
单词 不规则
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Avalon Peninsula〕A large, irregularly shaped peninsula of southeast Newfoundland, Canada. Most of the province's population resides here.阿瓦朗半岛:加拿大纽芬兰岛东南部一个面积大,形状不规则的半岛。该省的大部分人口居住于此美国传统〔Kioga〕An irregularly shaped lake of central Uganda. The shallow lake is noted for its papyrus swamps.基奥加湖:乌干达中部的呈不规则形状的湖,这个狭窄的湖以它的纸莎草沼泽而知名美国传统〔SHAPE〕The molten rock hardens into amorphous forms. 熔岩凝固成一块块不规则的形状。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The French teacher gave us a test on irregular verbs, and I got 100%. 法语教师对我们进行了有关不规则动词的测验,我得了100分。朗文写作活用〔agate〕A fine-grained, fibrous variety of chalcedony with colored bands or irregular clouding.玛瑙:颗粒均匀的纤维状玉髓的多种形式,具有彩色的条带或者不规则的云状花纹美国传统〔anomalous〕Deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule.不规则的:偏离正常的一般的顺序、形式或规则的美国传统〔anomaly〕His architectural models conjure a genuine sense of anomaly.他的建筑模型给人一种真切的不规则感。外研社新世纪〔aperiodic〕Occurring without periodicity; irregular.无周期性发生的;不规则美国传统〔arrhythmia〕An irregularity in the force or rhythm of the heartbeat.心律失常:不规则的心跳强度或节奏美国传统〔average out〕The irregularities averaged out over the course of the study.整个研究过程中,不规则呈均衡分布。韦氏高阶〔balloon〕A rounded or irregularly shaped outline containing the words that a character in a cartoon is represented to be saying.气球形圆圈:圈有卡通片中人物所说的话的圆形或不规则线条美国传统〔barbarism〕A specific word, form, or expression so used.不合语法的表达:不正确或不规则使用的词语、词形或表达法美国传统〔barbarism〕The use of words, forms, or expressions considered incorrect or unacceptable.不合语法:不正确的或不规则的词语、词形和表达法的运用美国传统〔bias〕A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.斜路线:如在草地保龄球等运动中导致球转弯的球重或不规则路线美国传统〔body English〕The usually irregular movement or spin of a propelled object as if it were influenced by this twisting.侧旋,侧扭:推出物体的不规则的运动或旋转,象有人用身体侧扭动作来影响它一样美国传统〔brace〕Often braces A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment. 常作 braces 牙箍:安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器美国传统〔chop〕A short, irregular motion of waves.碎浪:波浪短而不规则地运动美国传统〔clinker〕The incombustible residue, fused into an irregular lump, that remains after the combustion of coal.炉渣,渣块:不燃的余渣,熔凝成不规则团块,如煤燃烧后之剩余物美国传统〔conjugate〕The verb "to be" conjugates irregularly.动词 to be 的词形变化是不规则的。剑桥高阶〔conjugate〕The verb 'to go' conjugates irregularly.动词 to go 的词形变化不规则朗文当代〔continuous〕Mathematics Of or relating to a line or curve that extends without a break or irregularity.【数学】 连续的:没有中断或不规则变化地延伸直线或曲线的,或与之有关的美国传统〔corona〕The luminous, irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere of the sun.日冕:太阳色球层外的高电离气体所形成的发光的、不规则的环美国传统〔crazy quilt〕The map was a crazy quilt of districts and precincts.这是一张由不规则的地区和选区构成的地图美国传统〔cross-grained〕Having an irregular, transverse, or diagonal grain, as opposed to a parallel grain.斜纹的:有不规则的、横向或斜向木纹的,与平行木纹相对称美国传统〔crumple〕An irregular fold, crease, or wrinkle.不规则折痕,不规则皱折,不规则皱纹美国传统〔cyclopean〕Of or constituting a primitive style of masonry characterized by the use of massive stones of irregular shape and size.巨石式的:以运用不规则形状和尺寸巨石为特征的砖石建筑基本风格的,或者由其组成的美国传统〔dissected〕Geology Cut by irregular valleys and hills.【地质学】 切割的:被不规则的山、谷切割的美国传统〔dithyramb〕An irregular poetic expression suggestive of the ancient Greek dithyramb.充满激情的诗歌:使人联想起古希腊赞美酒神的合唱诗的不规则诗歌表达美国传统〔even out〕Her irregular heartbeats began to even out.她的不规则心跳开始变得正常起来。21世纪英汉〔fluterer〕Her heart fluttered for a moment.她的心脏跳得不规则21世纪英汉〔fractal〕The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干逐渐分成小树枝、嫩枝的方式类似一个不规则碎片形。剑桥高阶〔gourd〕The fruit of such a plant, often of irregular and unusual shape.瓠果:一种葫芦科的果实,通常具有不规则,不常见的形状美国传统〔granophyre〕A fine-grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar.花斑岩:一种细晶的花斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质美国传统〔gurgle〕To express or pronounce with a broken, irregular, bubbling sound.发出汨汨声; 发出咯咯声:用一种破碎的,不规则的,潺潺的声音表达或发音美国传统〔hack〕A rough, irregular cut made by hacking.砍痕:由于劈砍形成的粗糙、不规则的切痕美国传统〔herky-jerky〕Spasmodic, irregular, and unpredictable, as in movement or manner.不规则的:间歇的,不规则的,不可预测的,如在运动或行为上美国传统〔impure〕Root out any which have flowers of impure colour or irregular shape.把有杂色或形状不规则的花都去掉。外研社新世纪〔inequality〕Variability; changeability.不规则:变化性;易变性美国传统〔inordinate〕Not regulated; disorderly.不规则的;紊乱的美国传统〔irregularity〕Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.在这个形状不规则的湖泊的湖心以外的地方有一眼喷泉。柯林斯高阶〔irregularity〕Minor irregularities in the components might lead to machine failure.零部件略有不规则便可能会导致机器故障。外研社新世纪〔irregularity〕The quality or state of being irregular.不规则性:不规则的性质或状态美国传统〔irregularly〕Located off-centre in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.在那个形状不规则的湖的偏离湖心处有一个喷泉。外研社新世纪〔irregular〕Botany Having differing floral parts, as of a zygomorphic or asymmetrical flower.【植物学】 不规则的:花的组成部分相异的,如两侧对称或不对称的花美国传统〔irregular〕It has a highly irregular shape, covered in bumps and indentations.它的形状极不规则,到处都是凸起和凹陷。朗文当代〔irregular〕One, such as an item of merchandise, that is irregular.不合格品,次品:一件不规则的东西,如商品美国传统〔irregular〕The cells are slightly irregular in shape.这些细胞的形状略微有些不规则牛津搭配〔karst〕An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns.喀斯特:由于腐蚀而产生裂隙,落水洞,潜流和洞穴的不规则的石灰岩地区美国传统〔limp〕To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.跛行:尤指不规则地一瘸一拐地走,犹如偏重用一条腿美国传统〔lump〕An irregularly shaped mass or piece.块团:形状不规则的团或块美国传统〔malformation〕Abnormal or anomalous formation or structure; deformity.畸形:异常的或不规则的形状或结构;畸形美国传统〔marble〕A metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite, often irregularly colored by impurities, and used especially in architecture and sculpture.大理石:由石灰岩或白云岩变化而来的一种变质岩,常有不规则的杂质色块,专门用于建筑和雕塑美国传统〔nutation〕Botany A slight curving or circular movement in a stem, as of a twining plant, caused by irregular growth rates of different parts.【植物学】 转头运动:植物茎的轻微弯曲或扭转的生长,象双生树那样,由不同部分的不规则生长速度引起美国传统〔occipital bone〕A curved, trapezoid compound bone that forms the lower posterior part of the skull; the occipital.枕骨:一根弯曲的、不规则四边形的复合骨,形成头颅的下后部美国传统〔oddity〕The book deals with some of the oddities of grammar and spelling.这本书专讲语法和拼写方面的某些不规则现象。牛津高阶〔offset〕A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.支距:在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积美国传统〔on〕She tested us on irregular verbs.她考了我们的不规则动词。牛津高阶〔ozocerite〕A yellow-brown to black or green hydrocarbon wax, found in irregular veins in sandstones and used in making electrical insulation and polishes.石蜡:一种棕黄粉至黑色或绿色的碳氢化合的蜡状物,发现于不规则沙石的岩脉中,并用来制作电绝缘和上光剂美国传统〔parenthesis〕Irregular forms are given in parentheses.不规则形式标注在括号内。牛津高阶〔parietal bone〕Either of two large, irregularly quadrilateral bones between the frontal and occipital bones that together form the sides and top of the skull.顶骨:位于额骨和枕骨之间并与它们一起构成头骨的周边和顶部的两块大且不规则四边形骨中的任一块美国传统〔prismoid〕A prismatoid having polygons with the same number of sides as bases, and faces that are parallelograms or trapezoids.平截头棱椎体:以边数相同的平面多边形为底面的,各侧面为平行四边形或不规则四边形的拟柱体美国传统〔protraction〕Linguistics The irregular lengthening of a normally short syllable.【语言学】 一个正常情况下短音节的不规则的延长美国传统〔pseudomorph〕A false, deceptive, or irregular form.假象:一种假的、欺骗性的、不规则的形态美国传统〔pulse〕I have a rapid (a strong, an irregular) pulse.我的脉搏很快(很强,不规则)。英汉大词典〔ramble〕To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth.蔓延:沿着一条不规则的、蜿蜒的路线运动或生长的美国传统〔rockwork〕Stonework imitating the irregular surface of natural rock.岩石庭园,假山庭园:模仿天然岩石不规则外表的石制品美国传统〔rubble〕Irregular fragments or pieces of rock used in masonry.粗石:用于砖石建筑的不规则碎片或碎块美国传统〔ruffle〕An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a surface.起皱:表面上的不规则或轻微波动;起伏不平美国传统〔rumple〕An irregular or untidy crease.褶纹,皱褶:不规则或不整齐的皱痕美国传统〔scattering〕Placed irregularly and far apart; scattered.散乱的:不规则及很零散地放置;散布美国传统〔schlieren〕Geology Irregular dark or light streaks in plutonic igneous rock that differ in composition from the principal mass.【地质学】 异离体:在深层火成岩中,在构成上与主体不同的不规则的深色或浅色条纹美国传统〔scrawl〕Irregular, often illegible handwriting.潦草的字迹:不规则,经常难认的笔迹美国传统〔scrawl〕To write in a sprawling, irregular manner.乱涂乱画:以散乱、不规则的方式写美国传统〔secondary structure〕The protein structure characterized by folding of the peptide chain into an alpha helix, beta pleated sheet, or random coil.二级结构:蛋白质结构,特征是将肽链折迭成α螺旋、β结构或不规则螺旋美国传统〔septarium〕An irregular polygonal system of calcite-filled cracks occurring in certain rock concretions.龟背石,凝岩球:发生在特定的岩石结核体中,由方解石填充的不规则多边形裂缝形成的系统美国传统〔shred〕A long, irregular strip cut or torn off.碎片,细条:切割或撕下来的一条长而不规则的带子美国传统〔skittery〕Moving quickly, restlessly, or irregularly; skittish.迅速的,多变的:快速地、不停息地或不规则地移动的;易变的美国传统〔straggle〕To proceed or spread out in a scattered or irregular group.散乱行进:成散乱的或不规则的小组前进或散开美国传统〔strophe〕A stanza containing irregular lines.包括不规则行的诗节美国传统〔test〕We have a test on irregular verbs tomorrow.明天我们要进行不规则动词的测验。朗文当代〔tobacco heart〕A rapid, irregular heart rate resulting from excessive use of tobacco.烟草毒性:由于过量吸食烟草而引起的快速而不规则的心率美国传统〔trapezohedron〕Any of several forms of crystal with trapeziums as faces.偏方三八面体:任一种各面均为不规则四边形的水晶体美国传统〔trickle〕A slow, small, or irregular quantity that moves, proceeds, or occurs intermittently.涓滴,细流:流量缓慢、细小而不规则,断断续续地移动、前进或出现美国传统〔tulipwood〕The irregularly striped, ornamental wood of any of several related or similar trees.各种类似或有关树种的带不规则条纹的装饰性木头美国传统〔tumultuary〕Marked by haste, confusion, disorder, and irregularity.草率的,混乱的:具有仓促、混乱、无秩序或不规则的特点的美国传统〔turbulence〕An eddying motion of the atmosphere that interrupts the flow of wind.湍流:打断风的运动的极不规则的大气运动美国传统〔turbulent flow〕The motion of a fluid having local velocities and pressures that fluctuate randomly.湍流:流体的一种流动,它在某一点的速度和压力随机不规则地变化美国传统〔tympanic cavity〕A large, irregularly shaped cavity of the middle ear.鼓腔:中耳道的一个大的形状不规则的洞腔美国传统〔unequal〕Having unbalanced sides or parts; asymmetrical.不规则的,不对称的:有不平衡的方面或部分的;不对称的美国传统〔wander〕To proceed in an irregular course; meander.蜿蜒:以不规则的路线前进;曲折而行美国传统〔wolf〕Dissonance in some intervals of a keyboard instrument tuned to a system of unequal temperament.不协调音:适应不规则的音律系统的键盘乐器在某些音程中的不协调音美国传统Fractals are used in the study of things like forked lightning and to produce some types of computer graphics.不规则碎片形学说用于研究诸如叉状闪电之类的事物,以及生成某些类型的电脑制图。剑桥国际I spent most of my time in French lessons conjugating (= listing the different grammatical forms of) irregular verbs.我法语课的大部分时间都花在整理配对的不规则动词上面。剑桥国际In this dictionary, we show any irregular inflected forms of a word, such as the plural or past tense.本词典列出了每个词的不规则屈折变化形式,如复数或过去时。剑桥国际It is a slight irregularity in the motion of the Moon which makes it look as if it is wobbling.是月亮运动的轻微不规则使其看起来像在摇摆。剑桥国际Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.统计数字的不规则,会使某一年的经济资料很难与下一年相比较。剑桥国际The design of the house has been dictated by the small size and irregular shape of the plot of land on which it is being built.这栋房子地基面积小、形状不规则,这决定了它的设计。剑桥国际The design of the house was dictated by the small size and irregular shape of the plot of land on which it was built.房子的设计受到它所建土地面积小、形状不规则的影响。剑桥国际The verb acts irregularly.这个动词变化不规则剑桥国际The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干分为越来越小的树枝和细枝的方式就是一种大致的不规则碎片形模式。剑桥国际

