
单词 要上学
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔foot〕You'll just have to put your foot down and tell him he can't stay out on school nights.你一定要态度坚决,告诉他,如果第二天要上学,晚上就不能在外面逗留。朗文当代〔school night〕I can't go to the cinema tonight – it's a school night.我今晚不能去看电影,明天要上学麦克米伦高阶〔school〕The next day was Monday, a school day.第二天是星期一,要上学牛津搭配〔stay〕You've got school tomorrow. I don't want you staying up late.你明天要上学,我不想你熬夜。牛津高阶〔with〕Down with school! (= We don't want/like it.) 不要上学剑桥高阶He was always dispirited on Sunday night because of the prospect of school the next day.他周日晚上总是没精打采,因为第二天要上学剑桥国际

