
单词 设定
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The computer programs can be customised for individual users. 该电脑程序可以根据个别用户需要而设定朗文写作活用〔Congress〕In America, Congress is already considering where to draw the line on how much is spent.在美国, 国会已经在考虑设定花钱的限度。外研社新世纪〔LIMIT〕The president set a time limit of 6 months for the negotiations to produce an agreement. 总统给这次谈判设定了六个月的期限来达成协议。朗文写作活用〔Pac-Man defense〕A stratagem used to prevent a hostile takeover, by which the target company tries to acquire the bidder.小精灵反收购战略:被设定为收购目标的公司试图买下欲收购者的反收购战略美国传统〔addition〕Respondents are able to raise any issue they believe is important, in addition to answering set questions.受访人除了回答设定的问题外, 还可以提出他们认为重要的任何问题。外研社新世纪〔aim〕If you're trying to lose weight, you should give yourself a goal/target to aim for.如果你想要减肥,你必须给自己设定一个目标。韦氏高阶〔arbitrate〕He acts as the referee: setting the rules and arbitrating between opposing parties.他充当裁判:设定规则并为对立双方进行仲裁。外研社新世纪〔build〕In order to build your self esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.为了增强自尊心,要为自己设定可以达到的目标。朗文当代〔cap〕The government has put a cap on spending.政府已经设定了开支的上限。外研社新世纪〔carrot〕They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.会给他们设定目标,如果能达到,就能得到额外的现金和报酬。柯林斯高阶〔ceiling〕The agreement sets the ceiling of twenty-two-point-five million barrels a day on OPEC production.该协议为石油输出国组织设定了日产量2,250万桶的上限。外研社新世纪〔ceiling〕The government has put/set/imposed a ceiling on automobile emissions.政府设定了汽车尾气排放量的上限。韦氏高阶〔ceremonial〕A set of ceremonies prescribed for an occasion; a ritual.仪式:为某种场合而设定的一套礼仪;仪式美国传统〔clock〕Mary set her alarm clock for 6:30 am (=made sure it would ring at 6:30) .玛丽把闹钟设定在早上六点半。朗文当代〔come〕Set the oven to come on at six.把烤箱设定在六点钟开始烘烤。牛津高阶〔demarcation〕The setting or marking of boundaries or limits.分界线:边界或限制的设定或标记美国传统〔deregulation〕Since deregulation, banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.管制撤销之后,银行可以自行设定利率。柯林斯高阶〔dial〕Set the dial for the number of copies required.在控制板上设定需要的复印数目。牛津搭配〔dial〕The heat dial was set at 150 degrees.温度调节器设定在 150 度。柯林斯高阶〔discoverable〕A discoverable website helps learners follow their creativity rather than a prescribed path.可搜索网站帮助学习者遵循自己的创造性而不是预先设定好的路径。剑桥高阶〔divert〕Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office.记住,离开办公室要设定电话转移。朗文当代〔establish〕The early scenes establish a credible set of characters.开始的几场设定了一组真实可信的人物。外研社新世纪〔expiry〕You will have to purchase top-up vouchers to keep the SIM active, and the calling credit has set expiry periods.你需要购买充值卡充值才能保证SIM卡处于激活状态, 此外, 呼叫余额是设定了有效期限的。外研社新世纪〔explosively〕The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.爆炸装置被设定在高峰时间引爆。柯林斯高阶〔flux〕The rate of flow of fluid, particles, or energy through a given surface.流动率:流体、微粒或能量通过一设定的表面时流动的速率美国传统〔fuse〕He set the fuse to three minutes.他把引信设定为三分钟起爆。牛津高阶〔futuristic〕Her latest novel is a futuristic thriller, set some time in the late 21st century.她的新书是一部未来派风格的惊险小说,背景设定于21世纪后期的某个时间。剑桥高阶〔grade〕They graded the new highway.他们为新公路设定好了坡度。韦氏高阶〔gray market〕The business of buying or selling goods, such as imports, at prices below those set by an official regulatory agency.灰色市场:以低于官方正规机构设定的价格进行买卖商品的交易,如进口商品美国传统〔handicap〕The horses were handicapped.对这些马设定了让步条件。外研社新世纪〔headway〕The system uses a GPRS network to locate buses and establish the headway.这一系统运用GPRS网络对公共汽车进行定位并设定发车间隔。外研社新世纪〔high〕We just do not set our sights high enough.我们设定的目标不够高远。外研社新世纪〔high〕We just do not set our sights high enough.我们设定的目标不够高远。柯林斯高阶〔high〕You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.想让自己的收入有所提高时, 你应该敢于给自己设定高远的目标。外研社新世纪〔imagesetter〕A typesetting device that produces very high-resolution output directly from a computer file, as for camera-ready copy.影像设定:可以自计算机文件直接产生非常高分辨率输出的排版设备,如待印制的副本美国传统〔implicit〕Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.他话语中的言外之意是设定他们有罪。牛津高阶〔included〕Other people, myself included, believe that it's reasonable to have a minimum wage.包括我在内的其他人都认为设定最低工资是合理的。麦克米伦高阶〔infinity〕A distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus.无限远标志:一个距离的设定,比如在照像机上,表示整个场景都在焦点内美国传统〔interference〕Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government.航空公司将能脱离政府干预设定便宜的机票价格。柯林斯高阶〔jump back〕The book jumps back and forth between contemporary and 16th-century London.这本书的情景设定在当代伦敦和16世纪的伦敦之间来回跳转。外研社新世纪〔limit〕Establish clear limits, but keep rules to a minimum.设定明确的限制,但规则数目应该尽量少。牛津搭配〔minimum〕Many states impose an age minimum of eighteen for the death penalty.许多国家设定死刑最低年龄为 18 岁。牛津搭配〔mood〕Lighting was particularly important in setting the mood of the play.闪电在设定戏的基调方面特别重要。麦克米伦高阶〔noumenon〕An object that can be intuited only by the intellect and not perceived by the senses.本体:只能由理智设定而不能靠官能察觉的东西美国传统〔objective〕We've set specific objectives for each day.我们设定了每一天的具体目标。韦氏高阶〔parameter〕First we need to set/define the parameters of the project.首先我们要设定这个项目的各项参数。韦氏高阶〔parameter〕The inquiry has to stay within the parameters laid down by Congress.调查必须局限于国会设定的范围之内。朗文当代〔parameter〕We had to work within the parameters that had already been established.我们必须在已设定的范围内工作。牛津高阶〔parsimony〕Adoption of the simplest assumption in the formulation of a theory or in the interpretation of data, especially in accordance with the rule of Ockham's razor.俭省,惜墨如金:阐述一个理论或解释一个论据时采用最简单的设定方式,尤指符合奥卡姆剃刀的规律的方式美国传统〔pitching〕The government has pitched High Street interest rates at a new level.政府已设定了新的商业利率水平。柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕The training will be pitched at a particular level of knowledge and skill.培训将设定在特定的知识和技能水平上。外研社新世纪〔pledgor〕A person who deposits property as a pledge.设定质权者:持有作为抵押的财产的人美国传统〔post〕You can change your privacy settings so that only certain people can see your posts.你可以修改你的隐私设定,只让某些人看到你的帖子。剑桥高阶〔predictable〕The plot is so predictable the audience laughed at every supposed twist.剧情太老套了, 观众在每一个设定的转折处都发出了笑声。外研社新世纪〔preselect〕You can preselect programmes you want to watch, and program your VCR to record them.你可以预选想看的节目并设定录像机录下来。牛津高阶〔pretence〕The industry has abandoned any pretence of restraint.该行业已经不再假装设定限制。外研社新世纪〔prime〕He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time.他正在装炸弹,设定为在一个小时之内爆炸。柯林斯高阶〔programme〕Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.家长可以设定程序, 禁止机器在特定时间启动。外研社新世纪〔programme〕Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。柯林斯高阶〔program〕The heating system has been programmed to maintain a constant temperature.加热系统被设定为保持恒温。麦克米伦高阶〔purpose〕We started work again with a renewed sense of purpose.带着重新设定的目标,我们又干了起来。韦氏高阶〔quota〕Several countries have now set quotas for cod fishing.现在有几个国家对鳕鱼捕捞设定了限额。朗文当代〔quota〕The government is planning to introduce quotas on sugar production.政府正计划对糖的生产设定限额。麦克米伦高阶〔rabbit〕Sports A runner who intentionally sets a fast pace for a teammate during a long-distance race.【体育运动】 带跑队员:在长距离竞赛中故意为某一队友设定较快速度的选手美国传统〔reconfigure〕You may need to reconfigure the firewall if you add a new machine to your network.如果在网络中增加新计算机,可能就得重新设定防火墙。牛津高阶〔scene〕The scene is set in the first paragraph with an account of Sally's childhood.第一段中通过对萨莉童年的描述设定了故事的背景。牛津搭配〔set〕His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。外研社新世纪〔set〕I set the timer for/to twenty minutes.我把定时器设定在二十分钟。韦氏高阶〔set〕Learn to set yourself realistic goals.要学会给自己设定切实可行的目标。外研社新世纪〔set〕Opposition parties have set conditions for peace negotiations to begin.反对党已经为开始和平谈判设定了条件。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。朗文当代〔set〕The bomb was set to go off at eight o'clock.炸弹被设定在8点爆炸。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕The committee has set new limits on spending.委员会对开支设定了新的限制。剑桥高阶〔set〕The heating is set to come on at 5 p.m.暖气设定在下午5点钟启动。剑桥高阶〔set〕You can set it so that it does an automatic data backup at the end of each day.你可以把它设定好,这样每天结束时它都会自动备份。麦克米伦高阶〔standard〕The EU should set minimum standards of employee rights.欧盟应该设定雇员权利的最低标准。朗文当代〔stroke〕Nautical To set the pace for (a rowing crew).【航海】 (为划桨手)设定节奏美国传统〔target〕She has always set herself very high targets.她总是给自己设定非常高的目标。牛津搭配〔target〕We are well within our target for trains arriving on time.火车准点率符合我们设定的目标。牛津搭配〔telecommunication〕Telecommunication companies should have a minimum speed for Internet dial-up connections.电信公司应该为网络拨号连接的速度设定下限。外研社新世纪〔time bomb〕A bomb with a detonating mechanism that can be set for a particular time.定时炸弹:具有引爆装置的炸弹,可以设定在某一时刻爆炸美国传统〔timer〕Set the timer on the cooker for three minutes.把炉子上的定时器设定为三分钟。朗文当代〔timer〕The timer is set to go off in 15 minutes.定时器设定在15分钟发出响声提醒。韦氏高阶〔time〕I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不觉得我一开始就特意为每张专辑设定了不同的曲风。然而,我确实知道当时想要的是什么感觉。柯林斯高阶〔time〕The bomb was timed to go off at 6 am.炸弹设定在早晨6点爆炸。外研社新世纪〔tone〕The newspaper sets a high moral tone in its editorial about politicians' private lives.这家报纸在其评论政治人物私生活的社论中设定了一种很高的道德调子。牛津搭配〔trigger〕The timer was set to trigger the bomb in exactly one hour.定时器设定在一小时后引爆炸弹。韦氏高阶〔video〕Did you remember to set the video for 'EastEnders'? 你记得把录像机设定好录制《伦敦东区人》了吗?牛津搭配Firms have a lot of discretion about the wage rates they set.企业对所设定的工资标准有很大的决定权。牛津商务I don't know how to set the cruise control on the car.我不知怎样设定汽车的长途匀速自控。剑桥国际I've set the alarm for 7.30.我已把闹钟设定在7###∶30 。剑桥国际It's best to set the video so that it goes off (= stops operating) five minutes after the programme is scheduled to finish.最好设定一下录像机,让它节目结束五分钟后关机。剑桥国际The central office sets/establishes the parameters which guide policy at the local level.中央办公室设定参数,指导地方层次的政策。剑桥国际The government has set new limits on public spending.政府对政府开支设定了新的限制。剑桥国际The most important part of goal setting is that the people who have to reach the goals also take part in setting them.目标设定中最重要的部分是执行目标的人也参与目标的制订。牛津商务The optimum temperature setting for the machine is 70°C.机器的最佳温度设定为摄氏 70 度。牛津商务The targets for the year were based on a dollar/yen rate of 122 yen.当年的目标是按 1 美元对 122 日元的汇率设定的。牛津商务The union has set a cut-off point for the negotiations.工会已设定了谈判的截止期限。牛津商务They set a floor price of $1.7 million for the bidding.他们为此次投标设定的底价为 170 万元。牛津商务You have the option to cap and collar the lending rate on our loans.你有权对我们的贷款设定贷款利率的上下限。牛津商务

