
单词 苏打
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACROSS〕Antonia went to cross the street to buy us some sodas. 安东尼娅穿过马路去给我们买些苏打水。朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕Scour the bowl with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. 把醋和小苏打混合后擦碗。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Would you like a drop of soda in your whisky? 你的威士忌里要加些苏打水吗?朗文写作活用〔ash〕Soda ash is a key component in glass-making.苏打灰是制造玻璃的主要成分。外研社新世纪〔barilla〕The crude sodium carbonate ash obtained from these plants.苏打灰:从这些植物中获得的粗碳酸钠灰美国传统〔base〕They were laying the base for a new economic recovery.这些给经济的再次复苏打下了基础。朗文当代〔belly wash〕A soft drink, especially soda.清凉饮料:软饮料,尤指苏打美国传统〔bicarbonate of soda〕Add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.加一茶匙小苏打外研社新世纪〔bicarbonate of soda〕Mix together 250 g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.将250克纯面粉与一茶匙小苏打搅拌在一起,然后加入蛋糕粉中。剑桥高阶〔biscuit〕A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.饼干:由烘烤剂或苏打发酵制成的松脆的小块点心美国传统〔claret cup〕A chilled drink made of claret mixed with soda, fruit juices, brandy, and sugar.冰镇红酒混合饮料:由红葡萄酒混合苏打水、果汁、白兰地和糖而制成的冰镇饮料美国传统〔cleaner〕He recommends using baking soda as a general household cleaner.他建议用小苏打作一般家用去污剂。韦氏高阶〔conglomerate〕Crack cocaine is cocaine that has been cooked in water with a little baking soda so that it conglomerates into a solid 'rock'.强效可卡因是可卡因与少量小苏打在水中一起煮后形成的一块硬“石头”。外研社新世纪〔deflower〕Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.诺拉被一个在苏打水厂工作的男人夺去了贞操。外研社新世纪〔egg cream〕A drink made of milk, syrup, and soda water.蛋奶:用牛奶、糖浆和苏打水调制成的饮料美国传统〔gimlet〕A cocktail made with vodka or gin, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime.伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒:一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬美国传统〔hot-tempered〕He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.他是如此暴躁并且易激动, 就像一瓶突然喷射的苏打水。外研社新世纪〔ice-cream soda〕A refreshment consisting of scoops of ice cream in a mixture of soda water and syrup.冰淇淋苏打水:一种由苏打水和糖浆的混合物和冰淇淋组成的饮料美国传统〔jerk〕To make and serve (ice-cream sodas, for example) at a soda fountain.在冷饮柜台制作或供应(例如冰淇淋苏打冷饮)美国传统〔mixer〕A beverage, such as soda water or ginger ale, used in diluting alcoholic drinks.调酒饮料:一种饮料,如苏打水或姜汁啤酒,用以冲淡酒精饮料美国传统〔mix〕He mixed himself a mild Scotch and soda.他给自己调了一杯加苏打水的淡味苏格兰威士忌酒。英汉大词典〔oyster cracker〕A small, dry, usually round soda cracker.牡蛎苏打饼干:一种小的、干的、通常圆形的苏打饼干美国传统〔planter's punch〕A drink of rum with lemon or lime juice, sugar syrup, water or soda, bitters, and grenadine.朗姆鸡尾酒:由朗姆酒同柠檬或莱姆酸橙汁、糖浆、水或苏打、苦啤酒和石榴汁混合而成的饮料美国传统〔plissé〕A puckered finish given to fabric by treating it with a caustic soda.褶绉处理:通过用有腐蚀性的苏打水处理织物使其具有褶皱的表层美国传统〔punch〕A beverage of fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water or soda, often spiced and mixed with a wine or liquor base.潘趣洒:一种果汁饮料,有时加碳酸水或苏打水,通常调味后在底部混有葡萄酒或蒸馏酒美国传统〔rickey〕A drink of soda water, lime or lemon juice, sugar, and usually gin.利克酒:一种苏打水、酸橙或柠檬汁、糖,通常还有杜松子酒的饮料美国传统〔rinsability〕She rinses her mouth with water and soda every morning.她每天早晨用苏打水漱口。21世纪英汉〔sal soda〕A hydrated sodium carbonate used as a general cleanser.苏打,洗涤碱:一种期不个氢氧碳酸钠,用作洗涤剂美国传统〔saleratus〕Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda.发酵粉,小苏打:作为发酵剂的钠或碳酸氢钾;烘焙苏打美国传统〔smash〕A drink made of mint, sugar, soda water, and alcoholic liquor, usually brandy.斯马喜饮料:一种由薄荷、糖、苏打水和(例如白兰地的)烈性酒混合制成的饮料美国传统〔soda ash〕Sodium carbonate in powdery white form, used especially as an industrial chemical.苏打灰:以白粉形式存在的碳酸钠,尤其是作为工业化学品使用美国传统〔soda biscuit〕A breadlike biscuit leavened with baking soda.苏打饼干:用苏打酵粉发酵的象面包的饼干美国传统〔soda bread〕A quick bread leavened with baking soda and buttermilk or sour milk.苏打面包:一种以小苏打、奶酪或酸奶为酵母的速发面包美国传统〔soda fountain〕An apparatus with faucets for dispensing soda water.汽水容器:用来分发苏打汽水的、装有龙头的装置美国传统〔soda water〕A solution of water, sodium bicarbonate, and acid.苏打水:水、碳酸氢钠和酸的溶液美国传统〔soda water〕I'll have a soda water.我要一杯苏打水。外研社新世纪〔soda〕A refreshment made from carbonated water, ice cream, and usually a flavoring.苏打点心:一种用碳酸水、冰淇淋和调料制成的新鲜糕点美国传统〔soda〕Any of various forms of sodium carbonate.苏打:一种碳酸钠的形式美国传统〔soda〕Scotch and soda 加苏打水的苏格兰威士忌韦氏高阶〔sour〕A mixed drink made especially with whiskey, lemon or lime juice, sugar, and sometimes soda water.酸味鸡尾酒:尤指威士忌、柠檬或酸橙汁、糖以及有时加苏打水的混合酒美国传统〔sparkling water〕Water charged with carbon dioxide.苏打水:含有二氧化碳的水美国传统〔splash〕She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.她倒了一大杯杜松子酒,然后从苏打水瓶里倒了些苏打水掺进去。剑桥高阶〔spritz〕He spritzed a little soda in his drink.他往饮料里喷了一点儿苏打水。21世纪英汉〔than〕There was more whisky in it than soda.那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。牛津高阶〔top〕He popped the top of a soda can.他啪的一声打开苏打水罐的盖子。牛津搭配〔when〕A: Soda? Say when. B: Right to the top.甲:要苏打水吗? 要多少请关照一声。乙:倒满为止。英汉大词典〔wine cooler〕A bottled mixture of wine, fruit juice, and sometimes soda water.葡萄酒冷却器:瓶装的葡萄酒、果汁和有时为苏打水的混和物美国传统A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes do wonders. 晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。译典通A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes work wonders. 晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。译典通I'd like three Coca Colas and a lemonade.我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。剑桥国际I'll have a Scotch (= a glass of this)/a double Scotch/a Scotch and soda/a Scotch on the rocks (= with ice).我要一杯威士忌/一杯双份威士忌/一杯威士忌加苏打/一杯加冰块的威士忌。剑桥国际I'll have a bourbon on the rocks / and water / and soda.我要一杯加冰块的 / 加水的 / 加苏打的波旁威士忌。剑桥国际Mix together 250g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.将二百五十克纯面粉与一茶匙小苏打搅拌在一起, 然后加入糕点混合物。剑桥国际She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.她倒了一大杯杜松子酒,从虹吸瓶里搀了些苏打水进去。剑桥国际Soda water is a carbonated drink. 苏打水是一种含二氧化碳的饮料。译典通Two whisky and sodas, please. 请来两杯威士忌苏打译典通

