
单词 rainstorm
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔catch〕We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here.来这里的路上我们遇上了暴风雨。朗文当代〔churn〕The rainstorm churned up the rivers so they ran brown with silt.暴风雨把河流搅得翻滚起来,因此泛黄的河流夹杂着泥沙奔流而去。麦克米伦高阶〔failing〕Failing a rainstorm, the game will be played this afternoon.如果没有暴风雨,今天下午就会玩游戏美国传统〔lash〕Rainstorm lashed the forest on the coast.暴风雨袭击了海岸的那片树林。英汉大词典〔pool〕After the rainstorm there were pools on the road.暴风雨过后路上都是水洼儿。英汉大词典〔rainstorm〕His car collided with another car during a heavy rainstorm.他的车在暴雨中和另一辆车相撞了。柯林斯高阶〔rain〕A fall of such water; a rainstorm.骤雨:这种水的下降;暴雨美国传统〔thundershower〕A brief rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.雷阵雨:伴有雷声和闪电的短促暴雨美国传统After the long hot summer we revelled in the rainstorm.在漫长炎热的夏季之后,我们尽情享受着暴风雨。剑桥国际Street by street, they've been impoving the drainage so that rainstorms don't turn the roads into raging torrents.一条大街又一条大街,他们一直在改良排水系统,使得暴风雨不会把马路变成狂怒的奔流。剑桥国际

