“the potato”例句

单词 the potato
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕Store the potatoes in a cool, dark, well-ventilated space. 把马铃薯储藏在阴凉不透光、通风良好的地方。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Prick the potatoes with a fork before cooking them. 烹饪前先用叉子叉一下马铃薯。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕I always like to grate some cheese over the potatoes before serving them. 端上桌之前我喜欢磨些干酪在马铃薯上。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground. 接近3月底的时候,马铃薯可以种在外面的地里。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕Prick the potatoes before baking them. 马铃薯在烘烤之前要戳几个洞。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Cut the potatoes into chunks and boil them for 15 minutes. 将马铃薯切成大块煮15分钟。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Scrub the potatoes, then put them in a pan of boiling water. 把马铃薯刷干净,然后放进一锅开水里。朗文写作活用〔baste〕Baste the potatoes occasionally.不时在马铃薯上涂点油。朗文当代〔boil〕Boil the potatoes for ten minutes.把土豆煮10分钟。外研社新世纪〔burn〕The potatoes have burnt (black).土豆烧焦了。英汉大词典〔burn〕I'm afraid I burned the potatoes.恐怕我把土豆烧糊了。韦氏高阶〔chit〕He chitted the potatoes.他把马铃薯上的芽除掉。21世纪英汉〔crisply〕Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp.将土豆片烤15分钟,直至酥脆。柯林斯高阶〔crop〕The potatoes cropped well this year.今年马铃薯丰收。牛津高阶〔crosswise〕Cut the potato crosswise rather than lengthwise into thin slices.土豆要横着切成薄片,不要竖着切。韦氏高阶〔dice〕Cut the potatoes into small dice.把土豆切成丁。剑桥高阶〔dice〕Peel and dice the potatoes.把土豆去皮并切成丁。剑桥高阶〔fry〕Fry the potatoes, covered, for about 20 minutes.盖上盖,将土豆煎 20 分钟。朗文当代〔halve〕Halve the potatoes lengthwise.把马铃薯竖着切成两半。朗文当代〔heap〕Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.把土豆皮扔到肥料堆上。牛津搭配〔layer〕Layer the potatoes and onions in a dish.把土豆和洋葱叠放在盘子里。牛津高阶〔layer〕Layer the potatoes, asparagus and salmon in the tin.把土豆、芦笋和大麻哈鱼分层装入罐头内。外研社新世纪〔lift〕All the potatoes have been lifted.所有马铃薯都已经给挖出来了。21世纪英汉〔loose〕The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags.土豆是散装而不是袋装出售。牛津高阶〔machine〕The potatoes are planted by machine.这些土豆是用机器种植的。牛津高阶〔mash〕Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter and herbs.将土豆捣成泥,然后拌入黄油和香草。剑桥高阶〔parboil〕Parboil the potatoes before you roast them.先把土豆焯一下,然后再烤。韦氏高阶〔parboil〕Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes.把土豆大致切一下,煮成半熟。柯林斯高阶〔prick〕Prick the skin of the potatoes with a fork before baking them.烤土豆前先用叉子在土豆上扎几个小孔。剑桥高阶〔put on〕I'll put the potatoes on.我来把土豆煮上。外研社新世纪〔quarter〕She quartered the potatoes.她把土豆分成了四份。韦氏高阶〔roast〕Roast the potatoes for 45 minutes.将土豆烤45分钟。外研社新世纪〔round〕Slice the potatoes into rounds.把马铃薯切成圆形薄片。朗文当代〔serving〕Pile the potatoes into a warm serving dish.将土豆堆在一个保温菜盘里。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕I'll just strain the potatoes.我会把土豆捞出来。外研社新世纪〔temperature〕Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.把欧芹拌入土豆里,放至常温后再端上桌。柯林斯高阶〔temperature〕Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.把欧芹拌入土豆里, 放至常温后再端上桌。外研社新世纪〔tuber〕Botany A swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise.【植物学】 块茎:一种肿大的、肉质的、通常为地下的茎块,如土豆,长有可抽出新芽的芽状凸起美国传统〔vegetable〕The potato is the most popular vegetable in this country.在这个国家,土豆是最受欢迎的蔬菜。剑桥高阶〔versatile〕The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable.马铃薯是一种用途极广的蔬菜。朗文当代〔work in〕Work in the potato and milk until the mixture comes together.把土豆和牛奶掺进去,直到混合物融合在一起为止。柯林斯高阶〔wormhole〕We found tiny wormholes in the potatoes.我们在土豆上发现了小虫孔。韦氏高阶The potatoes have burned and stuck to the bottom (= the lowest inside surface) of the pan.土豆被烧糊了,粘在锅底了。剑桥国际The potatoes should be wrapped in foil and placed in a hot oven.这些马铃薯应当用金属箔包起来,放在高温烤炉里。剑桥国际The potatoes were cooked in their jackets. 这些马铃薯是带皮煮的。译典通The potatoes were pared and cut into chunks. 马铃薯被削了皮并切成了块。译典通The potatoes will cook more quickly if you halve them before you put them in the oven.如果你在把土豆放进烤箱前把它们一切两半,它们就会更快地被烤熟。剑桥国际Cube (=Cut into small cubes) the potatoes.把土豆切成丁状。剑桥国际He scraped the potatoes before frying. 他炸马铃薯前先将马铃薯刮皮。译典通Prick the skin of the potatoes with a fork before baking them.烤土豆时先用叉在表皮上扎几个小孔。剑桥国际

