
单词 连在一起
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta. 脐带把婴儿与胎盘连在一起朗文写作活用〔Safety first〕The climbers were roped together for safety. = The climbers were roped together for safety's sake.为了安全,这些登山者用绳索把大家连在一起韦氏高阶〔associate〕A person united with another or others in an act, an enterprise, or a business; a partner or colleague.合伙人:一个在一次行动中,一个企业里,或一种业务上与另一人或其他人连在一起的人;伙伴或同事美国传统〔associative neuron〕A nerve cell found within the central nervous system that links sensory and motor neurons.联络神经元,联络神经细胞:中枢神经系统中将感官与运动神经细胞连在一起的神经细胞美国传统〔attach〕A moral obligation attaches to high rank.道义上的责任是和高级职位连在一起的。英汉大词典〔bobsled〕A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem.连橇:由两个短的雪橇纵向的连在一起的长雪橇美国传统〔bond〕To join securely, as with glue or cement.使凝固,使结合:象用胶或水泥一样牢固地结连在一起美国传统〔bring together〕Fate brought us together.命运将我们连在一起21世纪英汉〔buccinator〕The buccinator helps to hold the cheek to the teeth during chewing.颊肌用于在咀嚼时协助将面颊与牙齿的运动连在一起剑桥高阶〔bullhorn〕A portable device consisting of a microphone attached to a loudspeaker, used especially to amplify the voice.手提式扩音器:一种便携的由麦克风和扩音器连在一起的设备,专用来扩大声音美国传统〔butt hinge〕A hinge composed of two plates attached to abutting surfaces of a door and door jamb and joined by a pin.门的铰链:连接门面和侧柱的由两个金属板组成的铰链,用一个栓子连在一起美国传统〔clasp〕A fastening, such as a hook or buckle, used to hold two or more objects or parts together.扣钩,扣环:一种紧固物,如扣钩或带扣,用来将两个或更多的物体或部件连在一起美国传统〔connect〕A corridor connects his office with the main building.一条走廊把他的办公室同主楼连在一起牛津搭配〔connect〕Downstairs toilets were connected directly to the drains.楼下的马桶直接同下水道连在一起牛津搭配〔cotter〕A bolt, wedge, key, or pin inserted through a slot in order to hold parts together.制销;锁销:用以使各部分连在一起的插在狭槽里的栓、楔子、钥匙或销子美国传统〔daisy chain〕A garland made of daisies joined together in or as if in a long chain.雏菊花环:由雏菊连在一起而成的花环或似一个花环美国传统〔double reed〕A pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce sound in certain wind instruments, such as bassoons and oboes.双簧:在某些管乐器中共同振动以产生声音的一对连在一起的簧片,如用在低音管和双簧管中美国传统〔double reed〕An instrument in which sound is produced by a pair of joined reeds.双簧管乐器:由连在一起的簧片发出声音的乐器美国传统〔fisherman's knot〕A knot used to join two lines, made by securing either end to the opposite standing part by an overhand knot.渔人结:把两根线连在一起的结,通过一个交叉结把任意一边固定在另一根上美国传统〔form〕All the buildings have names and form a half circle.所有的建筑都有名称,连在一起构成了一个半圆。柯林斯高阶〔fringe〕A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.穗(缘饰):一种装饰性的边缘有垂吊的线穗或布条,常与单独的镶边连在一起美国传统〔gear train〕A system of interconnected gears.齿轮系:互相连在一起的齿轮组合美国传统〔gearing〕A system of gears and associated elements by which motion is transferred within a machine.传动装置:一组齿轮和连在一起的部件,通过它们实现运动在一机器内传送美国传统〔harmony〕The two machines are linked and working in harmony.两部机器连在一起协调运作。韦氏高阶〔hood〕A loose pliable covering for the head and neck, either attached to a robe or jacket or separate.风帽,兜帽:宽松柔软的头、领遮盖物,与长袍、夹克连在一起或分开美国传统〔hook up〕The machine is hooked up to the apartment's central wiring system.这台机器是和公寓的中央线缆系统连在一起的。外研社新世纪〔interface〕My computer has a network interface, which allows me to get to other computers.我的计算机有网络接口,可以与其他计算机连在一起剑桥高阶〔interlink〕The play takes three Scottish tales and interlinks them.这个剧本用到了三个苏格兰传说并把它们连在一起外研社新世纪〔join〕The conjunctiva joins the eye to the lid.结膜将眼球与眼睑连在一起外研社新世纪〔jumper〕Often jumpers A child's garment consisting of straight-legged pants attached to a biblike bodice. 常作 jumpers 连衫裤童装:一种儿童穿的外套,直统裤腿的长裤和围裙似的上装连在一起美国传统〔lace〕The novel skilfully laces together the lives of two persons.这本小说把两个人的命运巧妙地串连在一起英汉大词典〔link〕Christmas will be forever linked to memories of Sam's death.圣诞节将永远与萨姆死亡的记忆连在一起牛津搭配〔link〕Newspapers have linked his name with the singer.报章报道把他的名字与那名歌手连在一起牛津高阶〔link〕The climbers were linked together by ropes.登山者用绳子连在一起朗文当代〔link〕The marriage of their children has linked the two families.孩子们的婚姻把两个家庭连在一起韦氏高阶〔link〕These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.这些情况串连在一起就向人们暗示谁是贼。英汉大词典〔living〕The study links the main living area to the kitchen.书房将起居区域与厨房连在一起外研社新世纪〔living〕The study links the main living area to the kitchen.书房把主要的生活区与厨房连在一起柯林斯高阶〔maillot〕A woman's one-piece swimsuit usually cut high on the leg.女士泳装:一种腿部暴露很高的衣裤连在一起的女式游泳衣美国传统〔marry〕Nautical To join (two ropes) end to end by interweaving their strands.【航海】 插接(绳端):通过编织绳股而将(两根绳子)的尾端连在一起美国传统〔phonograph〕A machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk.留声机、唱机:通过与有磁道的、转动的唱盘连在一起的唱针来发声的机器美国传统〔romantic〕Their names have been linked romantically.他们的名字因恋爱关系而连在一起牛津高阶〔rope〕Fortunately the climbers were roped together.幸运的是登山者们是用绳索连在一起的。麦克米伦高阶〔rope〕It was a difficult climb, so we roped (up).这段山路很难攀登,于是我们用绳索串连在一起往上爬。英汉大词典〔rope〕Mountain climbers often rope themselves together for safety.为了安全起见,爬山者经常会用绳子相互连在一起韦氏高阶〔rope〕Mountaineers rope themselves together for safety.登山者为了安全用绳子把彼此连在一起朗文当代〔rope〕The climbers roped themselves together.登山者用绳索把他们自己都连在一起剑桥高阶〔run together〕If you run these words together,none will understand them.如果你把这些词连在一起,谁也看不懂。21世纪英汉〔run-on sentence〕A sentence in which two or more independent clauses are improperly joined, as by a comma fault.连写句:(错用逗号等)使两个或多个独立从句不正确地连在一起的句子美国传统〔spring〕Cheaper mattresses have springs that link together.更便宜的床垫里面是连在一起的弹簧。麦克米伦高阶〔spun yarn〕A lightweight line made of several rope yarns loosely wound together, used for seizings on board ship.细纱,短纤纱:由几根纺线松散地连在一起组成的线,用于甲板船上的捆扎美国传统〔strictly〕Strictly speaking, it is not one house at all, but three houses joined together.确切地说, 那根本就不是一幢房, 而是三幢房连在一起外研社新世纪〔strict〕Strictly speaking, it is not one house at all, but three houses joined together.严格来说,这根本不是一间房子,而是三间房子连在一起柯林斯高阶〔string〕They strung wires from tree to tree.他们把一棵棵树用金属线连在一起韦氏高阶〔team〕To harness or join together so as to form a team.把…套上:把…套上或连在一起形成畜力车美国传统〔tenorrhaphy〕The surgical uniting of divided tendons with sutures.腱缝术:通过缝合将分开的腱连在一起的外科手术美国传统〔term〕One of the quantities connected by addition or subtraction signs in an equation; a member.项:等式中用加号或减号连在一起的量;一项美国传统〔together〕The model was held together with string.那个模型是用细绳连在一起的。朗文当代〔together〕The old fence was held together by chicken wire.旧篱笆由六角形网眼铁丝网连在一起韦氏高阶〔touch〕The two estates touch each other.两块地产连在一起英汉大词典〔to〕Your computer is connected to the main network.你的计算机和主网络是连在一起的。麦克米伦高阶If you join up the dots on the paper, you'll get a picture.你如果把纸上的点连在一起,就会得出一幅画。剑桥国际My computer has a network interface, which allows me to get to other computers.我的计算机有网络接口,可以与其他计算机连在一起剑桥国际Please enclose your signed cheque and payment slip unattached and unfolded.请附上你签字的支票和付款单,不要连在一起, 不要折叠。剑桥国际Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.将两片东西缝几针连在一起剑桥国际The British seem to have a deep mistrust of being linked physically to the European mainland.英国人心底里总不愿把自己和欧洲大陆连在一起剑桥国际The Siamese twins who were born joined at the arm had an operation to separate them.出生时手臂连在一起的连体双胞胎接受了分离手术。剑桥国际The new canal will link the two rivers. 新运河将两条河连在一起译典通The sleeping car and restaurant car were coupled together.卧车和餐车连在一起剑桥国际The two problems are twinned -- you can't really separate them.这两个问题是连在一起的----你无法真正将它们分开。剑桥国际There were several pages that adhered to each other. 有几页书黏连在一起了。译典通

