
单词 rocker
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔conformist〕They went from being angry punk rockers to bland conformists.他们从愤怒的朋克摇滚歌手变成了随波逐流的平庸歌手。韦氏高阶〔cradle〕A boxlike device furnished with rockers, used for washing gold-bearing dirt.洗矿槽:一种用来清洗含金土的带有弯杆的盒状器械美国传统〔cradle〕A small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers.摇篮:一种为婴儿准备的小而低矮的床,通常装有弯杆美国传统〔ilk〕The club attracts punk rockers and others of that ilk.俱乐部吸引了朋克摇滚乐手及同类型的其他揺滚乐手。韦氏高阶〔now〕He tipped back in an old rocker, now dozing, now reading.他背靠一张旧摇椅上躺着,一会儿打打瞌睡,一会儿看看书。英汉大词典〔off your rocker〕You must be off your rocker if you think I'm going to do that! 如果你认为我准备那样做,你一定是疯了!韦氏高阶〔punk〕A punk rocker.庞克摇滚乐师美国传统〔punk〕Of or relating to a style of dress worn by punk rockers and often characterized by unusual clothing, hairstyles, and makeup.庞克风格:属于或有关庞克乐师的衣着风格并常以不寻常的衣着、发型和化装为特征美国传统〔rocker〕American rockers Guns 'N' Roses.美国摇滚乐队“枪炮玫瑰”柯林斯高阶〔rocker〕Claire spent the morning in a wicker rocker on the screened porch with a book.克莱尔整个早上都在装着纱窗的走廊里坐在柳条摇椅上看书。柯林斯高阶〔rocker〕His landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker.看来他的女房东有点疯疯癫癫。英汉大词典〔rocker〕I got the rocker in an antique shop.我从古物店买到这张摇椅。外研社新世纪〔rocking chair〕A chair mounted on rockers or springs.摇椅:一种装在弧形弯脚或弹簧上的椅子美国传统〔rock〕In mezzotint engraving, to roughen (a metal plate) with a rocker or roulette.拉毛:金属印刷雕刻中用锯齿形篦板或压花刀具打毛(金属板面)美国传统〔rock〕To be washed and panned in a cradle or in a rocker. Used of ores.洗出矿沙:在形似摇篮的框架或淘金摇动槽中摇洗或淘洗。用于指矿沙的摇洗美国传统〔rock〕To wash or pan (ore) in a cradle or rocker.摇洗矿砂:在类似摇篮的框架或淘金摇动槽中摇洗或淘洗(矿砂)美国传统〔shoofly〕A child's rocker having the seat built between two flat sides cut in the shape of an animal.动物形摇椅:一种儿童摇椅,其座位两侧被做成动物的形状美国传统Harry Truman loved to sit in an old rocker in the evenings. 晚上,哈利‧杜鲁门喜欢坐在一张旧摇椅上。译典通He helped start the careers of some of the first British rockers, such as Cliff Richard, Adam Faith and Marty Wilde.他帮助一些最初的英国摇滚歌手开始演艺生涯,例如克利夫·理查德、亚当·费斯及马蒂·怀尔德。剑桥国际His landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker. 看来他的女房东有点疯疯癫癫。译典通In the 1960s Mods used to get in fights with rockers, but in the late 70s and early 80s skinheads were the enemy.在20世纪60年代摩登派与老客派成员互相为敌,而70年代末80年代初光头仔是他们的敌人。剑桥国际

