
单词 自由活动
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔diarthrosis〕Any of several types of bone articulation permitting free motion in a joint, as that of the shoulder or hip.可动关节:可自由活动的骨关节,如肩膀关节或髋关节美国传统〔do〕In the evenings students are free to do as they please (=do what they want) .晚上学生可以自由活动朗文当代〔elbowroom〕Room to move around or work freely.行动的灵活:自由活动或工作的空间美国传统〔elbowroom〕You should give your students elbowroom.你应该给学生自由活动的余地。文馨英汉〔permit〕Employees are permitted to use the golf course during their free hours.员工们得到允许, 可在自由活动时间使用这个高尔夫球场。外研社新世纪〔playtime〕The children have playtime after lunch.孩子们在午饭后有自由活动时间。韦氏高阶〔quarantine〕Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease.隔离:为了防止传染疾病的传播,而强制施行的隔离或对自由活动的限制美国传统〔run〕Her dogs have the run of the house.她的狗可以在家里自由活动牛津高阶〔run〕We had the run of the house for the afternoon.下午我们可以在房子里自由活动朗文当代〔stable〕You should allow your stabled horse a couple of hours' freedom per day.你应该每天把关在马厩里的马放出来自由活动几个小时。柯林斯高阶It was no wonder that soldiers who risked death every day tended to kick over the traces on their evenings off.那些天天冒生命危险的士兵晚间自由活动时不服管束是不奇怪的。剑桥国际The animals are allowed to move freely (=without being limited) instead of being kept in small enclosures.动物可以自由活动(不受限制),而不是被关在小小的围场内。剑桥国际When we were children we were allowed to wander away from our parents so long as we stayed within call.当我们是孩子时,我们可以在听得见父母呼喊的范围内自由活动剑桥国际

