
单词 section
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕This section of the print has been blown up so that the enemy's tanks can be clearly seen. 照片的这部分已被放大,可以清楚地看到敌人的坦克。朗文写作活用〔C-section〕A cesarean section.剖腹产术美国传统〔Casbah〕Often casbah The older section of a city in northern Africa or the Middle East. 常作 casbah 非洲北部或中东城市的旧城区美国传统〔Catoctin Mountains〕A section of the Blue Ridge in northern Maryland extending from the Pennsylvania border south to Virginia. Camp David is located in the northern part.凯托克金山脉:北马里兰州内蓝岭的一部分,从宾夕法尼亚州向南绵延至弗吉尼亚州。坎普·戴维峰位于其北段美国传统〔Danelaw〕The sections of England under the jurisdiction of this law.施行丹麦法的英国地区美国传统〔George V Coast〕A section of the coastal area of Antarctica between Wilkes Land and Victoria Land. It is claimed by Australia.乔治五世海岸:南极洲威尔克斯地和维多利亚地之间的一段海岸,被澳大利亚取得美国传统〔Greenland Sea〕A section of the southern Arctic Ocean off the eastern coast of Greenland.格陵兰海:位于格陵兰岛东海岸的北冰洋南部的一部分美国传统〔INTERESTING〕Finally, in the last section of the talk I will cover a few miscellaneous topics which I think may be of interest. 最后,在演讲的最后部分我将谈到一些我认为会让人感兴趣的各种话题。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Particularly impressive is the horn section on the penultimate track, ‘Just Jivin’ Around'. 尤其好听的是倒数第二首“来跳摇摆舞吧”的小号乐组。朗文写作活用〔Lower Peninsula〕The section of Michigan between Lakes Michigan and Huron and south of the Straits of Mackinac.下岛:密歇根州的位于密歇根湖与休伦湖之间的,麦基诺水道南部的部分美国传统〔Mishnah〕A paragraph from this section of the Talmud.塔木德经这一部分的一段美国传统〔NEWSPAPERS〕The issue was debated by academics, and some sections of the quality press. 这个问题在学术界,以及大报上的一些专栏引起了讨论。朗文写作活用〔North Country〕The northern section of England north of the Humber estuary.英格兰北部:亨伯河口北面英格兰北部美国传统〔ORGANIZE〕The paintings in the exhibition are organized into five sections. 画展上的作品分成五个展区。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section. 我取了一辆手推车,把它推向冷冻食品区。朗文写作活用〔Petrified Forest〕A section of the Painted Desert in eastern Arizona reserved for its stonelike trees dating from the Triassic Period.石化林:美国亚利桑那州东部多色沙漠中的一个区域,保留着可追溯到三叠纪时代的石化树美国传统〔Philippine Sea〕A section of the western Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines and west of the Marianas.菲律宾海:西太平洋的一部分,位于菲律宾群岛以东和马里亚纳群岛以西美国传统〔REMOVE〕Please detach the last section of this form, fill it in, and return it to us. 撕下表格的最后一部分,填好并寄回给我们。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕The last section of the report sums up the arguments on both sides. 报告的最后一部分对双方的观点作了总结。朗文写作活用〔Spanish Main〕The section of the Caribbean Sea crossed by Spanish ships in colonial times. The treasure-laden ships were often raided by English buccaneers.加勒比海:殖民地时期西班牙商船来往的一段海域,英国海盗常袭击加勒比海装有财宝的船美国传统〔a tempo〕In the time originally designated; resuming the initial tempo of a section or movement after a specified deviation from it. Used chiefly as a direction.恢复原先的速度,用先前的速度:在原定的时间内;经过一个特定的偏移后,重新回到乐章或章节的最初节奏。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔abstract〕There is a section at the end of the magazine that includes abstracts of recent articles/books.杂志的最后一部分收录了近期发表的文章/出版的书籍的摘要。剑桥高阶〔addition〕Something added, such as a room or section appended to a building.增建物:增加的物,比如建筑物扩建的房间或部分美国传统〔afferent〕Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord.传入的:传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊髓美国传统〔annual ring〕The layer of wood formed in a plant during a single year. Annual rings appear concentric when viewed in cross section.年轮:一年里树木长出的层。从截面上看年轮呈同心圆状美国传统〔arch〕Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.【解剖学】 足弓,齿弓:具有弯曲的或弓状外形的器官或结构,尤指脚的骨架结构的两个弓形部分之一美国传统〔area〕Computer Science A section of storage set aside for a particular purpose.【计算机科学】 贮藏空间:分出用作特殊目的的存贮部分美国传统〔articulate〕Anatomy Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.【解剖学】 由关节连接的:由关节连接组成部分的;连接的美国传统〔basket〕The agreement deals with a variety of subjects grouped in three “baskets”or sections.协定涉及的各种问题归纳为三“组”或三部分。英汉大词典〔battery〕Music The percussion section of an orchestra.【音乐】 打击乐器组:管弦乐队的打击乐器组美国传统〔bifocal〕Having one section that corrects for distant vision and another that corrects for near vision, as an eyeglass lens.双光的:一个矫正远视而另一个矫正近视的,如眼镜美国传统〔bloodbath〕There has been a bloodbath in the retail section.零售业已经有很多人破产失业。麦克米伦高阶〔bottleneck〕A narrow or obstructed section, as of a highway or a pipeline.狭口,隘道:如公路或管道上狭窄或有障碍的部分美国传统〔breakfront〕A piece of furniture, such as a cabinet or a bookcase, in which the frontal plane is interrupted horizontally by a projecting central section.断层式橱,断层式书架:正面被突出的中间部分水平地中断的一件家具,如橱或书架美国传统〔browse〕He saw her browsing through the magazine section of the store.他看见她正在商店的杂志区浏览杂志。韦氏高阶〔caesarean〕The baby was born by Caesarean section.那婴儿是施行剖宫产手术出生的。牛津高阶〔cannon〕Zoology The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock, containing the cannon bone.【动物学】 炮骨,管骨:某些有蹄哺乳动物小腿的部分,位于跗关节或膝关节与球关节之间,含有炮骨美国传统〔cellblock〕A group of cells that make up a section or unit of a prison.监狱分区:组成监狱的区或单位的一组牢房美国传统〔cesarean〕Of or relating to a cesarean section.剖腹产的:属于或关于剖腹产手术的美国传统〔chorus〕A solo section based on the main melody of a popular song and played by a member of the group.独唱部分:一首流行歌曲主旋律上的独唱部分,由乐队一名成员演唱美国传统〔circle〕A curved section or tier of seats in a theater.楼厅包厢:剧院的弧形部分或座位层美国传统〔cistron〕A section of DNA that contains the genetic code for a single polypeptide and functions as a hereditary unit.顺反子:包含一个单一多肽基因编码的DNA片断,用作一个遗传学单位美国传统〔community〕Members are drawn from all sections of the local community.成员来自地方社区的各个部门。外研社新世纪〔concluding〕The concluding section provides some suggestions for using the library.最后一节提供了一些使用图书馆的建议。外研社新世纪〔contraflow〕A contraflow system is in operation on this section of the motorway.这段高速公路的一侧正在实行双向行驶。牛津高阶〔convenient〕The report can be conveniently divided into three main sections.这份报告不用费事就可划分为三个主要部份。牛津高阶〔court〕A large open section of a building, often with a glass roof or skylight.天井:建筑物的一片大的开阔区,通常有玻璃顶或阳光美国传统〔cross section〕The study interviews a wide cross section of US citizens.该研究采访了一大群有代表性的美国公民。麦克米伦高阶〔crus〕The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank.小腿,胫:位于膝盖和脚之间的腿部或后肢的部位;胫美国传统〔cyma reversa〕A cyma in which the upper section is convex and the lower section concave.波浪曲线装饰板:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凸的,而下部是凹的美国传统〔dado〕Architecture The section of a pedestal between base and surbase.【建筑学】 墩身:根基和基柱装饰线脚之间的基底部分美国传统〔dairy〕You'll find yogurt in the dairy section of the grocery store.你在杂货店的奶制品区可以买到酸奶。韦氏高阶〔deliver〕The baby was delivered by Caesarean section.这个婴儿是剖腹产下的。牛津高阶〔detox〕A section of a hospital or clinic in which patients are detoxified.解毒室:医院或医务室中病人解毒的地方美国传统〔directrix〕Mathematics The fixed curve traversed by a generatrix in generating a conic section or a cylinder.【数学】 准线:穿过产生圆锥部分或圆柱的母线而形成的固定曲线美国传统〔disassemble〕The frame disassembles into sections.那构架可拆成几部分。英汉大词典〔division〕One of the parts, sections, or groups into which something is divided.一组:某物被分割后其部分、区域或群组之一美国传统〔dodge〕To blunt or reduce the intensity of (a section of a photograph) by shading during the printing process.挡光:冲印照片过程中遮挡或局部挡光美国传统〔double bar〕A double vertical or heavy black line drawn through a staff to indicate the end of any of the main sections of a composition.章节线,复纵线:画在五线谱上的两根纵线或粗黑线,表示乐曲任何主要章节的结束美国传统〔double-team〕On the next day we double-teamed on one section of his army.次日我们使用双倍的兵力来对付他的一支部队。英汉大词典〔duplication〕The occurrence of a repeated section of genetic material in a chromosome.染色体重复:染色体中遗传物质段的重复出现美国传统〔efferent〕Directed away from a central organ or section.外出的:从中心器官或区域导出的美国传统〔embed〕Biology To enclose (a specimen) in a supporting material before sectioning for microscopic examination.【生物学】 包住样品:作切片用显微镜检验前用支撑材料包裹(样品)美国传统〔empower〕The first step in empowering the poorest sections of society is making sure they vote.帮助社会最贫困阶层掌握自己命运的第一步就是要确保他们能够参加投票。剑桥高阶〔entablature〕The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.柱顶盘,上横梁:一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成美国传统〔event〕The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday.3日比赛中的越野项目昨天在这里举行。柯林斯高阶〔event〕The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday.为期三天的赛事中的越野赛昨天在此举办。外研社新世纪〔excise〕The official censors have excised the controversial sections of the report.官方审查员删掉了报告中有争议的部分。剑桥高阶〔extend〕You can extend the table by pulling out the middle section.可以拉出中间部分来加长桌子。麦克米伦高阶〔fall away〕The rear sections of the rocket fell away.火箭后部已分离。剑桥高阶〔family circle〕A section of theater seats that are less expensive than some others.家庭座:剧场座位的一部分,价格通常比其他座位便宜美国传统〔figure〕There are five compulsory figures that the couples must perform in this section.在这一部分, 每对选手必须完成五项规定动作。外研社新世纪〔fit〕A section of a poem or ballad.诗歌或民谣的一节美国传统〔flank〕The section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side.肋肉:人或动物身上最下面的肋骨与臀部之间的肉块;腰部美国传统〔flick〕I'll just flick through the pages until I find the right section.我会快速地翻页,直到找到要找的那一部分。柯林斯高阶〔forecastle〕The section of the upper deck of a ship located at the bow forward of the foremast.前甲板:船的上甲板的一部分,位于前桅前部的船首美国传统〔form〕The sofa is formed of three separate sections.沙发由三个不同部件制作而成。21世纪英汉〔forward〕We sat in one of the forward sections of the train.我们坐在火车前部的一节车厢里。朗文当代〔gable〕A triangular, usually ornamental architectural section, as one above an arched door or window.三角形饰物:如拱门或窗户上方的三角形装饰性的建筑部分美国传统〔gable〕The generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof.三角墙建筑部分:斜屋顶末端的墙的大体三角区,占据屋顶两个斜面间的空间美国传统〔gallery〕The audience occupying a gallery or cheap section of a theater.楼座的观众,低票价座的观众美国传统〔gangway〕An aisle between seating sections, as in a theater.座间过道:座席部分间的过道,如在剧院中美国传统〔gladiolus〕Anatomy The large middle section of the sternum.【解剖学】 胸骨体:胸骨很大的中间部分美国传统〔groundling〕A spectator in the cheap standing-room section of an Elizabethan theater.后座站票观众:坐在伊丽莎白式剧场的廉价座位上的观众美国传统〔guide〕Guide your students through the program one section at a time.每次一段,这样分段指导学生完成这门课程。朗文当代〔histologically〕Bacteria can be detected histologically on sections of tissue that have been stained.在经过染色的组织学切片上,细菌可以被识别出来。剑桥高阶〔hoist〕A helicopter hoisted the final section of the bridge into place.直升机将桥梁的最后一部分吊装到位。剑桥高阶〔hyperbolic paraboloid〕A surface of which all sections parallel to one coordinate plane are hyperbolas and all sections parallel to another coordinate plane are parabolas.双曲线抛物线面:一个平面,平面上所有平行于一个坐标平面的所有截面都是双曲线;而平行于另一坐标平面的所有截面都是抛物线美国传统〔ice barrier〕A section of the Antarctic ice shelf that extends beyond the coastline, resting partly on the ocean floor.冰障:南极冰架的一部分,它延伸过海岸线,一部分位于洋底美国传统〔internode〕A section or part between two nodes, as of a nerve or stem.节间:两个节,例如神经或茎的两个节之间的部位或部分美国传统〔interpretation〕The wording of this section of the contract is open to interpretation.合同中这一部分的措辞可以有不同的解释。牛津搭配〔jackboot〕The invading troops were jackbooting their way around the northwestern section of that country.入侵军队在该国西北部横冲直撞。英汉大词典〔join〕Join the two sections of pipe together.将这两段管子连接在一起。牛津高阶〔laminate〕Thick sections of the laminate can be produced without the risk of cracking.可生产厚层压板而无开裂风险。外研社新世纪〔landau〕A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached.双排座活顶四轮马车:一种四轮马车,设有面对面的前后乘客座,两部分的顶棚可以下降或脱卸美国传统〔landscape〕To adorn or improve (a section of ground) by contouring and by planting flowers, shrubs, or trees.美化:通过规划和种植花草、灌木或树木的方法美化或改进(一个地区)美国传统〔lane〕The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners.泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。柯林斯高阶〔leaf〕A hinged or removable section for a table top.活动桌面:桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分美国传统〔lengthways〕She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthways.她撕了两块纸巾, 把它们纵向折起来。外研社新世纪〔log〕A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.木材:倒下的或锯倒的树干或树枝的一段,通常很长美国传统〔log〕To cut (timber) into unhewn sections.砍伐:将(木料)截成未刨削的木段美国传统〔main royalmast〕The section of the mainmast of a square-rigged vessel above the main topgallantmast.主顶桅:横帆式帆船的主桅高于顶桅的那一部分美国传统〔manage〕Who will manage while the section chief is away? 科长不在时谁管事?英汉大词典〔mark off〕Read the text through and mark off the sections you find particularly applicable.通读全文,画出你认为最有用的段落。柯林斯高阶〔meridian〕A plane section of a surface of revolution containing the axis of revolution.切平面:通过旋转轴回转面的部分平面美国传统〔mock〕Certain sections are mocked up accurately.某些部分仿造得足以乱真。英汉大词典〔needful〕The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male.最需要这种指导的社会群体是青年男性。柯林斯高阶〔network〕Huge sections of the rail network are out of action.铁路网的大部分路段出现故障。外研社新世纪〔orchestra〕The front section of seats nearest the stage in a theater.头等席:剧院中靠近舞台的前排座位美国传统〔overthrust fault〕A fault in which one section of crust has ridden up over another.上冲断层:一种断层,其中地壳的一断面已拱到另一断面之上美国传统〔page〕Start each section of your essay on a new page .文章的每一节请从新的一页开始写起。朗文当代〔paneling〕A section of panels or paneled wall.镶板面:镶板或镶板的墙的一个部分美国传统〔passage〕A section of a painting or other piece of artwork; a detail.细节:绘画或其它艺术作品的一部分;细节美国传统〔pipefitting〕A section of pipe, such as an elbow, used to connect two or more pipes.接管零件:连结两个或更多管道的管子配件,如弯管美国传统〔pipe〕A section or piece of such a tube.截导管:这种管子的一部分或一段美国传统〔platform〕The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross section of speakers.示威集会为具有广泛代表性的人士提供了发表意见的机会。柯林斯高阶〔play〕Play that last section back to me again.把最后一节再给我放一次。牛津高阶〔populace〕He had the support of large sections of the local populace.他受到当地大部份百姓的拥护。牛津高阶〔post〕Computer Science To enter (a unit of information) on a record or into a section of storage.【计算机科学】 登陆,存储:将(一个单位信息)放入记录或使进入存储中美国传统〔pre-op〕A section of a hospital providing preoperative treatment.术前治疗科:医院里提供术前治疗的地方美国传统〔presbytery〕The section of a church reserved for the clergy.司祭席:为神职人员保留的教堂的一部分美国传统〔pressure cabin〕A pressurized section of an aircraft.增压舱:航空器中的增压部分美国传统〔profile〕Geology A vertical section of soil or rock showing the sequence of the various layers.【地质学】 纵剖面:土壤或岩石的垂直切面,显示出不同层次的先后顺序美国传统〔prove up〕They decided to draw and prove up a small section.他们决定绘制和试印一小部分。21世纪英汉〔quarter section〕A land unit equal to a quarter of a section and measuring ½ of a mile on a side.约四分之一平方公里的地:相当于¼平方英里土地单位,每边长为½英里美国传统〔quarterly〕Heraldry Having four sections. Used of a shield.【纹章学】 有四层的,用来指盾牌美国传统〔recapitulation〕Music Restatement of the exposition that constitutes the third section of the typical sonata form.【音乐】 再现部:在典型的奏鸣曲形式中组成第三部的主题表述的重现美国传统〔report〕He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.他由组长领导,组长由部门主管领导,如此逐级向上。柯林斯高阶〔resistivity〕Electricity The resistance per unit length of a substance with uniform cross section.【电学】 电阻系数:有均质截面的某一物质单位长度上的电阻美国传统〔rhythm section〕The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group.爵士乐队里的节奏乐器组通常由鼓和低音提琴组成。剑桥高阶〔rink〕A section of a bowling green large enough for holding a match.草地滚球场:面积巨大足以举行比赛的一块保龄球草场美国传统〔rotate〕When I joined the company, I rotated around the different sections.我加入这个公司时,轮换过几个不同的部门。牛津高阶〔saboteur〕Saboteurs blew up a small section of the track.有人蓄意炸毁了一小段铁路。牛津高阶〔seam〕A similar line, ridge, or groove made by fitting, joining, or lapping together two sections along their edges.接缝,焊缝:通过将两个部分拼合、连接或重叠而形成的相类似的线、边或槽美国传统〔section gang〕A work crew assigned to a section of railroad track.养路工作组:被任命护养一段铁路的工作队美国传统〔sectional〕Composed of or divided into component sections.局部的:由若干元件组成的或被分成若干组成部分的美国传统〔section〕Section off the room before you start.开始之前把房间分隔一下。麦克米伦高阶〔section〕A large section of the population lives in poverty.大部分人口生活在贫困中。麦克米伦高阶〔section〕Can I see the sports section (of the newspaper)? 我能看看(报纸的)体育版吗?韦氏高阶〔section〕Figure 2 shows a vertical section of the building.图2显示了大楼的纵剖面图。麦克米伦高阶〔section〕For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.对于某些建筑物来说, 立面图比平面图的信息量大。外研社新世纪〔section〕He's the director of the finance section.他是财务处处长。牛津高阶〔section〕I passed the written part easily but failed the oral section.我轻而易举地通过笔试部分,但口试却失败了。英汉大词典〔section〕I skipped the section on garden design.我跳过了园艺设计那部分。牛津搭配〔section〕Parts of the town had been sectioned off.城市的部份地区被划了出去。牛津高阶〔section〕Peel and section the orange.把橙子剥皮分瓣。韦氏高阶〔section〕Peel and section the oranges.把橙子剥皮切开。朗文当代〔section〕That section of the road is still closed.那段公路依旧封闭。牛津高阶〔section〕The architect drew the house in section.建筑师绘制了房子的剖面图。牛津高阶〔section〕The frozen-foods section is in the rear of the shop.冷冻食品区在商店的后部。麦克米伦高阶〔section〕The illustration on page 84 is a section of the human brain.第84页的插图是一张人脑的剖面图。外研社新世纪〔section〕The shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself.棚房以散件出售,需要自己组装。牛津高阶〔section〕The siding comes in five-foot sections.壁板是用五英尺长的散件组合成的。韦氏高阶〔section〕They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat.他们为这艘船铸造了一个完整的新船头。柯林斯高阶〔shantytown〕A town or a section of a town consisting chiefly of shacks.贫民区:一种主要由简陋木屋构成的小城或城的一部分美国传统〔situation〕Situations Vacant(= the title of the section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised) 招聘(报章中的招聘广告栏)牛津高阶〔sketch〕The first section is a brief sketch of the school's early history.第一部分是对这所学校早期历史的概述。外研社新世纪〔speaker〕The Department has a growing section which teaches English to speakers of other languages.这个系有一个日益壮大的教研组负责向操其他语言的人教授英语。柯林斯高阶〔stern〕A rear part or section.尾部或末端美国传统〔stretto〕A close succession or overlapping of voices in a fugue, especially in the final section.赋格、卡农中的密接和应:在赋格曲中紧密的和应或声音的重叠,尤其在最后的部份美国传统〔string〕The orchestra's string section is excellent.这支管弦乐队的弦乐组非常棒。韦氏高阶〔study〕The study group was selected from a broad cross section of the population.研究小组是从社会各界挑选出来的。牛津搭配〔subaddress〕A section of a computer device for input and output accessible through an operation code.子地址:通过操作码对输入、输出设备进行存取的计算机部分美国传统〔sway〕How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.在接下来的 5 节将探讨母亲怎样管教女儿。柯林斯高阶〔sway〕How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.母亲该如何管束女儿是下文五节的主题。外研社新世纪〔tail〕The plane's tail section had broken off.飞机的尾部断了。牛津搭配〔tarsus〕The bones making up this section, especially the seven small bones of the human ankle.踝:组成这一部位的骨头,尤指人类脚踝所包含的七块小骨美国传统〔tertial〕Of, relating to, or designating the third row of flight feathers on the basal section of a bird's wing.第三列的:属于、关于或命名在一只鸟翅膀中飞羽的第三列的美国传统〔title〕A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article.章节:法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大美国传统〔tomography〕Any of several techniques for making detailed x-rays of a predetermined plane section of a solid object while blurring out the images of other planes.X线体层照相术:一种X线照相技术,能够照出某确定物体上事先规定好的某层部分,而不会照下其它部分的像美国传统〔top round〕A cut of meat, such as a steak or roast, taken from the inner section of a round of beef.内大腿肉,里股肉:从牛大腿内部肉上切下的,做成牛排或烤牛肉的里股肉美国传统〔trackwalker〕A worker employed to inspect a section of railroad track.巡道工:受雇巡查一路段铁轨的工人美国传统〔troubleshooting〕The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the TV.产品说明书中包括“排忧解难”这一节,旨在帮助你解决使用电视机时可能遇到的简单问题。剑桥高阶〔tunnel〕The initial section of tunnel had to be dug by hand.隧道的起始部分不得不用人工挖掘。牛津搭配〔under repair〕This section of motorway will be under repair until January.这段高速公路正在维修中,要到1月份才开放。剑桥高阶〔unsupported〕Sections of the structure have been left unsupported.这个结构有几部份没有支撑。牛津高阶〔upstate〕The northerly section of a state in the United States.美国一个州的北部美国传统〔vacant〕Situations Vacant(= a section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised) 招聘广告栏目牛津高阶〔valve〕One of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits.裂片:心皮壁或其它开裂果实的壁裂开的部分之一美国传统〔violent〕The show provoked a violent reaction in some sections of the press.这场演出在一部分新闻舆论中引起激烈的反应。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕The pillars gave way and a section of the roof collapsed.这些立柱坍塌了,一部份屋顶坠落下来。牛津高阶〔web〕A metal sheet or plate connecting the heavier sections, ribs, or flanges of a structural element.连结板:某构造部分的连接较重的部位、助拱或翼椽的金属薄片或板美国传统〔welcome〕We positively welcome applications from all sections of the community.我们诚挚欢迎来自社会各界的申请。牛津搭配〔xylotomy〕Preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study.木材解剖术:用切片机截片以备显微镜观察之用美国传统〔yellow pages〕A volume or section of a telephone directory that lists businesses, services, or products alphabetically according to field.黄色电话薄:根据不同领域,按字母顺序列出商业、服务单位或产品的一卷或一部分的电话薄美国传统A roof leak has damaged a section of ceiling plaster.房顶上的一个裂缝使得屋顶上的一部分灰浆受到损坏。剑桥国际Further details can be found in section 7 subsection 4 of the report.进一步的细节可以在报告的第7段第4节找到。剑桥国际He plays in the brass section of the orchestra.他在管弦乐队的铜管乐器组演奏。剑桥国际I could not go to see him because the psychiatric section is segregated from the rest of the prison.我不能去看他,因为精神病治疗区与监狱其余部分是隔开的。剑桥国际In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.为了改变它单调的形象,这报纸针对青年读者开设了新栏目。剑桥国际Only the tail section of the plane remained intact during the crash.飞机失事中只有飞机的尾部未受损害。剑桥国际Play that last section more passionately.演奏最后一部分要更加热情。剑桥国际Politicians have few friends--their assailants come from every section of society.政界人物茕茕孑立----他们的攻击者来自社会各个方面。剑桥国际The sections are ordered sequentially.各部分是按顺序排列的。剑桥国际The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the television.产品说明书包括故障排除法, 将会帮助你解决使用电视机时所遇到的简单问题。剑桥国际The magazine had a section on bridal wear (= the clothes that a woman wears at her marriage).杂志中有一专栏介绍新娘礼服。剑桥国际The mayor inspected the residential section of the city. 市长视察了该市的住宅区。译典通The work has been divided into smaller, more manageable sections.这项工作被分成更小,更容易的部分。剑桥国际There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles / books.在杂志的最后有一个部分,其中包括近期的文章/书的摘要。剑桥国际These dealers had a lock on a small section of the market.这些商人已垄断了一小部分市场。牛津商务

