〔path〕The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.英国国教会给想成为牧师的女性设置了重重障碍。外研社新世纪〔path〕The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.英国国教在妇女成为牧师的道路上设置了重大障碍。柯林斯高阶〔prebendary〕An Anglican cleric holding the honorary title of prebend without a stipend.名誉牧师:持有受俸牧师的名誉头衔但无俸禄的英国圣公会牧师美国传统〔prebend〕A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.教堂牧师的俸禄:主管牧师从圣公会在教堂或大教堂的基金或收入中抽取的俸禄;总教堂或教堂牧师的财产美国传统〔priestly〕Priestly robes hang on the walls.牧师的袍服挂在墙上。外研社新世纪〔père〕Père Roman Catholic Church Used as a title for certain priests. Père 【罗马天主教】 神父:用作某种牧师的称谓美国传统〔randy〕There's nothing like a sex scandal involving a randy vicar to set tongues wagging.没有什么能像好色牧师的性丑闻那样引得人们议论纷纷。外研社新世纪〔residentiary〕A member of the clergy required to live in an official residence.驻堂教士:被要求居住在正式住所的牧师的一个成员美国传统〔simple〕He preferred to pursue the simple life of a lowly priest.他希望能过上一名下级牧师的简朴生活。外研社新世纪〔smartly〕The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar's desk to answer the call.管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。柯林斯高阶〔squeeze shut〕The priest's eyes were squeezed shut against the light.灯光下牧师的双眼紧紧闭着。外研社新世纪〔the priesthood〕He left the priesthood to get married.他放弃牧师的职位,结了婚。剑桥高阶〔unite〕They were united by the local priest.他们是在当地牧师的主持下结婚的。英汉大词典〔vicarage〕The benefice of a vicar.牧师的薪俸美国传统〔vicarage〕The duties or office of a vicar; a vicariate.牧师职位:牧师的职责或者职位;牧师职位美国传统〔vicarage〕The residence of a vicar.牧师的住址美国传统〔vicarate〕A vicariate.教区牧师的职位美国传统〔vicarial〕Of or relating to a vicar.牧师的牧师的或与牧师有关的美国传统〔vicariate〕The district under a vicar's jurisdiction.教区牧师的辖区美国传统〔vicariate〕The office or authority of a vicar.牧师的职位或者权力美国传统〔vicar〕Roman Catholic Church A priest who acts for or represents another, often higher-ranking member of the clergy.【罗马天主教】 代牧:模仿或代理另一个牧师的神职人员,经常指高职位的牧师美国传统〔vocation〕They are set on living out their vocation as priests.他们决心要实践身为牧师的使命。牛津搭配But, alas, Miss Twining's love for the parson was unrequited.但是,唉,特宁小姐对牧师的爱是没有回报的。剑桥国际He left the priesthood (= the position of being a priest) and got married.他放弃牧师的职位,结了婚。剑桥国际He's got a curacy (=job as a curate) in the North of England.他在英格兰北部找到个助理牧师的职位。剑桥国际Not that old chestnut about the vicar again! 别再讲那个关于牧师的老笑话了!剑桥国际

