
单词 的吧
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕Feel free to use my computer whenever you need to. 你什么时候需要电脑,就随便用我的吧朗文写作活用〔Lord〕They didn't fire you for drinking, did they?—Lord, no!他们不是因为你喝酒而开除你的吧?——天哪, 当然不是!外研社新世纪〔MEAL〕Can I get you something to eat? 我给你弄点吃的吧朗文写作活用〔NEW〕You're new here, aren't you? 你是新来的吧朗文写作活用〔UNTRUE〕You don't believe that rubbish, do you? 你是不会相信那些鬼话的吧朗文写作活用〔a〕Among the towns of the area there is a Smithville, I believe.我想,在这个地区的城镇中有一个叫史密斯维尔的吧英汉大词典〔back〕The back of my hand to you! 去你的吧! 英汉大词典〔bar〕We sat at the restaurant's bar while we were waiting for a table.我们坐在饭店的吧台等候就餐。韦氏高阶〔bit〕I expect you do quite a bit of travelling? 我想你是经常在外面跑的吧朗文当代〔can〕You can't be serious! 你不会是认真的吧朗文当代〔can〕You can't be serious!你该不会是认真的吧外研社新世纪〔cap〕I didn't say you were a busybody. However, if the cap fits, wear it! 我没有说过你是个爱管闲事的人。可是,如果话说得恰当,那就当做对你说的吧英汉大词典〔cash bar〕A bar, such as one at a large party, where drinks are sold by the glass.吧台:如大型晚会的吧台,在那里出售成杯的饮料美国传统〔choose〕Surely he wasn't just chosen for his good looks? 他肯定不仅仅是因为长相好才被选中的吧麦克米伦高阶〔chow〕Let's grab some chow.咱们拿点吃的吧韦氏高阶〔conversation〕Do you remember our conversation about that new movie? 你记得我们谈到过那部新片的吧韦氏高阶〔counter〕Mary worked behind the counter at Bacon's for a few hours a week.玛丽每周在培根酒吧当几个小时的吧台服务员。牛津搭配〔drink〕Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.你自己去找点儿吃的和喝的吧牛津搭配〔eat〕Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.去自己找点吃的喝的吧牛津搭配〔figure〕It figures.它似乎是对的吧美国传统〔fling away〕Let's fling that old furniture away and buy some new.我们扔掉那些旧家具买点新的吧21世纪英汉〔foot〕He didn't know, my foot! Of course he did!他不知道?去你的吧!他当然知道!外研社新世纪〔fresh〕Your coffee is cold - let me make you a fresh cup.你的咖啡凉了——我给你冲一杯新的吧剑桥高阶〔goodness〕You're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart? 你该不是说他是纯粹出于好心才主动借钱给你的吧牛津高阶〔go〕Wear something else. Those colours don't go.穿件别的吧, 那几个颜色不协调。外研社新世纪〔grub〕I'm starving - let's get some grub.我要饿死了——我们去找点吃的吧剑桥高阶〔grub〕Let's get some grub.我们弄点吃的吧朗文当代〔here goes!〕Well, I've never ridden a motorbike before, so here goes! 噢,我以前从来都没开过摩托车,现在就看我的吧剑桥高阶〔his〕If you can't find your hat, take his.倘若你找不到自己的帽子,拿他的吧英汉大词典〔iffy〕A: Would you have signed the peace petition? B: That's an iffy.甲:您当时也会在和平请愿书上签名的吧? 乙:这就难说了。英汉大词典〔interest〕It may interest you to know this.此事也许是你想知道的吧外研社新世纪〔it〕Go it on your own! 自己动手干你的吧! 英汉大词典〔keep〕A: My hobby's writing plays. B: You can keep it.甲:我的业余消遣是写剧本。乙:那你去写你的吧。(或:我可一点也不喜欢。)英汉大词典〔leave〕If you don't like the cocktail you ordered, just leave it and try a different one.你要是不喜欢你要的鸡尾酒,就别喝了,要点别的吧柯林斯高阶〔leave〕Let's leave some of the food for late comers.我们给晚到的人留些吃的吧英汉大词典〔life〕You guys should just stop moaning and get a life! 你们这些家伙就别抱怨了,来点有意思的吧朗文当代〔make〕Can I make you a drink? 我给你弄点喝的吧韦氏高阶〔mean〕You don't mean to say so! 你不是存心要这么说的吧!文馨英汉〔mine〕The green gloves are mine. If you can't find your hat, take mine.那付绿手套是我的。如果找不到你的帽子,就戴我的吧美国传统〔move〕I think we've talked enough about that subject; let's move on.关于那个问题我认为我们已经谈得够多了,让我们改谈别的吧英汉大词典〔much〕So much for that — let's talk about something else.关于此事就谈到这里,让我们谈谈别的吧英汉大词典〔mundane〕On a more mundane level, can we talk about the timetable for next week? 说点儿实际的吧,我们能谈谈下周的时间安排吗?牛津高阶〔now〕You don't mean it, now.喂,你这话不是当真的吧文馨英汉〔once〕Listen to us, if only this once.听我们的吧,哪怕就这么一次。柯林斯高阶〔pawn〕Don't let him pawn off an old bike on you – get a new one.别让他把破自行车卖给你,去买辆新的吧朗文当代〔pick〕Take your pick.拣你喜欢的吧牛津同义词〔please〕Oh, please. You can't be serious! That makes no sense! 哎呀,得了吧。你不会是认真的吧!那说不通啊!韦氏高阶〔postural〕Stop posturing in front of that mirror and listen to me.别对着那面镜子摆姿势了,听我的吧21世纪英汉〔really〕Not really! 不会是真的吧!绝不会!文馨英汉〔relevant〕This point is not really relevant and we had better move on.这一点实非至关重要,咱们还是接着谈别的吧英汉大词典〔surely〕Surely this can’t be right? 这不可能是对的吧牛津高阶〔take it from me〕It won't work - take it from me.那不会管用的——相信我说的吧剑桥高阶〔tearjerker〕I'm not in the mood to see a tearjerker. Let's watch something funny instead.我不想看伤感的电影。咱们还是看点儿有趣的吧韦氏高阶〔tell〕I suppose you've come to say 'I told you so.' 我想你来就是为了说一句“我早告诉过你”的吧朗文当代〔tend〕I tend to know Middle Eastern countries pretty well.我还可算是比较熟悉中东国家的吧英汉大词典〔true〕Possibly the same is true of social work? 社会工作可能也是这样的吧? 英汉大词典It must be funny to be famous and have everyone looking at you.出了名,人人都盯着你瞧,一定感到怪怪的吧剑桥国际Oh go away, get lost! 走开,去你的吧剑桥国际

