
单词 燃烧起来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕The candle flickered briefly, then burned with a steady flame. 烛火微微摇曳不定,接着便稳定地燃烧起来朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The fire spread slowly until it reached the gas cylinders, then the factory went up in flames. 火缓缓地蔓延到煤气瓶那里,之后整座工厂就猛烈燃烧起来朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The heat from the stove almost set the wallpaper on fire. 炉子里散发出来的热力几乎使墙纸燃烧起来朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The spilled gasoline suddenly flared up in a sheet of flame. 溢出的汽油猛地燃烧起来,霎时间一片大火。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕Investigators say the fire probably broke out in the hotel kitchen. 调查人员认为这次火灾可能最先从该旅馆的厨房燃烧起来朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The car smashed into the post, turned over, and burst into flames. 汽车撞到柱子上,翻倒后燃烧起来朗文写作活用〔ablaze〕The whole building was soon ablaze.整栋大楼很快就熊熊燃烧起来牛津高阶〔aflame〕The whole building was soon aflame.整栋大楼很快就燃烧起来牛津高阶〔awning〕The hotel awning blazed up.酒店的遮棚燃烧起来外研社新世纪〔blaze up〕The building caught fire, and blazed up.那座建筑物着火燃烧起来了。21世纪英汉〔burst〕The aircraft crashed and burst into flames(= suddenly began to burn).飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧起来牛津高阶〔burst〕The plane burst into flames.飞机一下子燃烧起来英汉大词典〔burst〕Their helicopter burst into flames after hitting a power line.他们的直升机撞到电线后一下子燃烧起来麦克米伦高阶〔explosion〕There were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames.两声巨响之后建筑物便燃烧起来牛津高阶〔flame up〕The fire flamed up when we thought it was out.我们以为火已经熄灭时,火又燃烧起来21世纪英汉〔flame up〕The fire, which had seemed to be on the point of going out, suddenly flamed up anew.火看上去就要熄灭了, 可突然又猛烈燃烧起来外研社新世纪〔flame〕The car flipped over and burst into flames (= started burning immediately).汽车翻了,顿时起火燃烧起来剑桥高阶〔flame〕The dry sticks burst into flame(s).干柴呼地燃烧起来英汉大词典〔flame〕The helicopter burst into flames after hitting a power line.直升机撞上电线一下子燃烧起来朗文当代〔flame〕The plane burst into flame(s)(= suddenly began burning strongly).飞机突然猛烈燃烧起来牛津高阶〔flare〕Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.营火突然熊熊燃烧起来, 就像黑暗中的灯塔。外研社新世纪〔flare〕Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.营火突然熊熊燃烧起来,看上去就像黑暗中的航标灯。柯林斯高阶〔flare〕To flame up with a bright, wavering light.(火焰)摇曳:燃烧起来,并伴随有明亮、摇曳的光美国传统〔foci〕If you focus the sun's rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning.如果你用取火镜使太阳光线聚焦在干木头上,木头就会燃烧起来21世纪英汉〔go〕The whole building went up in just a few minutes.短短几分钟内整幢建筑就迅速燃烧起来麦克米伦高阶〔ignite〕The paper ignited when the spark fell on it.当火星落在那张纸上时,它立即燃烧起来21世纪英汉〔kindle〕We watched as the fire slowly kindled.我们看着火慢慢地燃烧起来牛津高阶〔lick〕The flames licked the wood and it started to burn.大火蔓延到了林区, 树木开始燃烧起来外研社新世纪〔merrily〕The fire soon began to burn merrily.火很快就熊熊燃烧起来朗文当代〔quicken〕The ashes were quickened into flames.拨动灰烬使火苗燃烧起来21世纪英汉〔raging〕The fire had become a raging blaze.大火熊熊燃烧起来朗文当代〔rekindle〕The fire was rekindling ten minutes later.十分钟后火又重新燃烧起来21世纪英汉〔torch〕The house went up like a torch.房子像火炬一样熊熊燃烧起来外研社新世纪If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,该装置将短路并可能燃烧起来剑桥国际Several refugee hostels have gone up (in flames) during firebomb attacks by right-wing extremists.几处难民营受到极右翼分子的燃烧弹攻击而熊熊燃烧起来剑桥国际The liquid spontaneously ignited.这种液体自发燃烧起来剑桥国际There was a series of explosions and the van burst into flames (=started to burn violently).发生了一系列的爆炸,货车突然燃烧起来剑桥国际

