
单词 粗暴的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SYMPATHIZE〕With a violent drunkard for a husband, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. 有这么一个粗暴的醉鬼丈夫,他想,那个可怜的女子一定是活在惶恐之中。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The hostages received some rough treatment during their long period of captivity. 人质在长时间被囚禁期间受到一些粗暴的对待。朗文写作活用〔abrasive〕Harsh and rough in manner.生硬粗暴的:态度无礼且粗暴的美国传统〔abrasive〕His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔antisocial〕Disrespectful of others; rude.无礼的,粗暴的:不尊重他人的;粗暴的美国传统〔atrocity〕An appalling or atrocious action, situation, or object.恶劣的行为:令人震惊的或粗暴的行为、情形或事物美国传统〔bear〕A large, clumsy, or ill-mannered person.粗暴的人,卤莽的人:强壮、笨拙或脾气不好的人美国传统〔bile〕Bitterness of temper; ill humor; irascibility.暴躁,坏脾气:脾气暴烈;粗暴的脾性;易怒美国传统〔bromide〕A tiresome person; a bore.令人讨厌的人;粗暴的美国传统〔brush ... off〕He had never been brushed off so rudely before.他以前从没遭到过如此粗暴的拒绝。21世纪英汉〔brushoff〕An abrupt dismissal or snub.拒绝:粗暴的摈弃,不理睬美国传统〔brute〕A brutal, crude, or insensitive person.残忍的人,粗暴的人,麻木不仁的人美国传统〔caveman〕Informal A man who is crude or brutal, especially toward women.【非正式用语】 粗暴的男人:粗鲁的或粗暴的男人,尤指在对待妇女方面美国传统〔clemency〕She was granted clemency after killing her violent husband.她杀死粗暴的丈夫后得到了宽大处理。朗文当代〔contend〕Nurses often have to contend with violent or drunken patients.护士经常不得不应付粗暴的或喝醉酒的病人。牛津高阶〔cover〕All that toughness is just a cover for his inability to show affection.那些粗暴的行为都只是为了掩盖他缺乏表达爱的能力。朗文当代〔death〕The brutal attack resulted in the man's death.粗暴的殴打导致这个人死亡。牛津搭配〔dispose〕His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindlyto/towards him.我们首次会面时他粗暴的态度使我对他没产生什么好感。剑桥高阶〔doggish〕Surly; gruff.脾气坏的;粗暴的美国传统〔gruffly〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。柯林斯高阶〔gruff〕Don't let his gruff manner put you off.别因他粗暴的态度而生气。麦克米伦高阶〔gruff〕Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.尽量去培养不那么粗暴的举止。美国传统〔handle〕He was roughly handled by the mob.他受到暴民粗暴的对待。朗文当代〔handle〕Many of the prisoners were roughly handled; some were killed.很多囚犯受到了粗暴的对待;有些被整死了。牛津搭配〔handle〕Some prisoners complained that they'd been roughly handled.一些囚犯投诉说他们受到了粗暴的对待。麦克米伦高阶〔hardball〕That's political hardball at its roughest.那是最粗暴的强硬政治。英汉大词典〔hit back〕Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back.一些粗暴的人对自己的儿子大打出手,直到他们有了还手之力才肯罢休。柯林斯高阶〔ill-tempered〕The game developed into an ill-tempered affair.比赛演变成粗暴的争斗。外研社新世纪〔indignation〕Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable.遭受如此粗暴的待遇,她大为光火是可以理解的。朗文当代〔inquisition〕A rigorous, harsh interrogation.严厉的,粗暴的质问美国传统〔inquisitor〕One who inquires or makes an inquisition, especially a questioner who is excessively rigorous or harsh.调查人:询问或进行调查者,尤指非常严厉或粗暴的质问者美国传统〔intimidate〕Dissidents were physically intimidated, threatened, and harshly interrogated.持不同政见者受到了人身恐吓和威胁,并遭受了粗暴的审讯。牛津搭配〔jostle〕A rough shove or push.粗暴的推挤美国传统〔justify〕Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me.你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。英汉大词典〔manhandle〕He says he was manhandled by the police.他说他受到了警察粗暴的对待。韦氏高阶〔me〕My comrades disapproved of me being so rude.同志们对我如此粗暴的态度很不以为然。英汉大词典〔particularize〕He said he had been treated rudely, then went on to particularize.他说他受到粗暴的对待,接着就开始详细地讲述。韦氏高阶〔poison〕Her childhood had been poisoned by an abusive step-father.她的童年被粗暴的继父毁掉了。朗文当代〔probing〕It wasn't as if his probings were particularly vicious or rough.他的调查不像是颇有恶意或非常粗暴的样子。外研社新世纪〔rambunctious〕Boisterous and disorderly.粗暴的,粗野的:狂乱且无秩序的美国传统〔rebuff〕Our suggestion was met with a sharp rebuff.我们的建议遭到了粗暴的断然拒绝。韦氏高阶〔retribution〕Violent retribution soon followed.粗暴的惩罚很快随之而来。牛津搭配〔roughly〕They have complained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment.他们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。柯林斯高阶〔rude〕Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth.粗暴的,粗野的:缺少文明生活的文雅和教养的;不雅的美国传统〔shrew〕A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament; a scold.泼妇:性情粗暴的、爱责骂的、唠叨的女人;泼妇美国传统〔smile on〕Can you smile on people who are rude to you?对你粗暴的人,你能否报以微笑?21世纪英汉〔surly〕Sullenly ill-humored; gruff.傲慢的;粗暴的美国传统〔talk〕You may be able to talk him round with logic but not with harsh words or threats.你或许可以用道理把他说服,但不可能用粗暴的言辞或恫吓把他压服。英汉大词典〔tolerable〕Such rude behaviour is not tolerable.这样粗暴的行为是不可容忍的。英汉大词典〔violent〕Her husband was a violent man.她丈夫是个粗暴的人。牛津高阶〔want〕That rude man wants good manners!那个粗暴的人缺少礼貌! 牛津同义词〔yob〕A rowdy, destructive youth; a hooligan or ruffian.粗鲁的年轻人,小流氓:粗暴的、搞破坏的年轻人;流氓或无赖美国传统He claimed to have been violently assaulted/beaten while he was in detention.他声称在拘留期间受到了粗暴的殴打/拷打。剑桥国际His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership.他的诋毁者声称粗暴的脾气使他不适合作党的领袖。剑桥国际Schools are starting to crack down on students who are verbally abusive towards their classmates.学校开始制裁那些对同学讲话粗暴的学生。剑桥国际They got some fairly rough treatment from the policemen in the local station.在当地的警察局他们受到了警察相当粗暴的对待。剑桥国际Years ago in England, villagers used to clang pots and pans to shame a violent man (= cause him to feel ashamed).多年以前,英格兰的村民们用敲打盆盆罐罐的方式来使粗暴的人感到难为情。剑桥国际

