
单词 女童子军
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(from) door to door〕Girl Scouts are selling cookies door to door. = Girl Scouts are going door to door selling cookies.女童子军正挨家挨户地卖饼干。韦氏高阶〔GSA〕Girl Scouts of America.美国女童子军美国传统〔LAUGH〕With a completely straight face, Thomas announced he was joining the Girl Guides. 托马斯板着脸,一本正经地宣布说他打算参加“女童子军”。朗文写作活用〔Scout〕Scouts and Guides from other areas of the United Kingdom来自英国其他地区的男女童子军成员外研社新世纪〔brownie〕The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack (= group).女孩们想参加幼女童子军军团。剑桥高阶〔brownie〕The girls wanted to join a Brownie troop (= group).女孩们想参加幼女童子军军团。剑桥高阶〔camporee〕An assembly or gathering of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on a local or district level.地区性童子军集会:本地的或地区级的男童子军或女童子军的集会或聚集美国传统〔company〕My cousin and I joined the same Guide company.我表姐和我加入了同一支女童子军大队。剑桥高阶〔cookie〕Girl Scouts went around the neighborhood selling cookies.女童子军队员在居民区内挨家卖饼干。牛津搭配〔scouting〕Often Scouting The activities of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. 常作 Scouting 童子军活动:男童子军或女童子军的活动美国传统〔scout〕A member of the Girl Scouts.女童子军美国传统〔troop〕A unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader.童子军:由至少五个男童子军或女童子军组成的由一个成年人领导的小队美国传统New Brownies make a promise to be kind and helpful.新的幼年女童子军发誓待人慈善,乐于助人。剑桥国际She belongs to the local guide company (= group).她属于当地的女童子军组织。剑桥国际The 4,000 Scouts and Guides at the week-long international jamboree were from 20 countries.参加为期一周的国际童子军大会的4,000名男女童子军来自20个国家。剑桥国际The Guides was formed in 1910 by Lord Baden-Powell.女童子军组织是由巴登·鲍威尔勋爵在1910年建立的。剑桥国际The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack (= group).女孩们想参加幼年女童子军团。剑桥国际

