
单词 磁性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COVER〕Cassette tapes have a magnetic oxide coating. 盒式磁带上有一种磁性氧化物涂层。朗文写作活用〔aeromagnetics〕The science of magnetic characteristics associated with atmospheric conditions.航空磁测学:有关大气条件下磁性质的科学美国传统〔animal magnetism〕Magnetic personal charm.磁性般的魅力美国传统〔austenite〕A nonmagnetic solid solution of ferric carbide or carbon in iron, used in making corrosion-resistant steel.奥氏体:一种非磁性的固状可溶性含铁碳化物或含碳铁,用于制作不锈钢美国传统〔baritone〕He speaks in a melodious baritone.他的声音浑厚而有磁性柯林斯高阶〔cassette memory〕A removable cartridge containing magnetic tape that stores programs.卡式内存:一种装有带程序的磁性带子的可拆装盒子美国传统〔cassette〕A small, flat case containing two reels and a length of magnetic tape that winds between them, used in audio or video tape recorders or players.卡匣:装有两个卷盘和一段绕于它们之间的磁性带子的扁平小盒子,用在磁带式录音机或录像机中美国传统〔coercivity〕The intensity of the magnetic field needed to reduce the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material to zero after it has reached saturation.矫顽力:磁场的强度,为在强磁性的物质达到饱和之后,把它的磁化作用缩小到零所必需美国传统〔couple〕Physics A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation.【物理学】 力偶:具有相等磁性的两个力,平衡作用但反向,能导致旋转但不能造成平移美国传统〔decay〕The magnetism decayed.磁性衰减了。21世纪英汉〔demagnetize〕To erase (a magnetic storage device).消去(磁):去掉(磁性存储设备)美国传统〔demagnetize〕To remove magnetic properties from.消磁:从…去掉磁性美国传统〔depolarize〕To demagnetize.去磁性,消磁,退磁美国传统〔diamagnet〕A diamagnetic substance.抗磁体:一种抗磁性的物质美国传统〔electromagnetic〕Of or exhibiting electromagnetism.电磁性的:电磁性的或显示电磁性美国传统〔electromagnetism〕Magnetism produced by electric charge in motion.电磁性:由运动电荷引起的磁性美国传统〔ferroelectric〕Of or relating to a crystalline dielectric that can be given a permanent electric polarization by application of an electric field.铁电体的:一种可通过电场的作用获得永久电磁性的透明的绝缘体的或与此有关的美国传统〔ferromagnet〕A substance with magnetic properties resembling those of iron.带有类似铁磁性的物体美国传统〔film〕A coating of magnetic alloys on glass used in manufacturing computer storage devices.薄膜:在玻璃上的磁性合金涂层,用于生产计算机存储装置美国传统〔fine structure〕Physics The splitting of spectral lines caused by the magnetic moments of orbiting electrons in the atomic nucleus.【物理学】 精细结构:由于在原子核中环绕运行电子产生磁性瞬间而引起的光谱谱线的分裂美国传统〔gyromagnetic〕Of, relating to, or resulting from the magnetic properties of a spinning, electrically charged particle.回转磁的:充电旋转粒子的磁性的,与之相关或由这种磁性产生的美国传统〔lodestone〕A piece of magnetite that has magnetic properties and attracts iron or steel.天然磁石:有磁性的磁铁矿,能吸引铁或钢美国传统〔magnetic disk〕A memory device covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored by magnetization of microscopically small needles.磁盘:一种表面有磁性层的储存装置,经极微小的细针磁化后的信息储存在磁性层上美国传统〔magnetic flux〕A measure of the quantity of magnetism, being the total number of magnetic lines of force passing through a specified area in a magnetic field.磁通量:衡量磁性强度的单位,指一个磁场中通过某一特定区域的磁力线的数目总和美国传统〔magnetic force〕The force exerted between magnetic poles, producing magnetization.磁力:磁极之间的产生的磁性力量美国传统〔magnetic intensity〕A quantity used in describing magnetic phenomena in terms of their magnetic fields and magnetization.磁场强度:一个描述关于磁场和磁化作用中磁性现象的矢量美国传统〔magnetic mine〕A marine mine detonated by a mechanism that responds to a mass of magnetic material, such as the steel hull of a ship.磁性水雷:通过对一个磁性物体,例如船只的钢质船体起反应装置而引爆的一种水雷美国传统〔magnetic〕Having the properties of a magnet.具磁性德:具有磁体的特性的美国传统〔magnetic〕Of or relating to magnetism or magnets.磁的:磁性的或磁体的或与之有关的美国传统〔magnetic〕The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.一通上电流,这块板就会有磁性牛津高阶〔magnetism〕The class of phenomena exhibited by a magnetic field.磁性:磁场显示的一组现象美国传统〔magnetization〕The process of making a substance temporarily or permanently magnetic, as by insertion in a magnetic field.磁化:使一个物体具有暂时或永久性磁性的过程,例如把一个物体放入磁物中美国传统〔magnetization〕The property of being magnetic.磁性磁性的特性美国传统〔magnetoelectric〕Of or relating to electricity produced by magnetic means.磁电的:和由磁性原理产生的电流有关的或这种电流的美国传统〔paleomagnetism〕The magnetic field present in fossilized rocks, created by the earth's magnetic field when the rocks were formed.古地磁:存在于化石中的磁性,于岩石生成时受地磁影响而产生美国传统〔paramagnet〕A paramagnetic substance.一种顺磁性(常磁性)的物质美国传统〔permanent magnet〕A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetism after it is removed from a magnetic field.永久磁铁:从磁场移开之后仍保持其磁性的一块磁性材料美国传统〔phenomenon〕Magnetic attraction is an interesting phenomenon.磁性吸力是种有趣的现象。英汉大词典〔recording〕The principles of magnetic recording have been around for a long time.磁性录音的原理已经应用很长时间了。牛津搭配〔retentivity〕Physics The capacity for remaining magnetized after cessation of the magnetizing force.【物理学】 顽磁性:磁力消失后残存的磁通量美国传统〔saturation〕Physics A state of a ferromagnetic substance in which an increase in applied magnetic field strength does not produce an increase in magnetic intensity.【物理学】 磁性饱和:在提高使用的磁场强度时不会使磁力密度升高的一种磁化饱状态美国传统〔sector〕Computer Science A bit or a set of bits on a magnetic storage device making up the smallest addressable unit of information.【计算机科学】 扇区,磁区:磁性存储设备上组成最小可寻址信息单元的位或位集美国传统〔seductive〕Greg's voice was smoky and seductive.格雷格的嗓音低沉带着磁性,很性感。麦克米伦高阶〔stripe〕Experiments in striping 8 mm film have been made.已进行了在 8 毫米电影胶片上加磁性声迹的试验。英汉大词典〔they〕In Australia I believe that they call it animal magnetism.我相信,在澳大利亚,他们称之为动物磁性柯林斯高阶〔troilite〕A nonmagnetic variety of the mineral pyrrhotite, FeS, present in almost all meteorites and having almost no ferrous iron deficiency.无磁黄铁矿:磁黄铁矿石的无磁性种类,FeS,存在于所有的陨石中且几乎不含铁质美国传统〔weakly〕The mineral is weakly magnetic.这种矿物带有弱磁性外研社新世纪〔weakly〕The mineral is weakly magnetic.这种矿物带有轻微的磁性柯林斯高阶〔whirlpool〕A magnetic, impelling force into which one may be pulled.磁力:一种可能会使物体拉进去的磁性的、强有力的力量美国传统An electric current produces magnetism in a conductor.电流在导体中产生磁性剑桥国际An iron bar can be made magnetic (= able to attract iron and steel objects) by wrapping wire around it and passing an electric current through the wire.可以通过在铁棒上缠绕电线并通电的方法使其具有磁性剑桥国际Banks use MICR technology to process cheques at high speed.银行采用磁性墨水字符识别技术高速处理支票。牛津商务CDs are optical (= using light) storage media, unlike hard or floppy disks which are magnetic storage media.激光唱片是用光来存储的媒质,不像硬盘或软盘是靠磁性来存储的。剑桥国际The fridge door is covered with colourful refrigerator (Br and Aus usually fridge) magnets (= decorative magnets which are placed on steel doors).冰箱门上贴了不少色彩鲜艳的磁性装饰物。剑桥国际

