
单词 秘密进行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Military activity was secretly taking place for weeks before the invasion. 入侵之前已秘密进行了几个星期的军事活动。朗文写作活用〔backstage〕The public suspects that the most important negotiations are taking place backstage.公众怀疑最重要的谈判正在秘密进行外研社新世纪〔camera〕The trial was held in camera.审判秘密进行牛津高阶〔cloak〕Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.婚礼的准备工作是秘密进行的。柯林斯高阶〔cloak〕Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.婚礼的筹备是秘密进行的。外研社新世纪〔disorder〕The trial was kept secret because of the risk of public disorder.因为有发生公众骚乱的危险,审判是秘密进行的。剑桥高阶〔enquiry〕The enquiry will take place behind closed doors.调查将秘密进行牛津搭配〔feverish〕There was a lot of feverish activity backstage.有许多秘密进行的狂热活动。麦克米伦高阶〔front〕Arms exports were conducted secretly using front companies.武器出口是利用公司的掩护秘密进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔hole-and-corner〕His execution was a hole-and-corner affair.对他的处决是秘密进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔inquisitorial〕Relating to a criminal proceeding conducted in secrecy.有关一场秘密进行的犯罪行为的美国传统〔negotiation〕Negotiations were conducted in secret.谈判秘密进行牛津搭配〔negotiation〕Union negotiations take place behind closed doors.工会的谈判是秘密进行的。牛津搭配〔on the q.t.〕All the arrangements were made on the q.t.所有安排都是秘密进行的。韦氏高阶〔proceeding〕The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private.问讯将会秘密进行柯林斯高阶〔scene〕A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the scenes.广泛的谈判一直在秘密进行牛津高阶〔screen〕All the research was conducted behind a screen of secrecy.整个研究始终是秘密进行的。牛津高阶〔secrecy〕He shrouds his business dealings in secrecy.他秘密进行交易。柯林斯高阶〔secrecy〕The meeting was conducted in secrecy.会议秘密进行英汉大词典〔secrecy〕The organization has managed to maintain secrecy about its activities.该组织设法保证其活动秘密进行牛津搭配〔secret〕The negotiations were conducted in secret.谈判是秘密进行的。朗文当代〔secret〕The negotiations were conducted in secret.谈判是秘密进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔secret〕The voting was secret.这次投票是秘密进行的。外研社新世纪〔switch〕An exchange or a swap, especially one done secretly.调换,调包:交换或交流,尤指秘密进行美国传统〔up〕We've kept our meetings secret up to now.直到现在我们的会议一直秘密进行着。朗文当代The operation was being conducted in secrecy. 这一行动正在秘密进行译典通The operation was conducted in secrecy. 这一行动是秘密进行的。译典通

