
单词 呆子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bookish〕Their teacher was a bookish fellow.他们的老师是个书呆子韦氏高阶〔chowderhead〕A person regarded as stupid; a dolt.呆子:被认为很笨的人;傻瓜美国传统〔chump〕You chump! Why did you tell her that? 你这个呆子!干嘛告诉她那件事?剑桥高阶〔clod〕A dull, stupid person; a dolt.呆子:乏味愚蠢之人;呆子美国传统〔clod〕Many sitcoms portray men as insensitive, gross, overweight, beer-drinking clods.许多情景喜剧把男性刻画成迟钝、粗俗、肥胖、喝着啤酒的呆子外研社新世纪〔drip〕He's such a drip.他真是个呆子外研社新世纪〔egghead〕He dismissed all scientists as a bunch of eggheads.他把所有科学家当成一群书呆子韦氏高阶〔egghead〕The Government was dominated by self-important eggheads.政府被一群自以为是的书呆子控制着。柯林斯高阶〔fool〕He was a born fool.他是一个天生的呆子文馨英汉〔further〕People often described him as a bitter academic, but nothing could be further from the truth.人们经常说他是个爱发牢骚的书呆子,但事实完全不是那样。朗文当代〔girlie swot〕I was always a bit of a girlie swot at school.我上学的时候几乎就是一个书呆子剑桥高阶〔goose〕You silly goose!你这个呆子外研社新世纪〔gull〕A person who is easily tricked or cheated; a dupe.傻子,呆子:容易被玩弄或欺骗的人;容易上当受骗的人美国传统〔intellectuality〕They are but stupid intellectualities.他们不过是帮书呆子英汉大词典〔josh〕The guys josh him and call him an egghead.那些人逗他,叫他书呆子朗文当代〔klutz〕Sam is an utter klutz.萨姆是个十足的呆子英汉大词典〔lamebrain〕A person regarded as stupid.笨蛋,呆子:被认为是傻子的人美国传统〔nerdy〕Why do nerdy guys think a popular girl would want to go out with them?书呆子们为什么觉得一个很受欢迎的女孩会愿意跟他们出去玩?外研社新世纪〔nerd〕A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.书呆子:专心致志搞科研或精于科研的人,但令人感到不善社交美国传统〔nerd〕Mark claimed he was made to look a nerd.马克声称自己被弄得像个书呆子外研社新世纪〔patch〕A fool or clown; a dolt.傻瓜或小丑;呆子美国传统〔pedant〕I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。柯林斯高阶〔pedant〕What we need is someone with common sense, not a pedant.我们所需要的是一个有常识的人,而不是书呆子英汉大词典〔piss〕The Nerd looked like he was going to piss his pants.那呆子看上去好像要尿裤子了。外研社新世纪〔poke〕The other children poked fun at him, calling him a swot.别的孩子取笑他, 叫他书呆子外研社新世纪〔simpleton〕A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.呆子:一个被认为在判断力、理智或智力上有缺陷的人;傻子美国传统〔trainspotter〕They looked like boring, trainspotter types.他们看起来像是那种乏味的书呆子外研社新世纪〔zombie〕He's just a zombie sitting in front of the TV all day.他就像个呆子一样一整天都坐在电视机前面。剑桥高阶〔zombie〕If I don't go to bed early I'll be a zombie tomorrow.我若不早点睡觉,明天就成呆子了。韦氏高阶He is a perfect type of pedant. 他是个十足的书呆子典型。译典通I felt like a real dork when I realized my mistake.当我意识到自己的错误时,我觉得自己像个呆子剑桥国际I never take any notice of what my teachers say -- they're a load of idiots.我一向对老师们的话不屑一顾,他们纯属一帮呆子剑桥国际People thought of her as bookish and rather prim.人们认为她有点书呆子气,很古板。剑桥国际She's a real bookworm--she's always got her head in a book.她真是一个书呆子----她总是埋头于书本。剑桥国际That computer nerd is a total social misfit. 那个只会玩电脑的呆子对人情世故一窍不通。译典通What a chump he is! 他真是个呆子剑桥国际You clumsy clot! 你这个笨手笨脚的呆子剑桥国际

