
单词 一张照片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THING〕In the drawer she found a photograph, an old hairbrush, and various other odds and ends. 她在抽屉里找到了一张照片、一把旧梳子,以及其他一些零碎物品。朗文写作活用〔attach〕I attached a photo to my application form.我在我的申请表上贴了一张照片剑桥高阶〔camera〕I forgot to take my camera with me to Portugal, so I couldn't take any photos.我去葡萄牙时忘了带相机,所以我一张照片都没能拍。剑桥高阶〔caption〕The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'.《太阳报》在黛安娜王妃的一张照片下写了一段说明文字——“披着面纱的王妃”。柯林斯高阶〔caption〕The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'.《太阳报》给戴安娜王妃的一张照片配的文字说明是“面纱王妃”。外研社新世纪〔clutch〕She was clutching a photograph.她紧紧抓着一张照片外研社新世纪〔clutch〕She was clutching a photograph.她紧紧抓着一张照片柯林斯高阶〔convey〕In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。柯林斯高阶〔dig out〕She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers.她从一堆报纸下面抽出一张照片柯林斯高阶〔dig out〕She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers.她从一堆报纸下面翻出了一张照片外研社新世纪〔each〕He handed each of them a photo.他递给他们每人一张照片外研社新世纪〔either〕You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like.你可以保留一张照片。两张里任选一张你喜欢的。牛津高阶〔enclose〕She enclosed a photo with the card.她随邮寄卡附了一张照片韦氏高阶〔endways〕The first picture was taken from the side of the building, and the second one endways on.第一张照片照的是楼房侧面,第二张照的是楼房正面。牛津高阶〔fish〕She fished around in her purse and pulled out a photo.她在包里摸索出一张照片朗文当代〔flourish〕She came in flourishing a photograph.她走了进来,手中挥舞着一张照片麦克米伦高阶〔fog〕To obscure or dim (a photographic image).使模糊或弄暗(一张照片的图象)美国传统〔inlay〕To insert (a photograph, for example) within a mat in a book.将照片放入相薄:将(例如一张照片)插入相册中的膜内美国传统〔involve〕The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。牛津高阶〔itself〕There was another photo, by itself on the big desk under the window.还有一张照片, 孤零零地摆放在窗户下面的大桌子上。外研社新世纪〔jog sb's memory〕The police showed him a photo to try to jog his memory about what had happened on the night of the robbery.警方给他看了一张照片,想让他记起抢劫的当晚发生了什么。剑桥高阶〔photograph〕A photograph of them is blown up to fill two full pages.他们的一张照片被放大,占了两个整版。牛津搭配〔photograph〕She scans each photograph into her computer.她把每一张照片都扫描进了她的电脑。牛津搭配〔photomontage〕The technique of making a picture by assembling pieces of photographs, often in combination with other types of graphic material.集锦照相术:通过将数张照片拼合成一张照片的技术,常常是与其它类型的图表资料拼合美国传统〔picture〕I took a picture of him in front of the Eiffel Tower.我给他在埃菲尔铁塔前拍了一张照片外研社新世纪〔pose〕After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片21世纪英汉〔pride of place〕A picture of their children took pride of place on the wall.他们孩子们的一张照片挂在墙上的显要位置。韦氏高阶〔side〕Stand on this side of me so Dad can get a photo.站到我这边来,让爸爸来拍一张照片朗文当代〔snap〕Dave snapped a picture of me and Sonia.戴夫给我和索妮娅拍了一张照片朗文当代〔snap〕To take (a photograph).拿,拍(一张照片美国传统〔splash〕A picture of his girlfriend Sheryl had been splashed in the previous weekend's tabloids.他的女友谢里尔的一张照片被刊登在前一周末各家通俗小报的显眼位置上。柯林斯高阶〔sum total〕A photo, a book of poems and a gold ring—this was the sum total of his possessions.一张照片、一本诗集和一枚金戒指,这就是他的全部家当。牛津高阶〔superimpose〕You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.你可以把这些文字直接叠印在你的一张照片上。柯林斯高阶〔whose〕There was a picture in the paper of a man whose leg had been blown off.报纸上有一张照片,照片中那个男人的腿被炸掉了。剑桥高阶〔wind on〕You have to wind on after taking a picture, or your negative will be double-exposed.照完一张照片后必须过卷,否则底片会重复曝光。21世纪英汉I attached a photo to my application form.我在申请表上贴上了一张照片剑桥国际I forgot to take my camera with me to Portugal, so I couldn't take any photos.去葡萄牙时我忘了带照相机,所以我一张照片都没拍。剑桥国际I took a shot of the twin sisters. 我给那对孪生姊妹拍了一张照片译典通I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.一天,我正浏览一本杂志时,一张照片引起我的注意。剑桥国际In one photograph she was smiling broadly at the camera, in the other she was looking away from it.在一张照片里,她对着照相机堆满了笑;在另一张里,她没有瞧着镜头。剑桥国际It was a photo of one of our well-known national politicians.这是我国一位著名的政治家的一张照片剑桥国际The police showed him a photo to try to jog his memory about what had happened on the night of the robbery.警察给他看一张照片,想使他记起抢劫案当晚发生的事。剑桥国际The world's first photograph was taken in 1826 by a French inventor, J. N. Nice.世界上的第一张照片是1826年由法国发明家尼斯拍的。剑桥国际This camera is automatic, so you don't need to adjust the setting every time you take a photograph.这个照相机是自动的,所以你不必每拍一张照片就调整一次。剑桥国际To get a passport you have to go through a set of formalities such as filling in a form, getting the signature of someone who has known you for many years and sending in your birth certificate and a photo.要办理护照,你得经过一整套手续,如填表,请多年相知的人签名,递交出生证明和一张照片等等。剑桥国际

