
单词 燕麦
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHORT〕The new labelling is more succinct and advises consumers simply that oat bran may help prevent heart disease. 新的标签更加简洁扼要,只忠告消费者说燕麦麸有助于预防心脏病。朗文写作活用〔all〕By cereals we mean wheat, oats, rye, barley, and all that.我们说谷类,指的是小麦、燕麦、黑麦、大麦,以及诸如此类的东西。英汉大词典〔bannock〕A flat, usually unleavened bread made of oatmeal or barley flour.燕麦饼,大麦饼:一种由燕麦粉或大麦粉做成的扁平的,通常未经发酵的面饼美国传统〔barley〕Oats, barley, and lentils are all delicious in soups.燕麦、大麦和兵豆做汤都很好吃。外研社新世纪〔bedevil〕The largest oats and barley-producing states are bedevil(l)ed by drought.生产燕麦和大麦主要的几个州被旱灾困扰得苦不堪言。英汉大词典〔burgoo〕New England Any of several thick stews, originally an oatmeal porridge.【新英格兰】 燕麦薄粥:一种稠的焖菜,来源于一种燕麦片食品美国传统〔cereal〕A grass such as wheat, oats, or corn, the starchy grains of which are used as food.谷物:一种如小麦、燕麦或玉米的禾本科植物,其淀粉质谷粒可作为食物美国传统〔clear〕He cleared a plateful of oatcakes.他把一满盘燕麦饼吃得精光。英汉大词典〔consistency〕The overcooked oatmeal had a consistency resembling paste.那煮过头的燕麦粥黏得像浆糊。英汉大词典〔consume〕Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.很多人食用燕麦麸后胆固醇水平下降了。柯林斯高阶〔consume〕Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.很多人食用燕麦麸后胆固醇水平降低了。外研社新世纪〔cookie〕Try some fruit bran or oatmeal cookies and muffins.吃一些水果粗粮味或燕麦味的曲奇饼和松饼吧。外研社新世纪〔crop〕The main crops were oats and barley.主要作物是燕麦和大麦。朗文当代〔dribble〕She dribbled some milk onto the cereal.她把一些奶滴在燕麦片上。21世纪英汉〔feed〕He fed oats to his horse.=He fed his horse on [with] oats.他以燕麦喂马。文馨英汉〔feed〕We fed the horses with/on apples, oats, and hay.我们给马喂苹果、燕麦和干草。韦氏高阶〔flummery〕A sweet, gelatinous pudding made by straining boiled oatmeal or flour.燕麦布丁:一种用煮熟的燕麦片或面粉过滤制成的有甜味的胶状布丁美国传统〔freak〕Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year.燕麦麸去年成了保健狂人的最爱。外研社新世纪〔freak〕Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year.燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。柯林斯高阶〔gasp〕The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the electric range.那一大桶燕麦粥在电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。英汉大词典〔granola〕Rolled oats mixed with various ingredients, such as dried fruit, brown sugar, and nuts, and used especially as a breakfast cereal.格兰诺拉麦片:在燕麦卷中混有许多配料,如干果、黄糖和坚果,尤用作指早餐食品美国传统〔groats〕Hulled, usually crushed grain, especially oats.去壳谷粒:去壳的,通常为压碎的谷物,尤指燕麦美国传统〔impurity〕Our oatmeal face mask absorbs impurities from your skin.我们的燕麦面膜吸收皮肤上的杂质。朗文当代〔lump〕Oatmeal sometimes lumps when it cools.燕麦粥变冷时往往会结块。英汉大词典〔lunch box〕Magnus put oatcakes and cheese into his lunch box and went quickly outside.马格努斯把燕麦饼和干酪放进午餐盒里, 然后快步走了出去。外研社新世纪〔mixture〕The horses were fed a mixture of grass and oats.这些马喂的是草和燕麦的混合饲料。韦氏高阶〔muesli〕A mixture of usually untoasted rolled oats and dried fruit, often used as a breakfast cereal.穆兹利:一种用通常未烤过的卷状燕麦和干水果混在一起的用作早餐的混合物美国传统〔niceness〕Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy.加上燕麦让混合料变稠,然后搅拌成奶油状。柯林斯高阶〔oat grass〕Any of several oatlike grasses.燕麦状的草美国传统〔oatcake〕A flattened cake of baked oatmeal.燕麦饼:烤燕麦片扁蛋糕美国传统〔oatmeal〕A porridge made from rolled or ground oats.燕麦片粥或燕麦糊:用燕麦片或燕麦粉制成的粥美国传统〔oatmeal〕I usually add some oatmeal to the flour.我经常在面粉里加些燕麦外研社新世纪〔oatmeal〕Meal made from oats; rolled or ground oats.燕麦制品:燕麦制成的膳食;燕麦片或燕麦美国传统〔oats〕Oats can be effective in reducing cholesterol.燕麦可以有效降低胆固醇水平。外研社新世纪〔oats〕Oats provide good, nutritious food for horses.燕麦是营养丰富的优质马饲料。柯林斯高阶〔oats〕Oats provide good, nutritious food for horses.燕麦是马优良的营养食物。外研社新世纪〔oats〕These biscuits contain oats.这些饼干里含有燕麦剑桥高阶〔oat〕Archaic A musical pipe made of an oat straw.【古语】 麦杆苗:燕麦杆制成的管状乐器美国传统〔oat〕Oats is a crop grown mainly in cool climate.燕麦是一种主要在气候凉爽地区种植的庄稼。英汉大词典〔oat〕Oats is a crop grown widely in Europe.燕麦是在欧洲广泛栽种的一种作物。文馨英汉〔oat〕Oats were bad last year.去年燕麦收成不好。文馨英汉〔oat〕The grain of any of these plants, used as food and fodder.燕麦谷粒:这些植物的谷粒,用作食品和饲料美国传统〔oat〕The oats are ready for harvesting.燕麦可以收割了。英汉大词典〔peck〕The men carried only 2 pecks of oatmeal and 12 pounds of biscuit.这个男人只提了2配克的燕麦片和12磅的饼干。外研社新世纪〔porridge〕A soft food made by boiling oatmeal or another meal in water or milk.粥:一种用燕麦或其他麦粉在清水或牛奶中煮的软食美国传统〔pottage〕Archaic Porridge.【古语】 燕麦美国传统〔pulse〕Pulse several times until the mixture looks like oatmeal.节奏均匀地开关几次搅拌机,直到混合物看上去和燕麦粉差不多。朗文当代〔ration〕The horse was fed its ration of oats.这匹马是以定量燕麦饲养的。韦氏高阶〔relish〕He ate oatmeal bread with a relish of miserable cheese.他吃燕麦面包, 配上少得可怜的奶酪。外研社新世纪〔run〕Oats run forty-four pounds to the bushel.燕麦的重量一般每蒲式耳为44磅。英汉大词典〔second best〕Oatmeal is a good second best.燕麦粥是个不错的第二选择。柯林斯高阶〔slop〕His red swollen hands slopped oatmeal into our plates.他那红肿的手笨拙地把燕麦粥舀到我们的盘子里。英汉大词典〔sow〕These fields used to be sown with oats.这些地里过去种的是燕麦朗文当代〔umbrella〕Corn is an umbrella word for wheat, barley and oats.谷物是小麦、大麦和燕麦的总称。外研社新世纪Oats are a good source of carbohydrate.燕麦是一个良好的获取碳水化合物的来源。剑桥国际The biscuits contain oats.这些饼干里有燕麦剑桥国际Wheat, rice, barley, oats and maize are cereals.小麦、水稻、大麦、燕麦和玉米是谷类植物。剑桥国际

