
单词 upsets
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.我们觉得已经受够了失望和情绪困扰。柯林斯高阶〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A switch to completly different new foods may cause stomach upsets. 突然转吃完全不一样的新食物可能会引起胃部不适。朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕Young children don't like anything which upsets their daily routine. 幼儿不喜欢有什么事情打乱他们的日常生活规律。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕Her father died when she was ten, and it still upsets her to think about it. 她十岁的时候父亲去世,现在想起来她仍很伤心。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕How can you prevent stomach upsets from ruining your holiday? 如何防止胃部不适破坏你的度假兴致?朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕It still upsets me to think about my parents’ divorce. 想到父母离婚,我仍很伤心。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕What upsets me most is the way she lied to me. 最让我生气的是她对我撒谎。朗文写作活用〔curse〕He's always cursing and swearing, and it upsets the people who have to work with him.他总是骂骂咧咧的, 这让那些不得不与他共事的人感到郁闷。外研社新世纪〔death〕That child will be the death of me (= is always doing something which upsets me)! 这孩子非把我烦死不可!剑桥高阶〔fat〕He knows it upsets me, but a fat lot he cares (= he doesn't care).他知道那让我心烦意乱,但他根本不关心。剑桥高阶〔fill〕We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.我们觉得自己已经历太多的失望和苦恼。外研社新世纪〔last〕He won't last long as captain if he upsets the rest of the team.如果惹恼了队里的其他人,他这个队长也当不长。麦克米伦高阶〔much〕She knows how much this upsets me but she persists in doing it.她知道这样会让我有多苦恼,但她坚持这样做。柯林斯高阶〔preventable〕Most common health upsets that spoil a holiday are easily preventable.导致假期泡汤的大多数常见的身体不适都是很容易预防的。柯林斯高阶〔preventable〕Most common health upsets that spoil a holiday are easily preventable.导致度假计划泡汤的大多数常见的身体不适都是很容易预防的。外研社新世纪〔rake〕It upsets Dad when that story is raked up again.重提那件事父亲会难过。朗文当代〔they〕When a friend upsets you, do you tell them? 如果一个朋友使你不愉快,你会告诉他(她)吗?朗文当代〔upsetting〕Markets are very sensitive to any upsets in the Japanese economic machine.市场对日本经济机器出现的任何问题都极其敏感。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕It upsets him that he can do nothing to help.一点忙都帮不上让他感到很不安。韦氏高阶〔upset〕It upsets me to think I might never see him again.一想到可能再也见不到他了,我就很沮丧。韦氏高阶〔upset〕It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.想到她孤身一人守着那所大房子,我就感到不舒服。牛津高阶〔upset〕It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.一想起那次事故他仍很恼火。剑桥高阶〔upset〕It was one of the biggest upsets of the tournament.这是锦标赛中所爆出的最大冷门之一。麦克米伦高阶〔upset〕Markets are very sensitive to any upsets in the Japanese economic machine.市场对日本经济体系出现的任何问题都极其敏感。外研社新世纪〔upset〕Rich food always upsets my stomach.油腻的食物总是使我肠胃不适。麦克米伦高阶〔upset〕Spicy food upsets my stomach.辛辣食物会令我的肠胃不适。韦氏高阶〔waterborne〕The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致胃部极度不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。剑桥高阶It really upsets me when I see people begging in the street.看见人们在街上乞讨使我很不舒服。剑桥国际It still upsets Mark when he thinks about the accident.当马克想起那起事故时, 仍感到恼火。剑桥国际That child will be the death of me (= is always doing something which upsets me)! 那孩子总令我担惊受怕。剑桥国际The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致肠胃极其不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。剑桥国际The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这糟糕的饭菜使我肠胃不适。译典通

