
单词 人后
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕The six men were subsequently acquitted of all charges, but only after they had served 17 years in prison. 这六个男人后来都被无罪释放,但那时他们已坐了17年的牢。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕In South America, the upper classes tend to be of European origin. 在南美,上层阶级往往是欧洲人后裔。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕Jim's depression had been brought on by the bereavement he had suffered earlier in the year. 吉姆那年早些时候痛失亲人后就一直很消沉。朗文写作活用〔Englishman〕A man of English descent.英国人后裔中的男人美国传统〔Englishwoman〕A woman of English descent.英国人后代中的女人美国传统〔European〕A person of European descent.欧洲人后裔:有欧洲血统的人美国传统〔FRIEND〕The two men ended up in the same business law class and hit it off immediately. 这两个男人后来在同一个商业法律班上,一见如故。朗文写作活用〔Franco-American〕An American of French or French-Canadian descent.法裔美国人:法国后裔或法裔加拿大人后代的美国人美国传统〔GOOD〕He was a saintly man who always put others before himself. 他是个圣洁高尚的人,一贯先人后己。朗文写作活用〔Greek〕A person of Greek ancestry.希腊人后裔:祖先为希腊人的人美国传统〔LATE〕If you don't do your homework every week, you'll get behind in your studies. 如果你不是每个星期都做家庭作业,你的学习就会落在别人后面。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Many opponents of the regime who escaped abroad were later hunted down and killed. 许多反对这个政权并逃往国外的人后来都遭到了追杀。朗文写作活用〔Moor〕A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, now living chiefly in northwest Africa.摩尔人:一群由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部美国传统〔Norman〕A descendant of this people, especially one ruling or inhabiting England from the time of the Norman Conquest.诺曼人后裔:这些人的后裔,尤指诺曼征服后统治或居住在英国的人美国传统〔PRAISE〕The producers told me later that I got the job because Paul put in a good word for me. 制片人后来告诉我,我获得这份工作是因为保罗为我说了好话。朗文写作活用〔Polack〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a person of Polish birth or descent.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 波兰佬:对出生于波兰或波兰人后代的贬称美国传统〔Pole〕A person of Polish descent.波兰人后裔:有波兰血统的人美国传统〔Portuguese〕A person of Portuguese descent.葡萄牙人后美国传统〔Sherpa〕A member of a people of Tibetan descent living on the southern side of the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal and Sikkim, noted for their ability at mountaineering.雪巴人:居住在喜马拉雅山脉南侧,尼泊尔和锡金境内的西藏人后裔的民族的成员,以他们的登山能力而闻名美国传统〔THREATEN〕When they found out he was an American, the soldiers threatened to kill him. 当那些士兵发觉他是美国人后,就威胁说要杀死他。朗文写作活用〔alarm〕The guard raised the alarm when he discovered that six prisoners had escaped.警卫发现跑了 6 名犯人后发出了警报。牛津搭配〔all〕The kids got all excited on Christmas.孩子们看到圣诞老人后兴奋极了。韦氏高阶〔attacker〕She was able to identify her attacker, and he was later brought to trial.她辨认出了袭击她的人,那个男人后来被送交法庭审判。韦氏高阶〔attend〕She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。牛津高阶〔back seat〕Nelson will never take a back seat to anyone.纳尔逊绝对不甘人后剑桥高阶〔back〕I need everyone to back up about 10 paces.我需要每个人后退大约10步。麦克米伦高阶〔behind〕He was never behind in offering suggestions.他提建议从不落在他人后面。英汉大词典〔behind〕I've been ill – that's why I'm behind everyone else in maths and French.我生病了,所以我的数学和法语落在了别人后面。麦克米伦高阶〔butterfly〕She's like a butterfly. She flits in and out of people's lives.她像一只蝴蝶,每天在人前人后飞来飞去。牛津高阶〔deliver〕He cannot deliver the Latino vote.他无法得到拉美人后裔的选票。朗文当代〔desirable〕It is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.孩子长大成人后便不再想与父母住在一起了。牛津高阶〔develop〕The patient later developed a cough.病人后来出现咳嗽。韦氏高阶〔difference〕Having someone to talk to made all the difference to my mother.母亲有了能跟她说话的人后,情况有了很大变化。麦克米伦高阶〔dismiss〕He dismissed the servant after the guests were ushered in.引进客人后,他吩咐仆人退出。英汉大词典〔drivable〕We drove back the attacking enemy.我们迫使进攻的敌人后退了。21世纪英汉〔eminence〕Many of the pilots were to achieve eminence in the aeronautical world.这些飞行员中很多人后来在航空界赫赫有名。外研社新世纪〔eminent〕Several of them were to become eminent in their fields.他们中的好几个人后来成了各自领域内的翘楚。外研社新世纪〔empty〕She felt empty inside after her bereavement.她失去亲人后, 感到心里空落落的。外研社新世纪〔encounter〕Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police.他们中有三个人后来在与警察的冲突中被杀死。牛津高阶〔formula〕After he was officially pronounced the world's oldest man, he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life.在他被正式宣布为世界上最年长的人后,他给出了这样一个简单的快乐长寿的秘诀。柯林斯高阶〔freedom〕With the children grown up, she is enjoying her new-found freedom.子女们长大成人后,她享受着新获得的自由。麦克米伦高阶〔gat;got〕It is often difficult to get books back from people to whom you have lent them.把书借给别人后,要想要回来很难。21世纪英汉〔grown-up〕What do you want to be when you're grown-up? 你长大成人后想做什么?牛津高阶〔half-caste〕Of mixed racial descent.混血人后代的美国传统〔land〕The general's plan involved landing troops behind enemy lines.将军的计划包括向敌人后方空投部队。剑桥高阶〔leading〕She started the last lap just behind the leading group.她开始跑最后一圈时紧跟在领先的一组人后面。牛津高阶〔liable〕She will grow into a woman particularly liable to depression.她长大成人后会特别容易患抑郁症。柯林斯高阶〔line〕They were trapped behind enemy lines(= in the area controlled by the enemy).他们在敌人后方遭到围困。牛津高阶〔lock〕After the murder he was locked away for 50 years.他杀人后被监禁了50年。麦克米伦高阶〔materially〕His message has changed little since he became presidential material.成为总统候选人后,他的宣言并没有多少变化。柯林斯高阶〔material〕His message has changed little since he became presidential material.成为总统候选人后, 他所传达的观点几乎没有改变。外研社新世纪〔nab〕He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him.他杀了12人后才最终被当局抓获。柯林斯高阶〔nab〕He killed twelve people before the authorities finally nabbed him.他杀了12个人后最终才被当局抓获。外研社新世纪〔ooze〕He saw there was a big hole in the back of the man's head, blood was still oozing from it.他看到这个男人后脑勺上有道大口子,血还在往外渗。柯林斯高阶〔outdo〕Not to be outdone, the Croats came up with a peacekeeping proposal of their own.克罗地亚不甘人后,提出了他们自己的维和方案。柯林斯高阶〔outdo〕The Smiths bought a Range Rover. Not to be outdone, the Joneses bought a BMW.史密斯家买了一辆路虎越野车, 琼斯家不甘人后, 买了一辆宝马轿车。外研社新世纪〔plug away〕There were only Joe and I plugging away several hundred metres behind the rest.只有乔和我慢慢地走在其他人后面几百米。21世纪英汉〔postscript〕An interesting postscript to the story is that the two people involved later got married.这个故事的后续十分有趣——两个当事人后来结婚了。韦氏高阶〔puff〕She puffed and panted behind the others.她落在别人后面,气喘吁吁。牛津搭配〔quartet(te)〕Behind the happy couple was a quartet(te) of bridesmaids.在那对幸福的新人后面是4个女傧相。英汉大词典〔react〕Her family reacted with horror when she told them.她告诉她的家人后他们惊骇不已。牛津搭配〔reexamine〕Law To question (a witness) again after cross-examination.【法律】 再诘问:双方律师互相询问对方证人后对证人再诘问美国传统〔return〕The patient subsequently returned for surgery.该病人后来又回到医院做手术。牛津搭配〔run〕Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the man and caught him.附近的店主在那个男人后面追赶并把他抓住了。柯林斯高阶〔same〕This same man was later my tutor.此人后来当了我的导师。英汉大词典〔sedate〕We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace.我们跟在年轻人后面,步子稍慢一点。牛津高阶〔self〕Her private and public selves were vastly different.她人后的面目和人前的形象大为不同。牛津搭配〔self〕Her public self is very different from her private self.她人前人后的表现截然不同。韦氏高阶〔since〕His style of leadership has attracted increasing criticism among his supporters, many of whom have since left Central Office.他的领导风格已经在他的拥趸中引起了越来越多的批评,很多人后来离开了总局。柯林斯高阶〔snatch〕The American came from behind to snatch victory by a mere eight seconds.美国人后来居上,仅以 8 秒钟的优势赢得了胜利。柯林斯高阶〔tag〕We tagged along at the end of the queue.我们尾随在一队人后面。牛津同义词〔tail out〕The child tailed out behind the rest.小孩落在其他人后面。21世纪英汉〔tail〕He tailed out behind the rest.他拉在别人后面。英汉大词典〔trail〕I trailed wearily after the others.我疲惫地拖着步子走在其他人后面。牛津搭配〔tread〕David trod wearily along behind the others.戴维疲惫地走在其他人后面。朗文当代〔turn〕The attacker killed three people before turning the gun on himself.袭击者杀了3个人后把枪对准了自己。麦克米伦高阶A man who was involved in an apparently trivial dispute in a pub was later hacked to death by a gang of ten men.一个在酒馆中卷入一起显然无谓争论中的男人后来被一伙十个人砍死了。剑桥国际A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines. 一小队士兵被空降在敌人后方。译典通After 10 years as a freelance journalist, she finally got a steady (= permanent) job working for The Sydney Morning Herald.当了十年自由撰稿人后,她最后在《悉尼先驱早报》找到了份固定工作。剑桥国际Airborne troops were dropped by parachute behind enemy lines.空降部队通过降落伞降落在敌人后方。剑桥国际He chafed my hands for me when I'd finished building the snowman.当我堆完雪人后,他把我的手擦热。剑桥国际Meeting Lord Portish and his wife, I was pleasantly surprised by their unceremonious, relaxed attitude to life.遇到鲍提施爵士及其夫人后,我惊喜于他们对生活随意轻松的态度。剑桥国际Once she became a prosecutor, she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.她当了公诉人后便迅速成为一位善于控制局面的出庭律师。剑桥国际Please line up (= stand in a row) behind everyone else and you'll be dealt with as soon as possible.请在其他人后面排队,你们会很快轮到的。剑桥国际She left television after five years as a presenter, saying she hated the falsity of it all.做了5年的主持人后,她离开了电视台,说她厌恶弄虚作假。剑桥国际Small guerilla units were fighting behind enemy lines. 游击小分队在敌人后方作战。译典通The old dog lolloped along behind its master.那条老狗懒洋洋地跟在主人后面走。剑桥国际The opera ends when in an ecstasy of jealousy the main character kills his lover and then himself.歌剧以嫉妒不能自拔的主角杀死爱人后自杀为结局。剑桥国际They parachuted behind enemy lines. 他们在敌人后方跳伞降落。译典通

