“to be published”例句

单词 to be published
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔companion〕A companion volume is soon to be published.这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世。牛津高阶〔definitive〕The definitive version of the text is ready to be published.正式的文本很快就要发表了。牛津高阶〔diary〕O'Brien's diaries for the years 2006 to 2009 are to be published next year.奥布赖恩2006至2009年的日记将于明年出版。外研社新世纪〔due〕His new book is due to be published next year.他的新书预计明年出版。朗文当代〔later〕The book is to be published later in the week (或later this week).书将在本星期晚些时候出版。英汉大词典〔paper〕A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.学术论文:一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或宣读;学术文章或论文美国传统〔unwilling〕He was unwilling for his memoirs to be published.他不愿意让他的回忆录出版。文馨英汉The poet read out a poem as a foretaste of her new collection, to be published soon.那位诗人朗诵了一首诗,让大家预先体味体味她不久要出版一本新诗集。剑桥国际

