
单词 立足点
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTERESTING〕The hotel has character and charm, and is ideal as a base for exploring the city. 这家旅馆很有特色和吸引力,是游览该城的理想立足点朗文写作活用〔beachhead〕A first achievement that opens the way for further developments; a foothold.立足点:开辟将来发展道路的第一个成就;立足处美国传统〔bridgehead〕A forward position seized by advancing troops in enemy territory as a foothold for further advance.据点:先行部队在敌占区内夺取的作为进一步前进的立足点的前方位置美国传统〔foothold〕A place providing support for the foot in climbing or standing.立足点:在攀登或站立时为脚提供可支撑点的地方美国传统〔foothold〕The company has secured a foothold in the market.公司在市场上获得了一个立足点韦氏高阶〔footing〕Secure placement of the feet in standing or moving.立足点:在站立或移动时脚停歇的安全地方美国传统〔lodgment〕A foothold or beachhead gained by troops in enemy or neutral territory.立足点,占领:部队在敌对国或中立国境内取得的立足点或滩头阵地美国传统〔purchase〕A grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or prevent it from slipping.紧抓:用手工或机械装置移动某物或防止其打滑时所使用的牢靠的立足点美国传统〔toehold〕A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.立足点:在爬山中鞋尖可以找到支撑的小凹陷或岩石空出部美国传统〔toehold〕American companies looking for toeholds in foreign markets 在海外市场寻求立足点的美国公司韦氏高阶〔toehold〕I searched desperately for a toehold in the rock face.我努力在岩石表面寻找立足点剑桥高阶〔underfooting〕Treacherous underfooting resulted in scores of injuries.因为立足点不坚实结果弄得遍体鳞伤。英汉大词典I searched desperately for a toehold in the rockface.我拼命地在岩石表面寻找立足点剑桥国际The computer company is trying to get / gain a foothold in Europe.那家电脑公司想在欧洲找个立足点剑桥国际

