
单词 顾问的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕I will be present at committee meetings, but purely in an advisory capacity. 我将出席委员会的会议,但纯粹以顾问的身份出席。朗文写作活用〔King's Counsel〕A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a man.英国王室法律顾问:被任命为英国王室法律顾问的律师。当掌权人是男性时使用此词美国传统〔Queen's Counsel〕A barrister appointed as counsel to the British crown. Used when the sovereign is a woman.王室法律顾问(团):被任命为英国王室顾问的律师,用于国王为一女王时美国传统〔advisory〕She acted in an advisory role.她扮演了一个顾问的角色。麦克米伦高阶〔assist〕The President was assisted by his advisers.总统得到几个顾问的协助。韦氏高阶〔background〕On the first day, counsel to the inquiry, Caroline Swift, QC, will outline the background to the case.在第一天, 担任调查顾问的王室法律顾问卡罗琳•斯威夫特将概述案件的背景。外研社新世纪〔capacity〕Rollins will be working in an advisory capacity on this project.罗林斯将以顾问的身份参与这个项目。朗文当代〔consultative〕Of or relating to consultation; advisory.顾问的:咨询或与之有关的;顾问的美国传统〔counsellor〕They sought the help of a marriage counsellor.他们寻求婚姻顾问的帮助。柯林斯高阶〔elder statesman〕A prominent, highly experienced older person, especially a retired official acting as an unofficial adviser.前辈,元老:广为人知的极有经验的年长者,尤指一位作非官方顾问的退休官员美国传统〔essence〕The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.当顾问的精髓就在于倾听并考虑咨询者的观点。柯林斯高阶〔help〕Talking to a counsellor / counselor helped her enormously.同顾问的交谈使她受益匪浅。牛津搭配〔implicit〕Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor.在你与顾问的关系中,为你保守秘密是不言而喻的。朗文当代〔judge advocate〕A staff officer serving as legal adviser to a commander.法律参谋:为司令官作法律顾问的参谋美国传统〔outside〕The company now makes much greater use of outside consultants.该公司现在对外聘顾问的利用更加充分。柯林斯高阶〔prepare for〕The Party is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election.该党正在管理顾问的助力下为下一次选举做准备。外研社新世纪〔psychobabble〕They use management consultant jargon and psychobabble.他们使用管理顾问的行话和心理学呓语。外研社新世纪〔rank and file〕The party's rank and file are beginning to question the prime minister's choice of advisers.广大基层党员开始质疑首相对其顾问的选择是否恰当。剑桥高阶〔resident〕A colonial official acting as adviser to the ruler of a protected state, often having quasi-gubernatorial powers.殖民地官员:作为被保护国的统治者的顾问的殖民地官员,通常具有类似州长的权力美国传统〔resignation〕He announced his resignation as Gorbachev's senior adviser.他宣布辞去作为戈尔巴乔夫高级顾问的职务。麦克米伦高阶〔role〕She has joined the team in a consultative role.她以顾问的角色加入了这个小组。牛津搭配〔serve〕She has served in an advisory capacity for a number of groups.她以顾问的身份为许多组织工作过。牛津搭配〔tap〕Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.可以利用你的顾问的经验。朗文当代〔tout〕The company's stock is being touted by many financial advisers.那家公司的股票正受到多位金融顾问的大肆吹捧。韦氏高阶He has dispensed with the services of management consultants.他已经不再需要管理顾问的服务了。牛津商务I waited so long for my turn to see the careers adviser that I missed my train.我等着轮到见就业顾问的时间太长, 故而错过火车了。剑桥国际She travels worldwide as a consultant.她以顾问的身分往世界各地。牛津商务She was one of the first women to be made a QC.她是最早成为英国王室法律顾问的妇女之一。剑桥国际She was the sole scientist of (any) stature advising the company.她是给这公司当顾问的唯一有名的科学家。剑桥国际The cost of bringing in consultants needs to be balanced against the benefits.需要衡量聘用顾问的成本与其带来的效益。牛津商务This afternoon the Prime Minister was consulting with his advisors and we are expecting an announcement shortly.今天下午总理在征求顾问的意见,我们在等他稍后宣布结果。剑桥国际

