
单词 有瑕疵
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEGAL〕Consumers have the legal right to demand their money back if a product is faulty. 如果产品有瑕疵,消费者依法享有要求退款的权利。朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕Imperfect goods are sold off cheaply. 有瑕疵的商品被廉价出售。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them. 法律上你有权把有瑕疵的产品退还给你购物的商店。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕Grade A vegetables have to be uniform in size and without marks or blemishes. 一级蔬菜必须大小相同,没有瑕疵朗文写作活用〔blemish〕Every piece is closely scrutinised, and if there is the slightest blemish on it, it is rejected.每一件物品都经过严格检查,稍有瑕疵就会被退回。柯林斯高阶〔defect〕The photograph shows slight defects due to age.这张照片因为年代久远而略有瑕疵牛津搭配〔faulty〕I returned the shirt because it was faulty.我把那件衬衫退回去了, 因为它有瑕疵外研社新世纪〔fault〕Clothes with faults are sold off cheaply through market stalls.有瑕疵的服装通过市场上的摊点廉价销售。麦克米伦高阶〔fault〕The sweater had a fault in it and I had to take it back.这件毛衣有瑕疵,我只好退货。朗文当代〔flawed〕Diamonds are still valuable, even when they are flawed.钻石即使有瑕疵,也仍然很贵重。剑桥高阶〔flaw〕He inspected the fabric for flaws.他检查了那个织物,看是否有瑕疵韦氏高阶〔flaw〕I returned the material because it had a flaw in it.我退掉了那块布料,因为有瑕疵剑桥高阶〔flaw〕To make or become defective.使有瑕疵:使或变得有缺陷美国传统〔full〕A full refund will be given if the item is faulty.如货有瑕疵将退回全部货款。牛津高阶〔imperfection〕Careful inspection in daylight revealed imperfections in the paintwork.经过在日光下细心检查,发现油漆涂层有瑕疵牛津搭配〔imperfection〕There are no imperfections in this china.这件瓷器没有瑕疵外研社新世纪〔imperfectly〕They have a huge selection of perfect, slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers, fridges and so on.他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。柯林斯高阶〔imperfect〕These goods are slightly imperfect.这些货物略有瑕疵牛津搭配〔morally〕Morally, she seems impeccable.在道德上,她似乎没有瑕疵文馨英汉〔ourselves〕We ourselves realize that there are flaws in the plan.我们自己意识到这个方案有瑕疵剑桥高阶〔recall〕The company has recalled all the faulty hairdryers.公司回收了所有有瑕疵的吹风机。牛津高阶〔rough edges〕He's a great player, but his game still has a few rough edges.他是一个优秀的足球运动员,但他的技艺仍有瑕疵剑桥高阶〔scrutinize〕The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws.珠宝商仔细查看钻石有没有瑕疵英汉大词典〔xeroderma pigmentosum〕A rare hereditary skin disorder caused by a defect in the enzymes that repair DNA damaged by ultraviolet light.着色性干皮病:一种罕见的遗传性皮肤病,由于修补DNA的有瑕疵的酶被紫外线所破坏而引起的失调美国传统All our sale items are slightly imperfect.我们所有的廉价商品都略有瑕疵牛津商务Flawed or imperfect goods are sold at reduced prices.有瑕疵或问题的货物均降价出售。牛津商务The wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the crystal. 酒杯因晶质玻璃有瑕疵以半价出售。译典通You have no recourse against the seller if the goods are faulty.如果货物有瑕疵,你对卖方无追索权。牛津商务

