
单词 壕沟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔banquette〕A platform lining a trench or parapet wall on which soldiers may stand when firing.射击踏垛:排有壕沟或胸墙的平台,士兵们站在其上射击美国传统〔breach〕A gap or rift, especially in or as if in a solid structure such as a dike or fortification.突破口:豁口或缺口,尤指位于或好象位于壕沟或要塞等坚固结构中的美国传统〔brick over〕The trench was bricked over.壕沟被用砖覆盖起来了。21世纪英汉〔ditch〕The fortress was ditched in all around.要塞周围挖了壕沟21世纪英汉〔entrench oneself〕Our soldiers have entrenched themselves behind the battle lines.我们的士兵们在战线后面挖壕沟防御。21世纪英汉〔entrench〕Our soldiers were strongly entrenched on the river bank.我们的战士们固守在河堤壕沟中。21世纪英汉〔entrench〕The enemy were strongly entrenched on the other side of the river.敌人固守在河对岸的壕沟里。英汉大词典〔entrench〕To dig or occupy a trench.挖或占据壕沟美国传统〔entrench〕To provide with a trench, especially for the purpose of fortifying or defending.用壕沟围住:用壕沟围住,尤指加强或防御的目的美国传统〔escarpment〕A steep slope in front of a fortification.壕沟内壁:防御工事前的陡峭的斜坡美国传统〔escarp〕The inner wall of a ditch or trench dug around a fortification.壕沟内壁:在防御工事附近挖的战壕的内墙美国传统〔fosse〕A ditch or moat.壕沟,护城河美国传统〔gird〕The castle was girded with a moat.那座城堡有壕沟围绕著。文馨英汉〔grandly〕Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。柯林斯高阶〔grandly〕Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.露西尔的家虽美其名曰庄园, 其实不过是一座四周挖有壕沟的大农场。外研社新世纪〔line〕A bulwark or trench.战壕,壕沟美国传统〔moat〕To surround with or as if with a deep, wide ditch.以深沟环绕:用,或仿佛用深而宽的壕沟环绕美国传统〔no man's land〕Land under dispute by two opposing parties, especially the field of battle between the lines of two opposing entrenched armies.真空地带,无人地带:相对的双方争执的土地,尤指战场上在双方围以壕沟的军备界线之间的地带美国传统〔pit〕Gangs of soldiers were digging pits and filling sandbags.一队队士兵在挖壕沟、装沙袋。外研社新世纪〔tell ... off〕Some soldiers were told off to dig ditches.一些士兵被派去挖壕沟21世纪英汉〔traverse〕A defensive barrier across a rampart or trench, as a bank of earth thrown up to protect against enfilade fire.横墙:城墙或壕沟的防御性阻挡物,如用于抵挡敌人纵向射击的用挖出的土构筑的土堆美国传统〔trench〕A workman was killed when the sides of the trench he was working in collapsed.一名工人在挖壕沟时由于两侧坍塌而丧生。剑桥高阶〔trench〕The soldiers had to be treated for trench foot.士兵们因得了壕沟足而必须治疗。牛津搭配〔work〕A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress.防御工事:防御结构,如壕沟或堡垒美国传统〔yet〕The new frontier has as yet no fences, trenches or barbed wire.新的边界迄今还没有栅栏、壕沟或铁丝网。英汉大词典Ditches were a popular means of fortification.壕沟是常见的设防方式。剑桥国际The anti-tank ditch is seven metres deep, twenty metres wide, and filled with oil which can be set alight.反坦克壕沟深7米,宽20米,灌满了可燃油。剑桥国际They toiled all day digging the trench. 他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟译典通

