“bridle at”例句

单词 bridle at
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bridier〕Anyone would bridle at such insults.任何人对这般侮辱都会发怒的。21世纪英汉〔bridle at〕He bridled at the suggestion that he had been dishonest.他对说他不诚实的意见很生气。21世纪英汉〔bridle at〕She bridled at his nasty remark.她对他的刻薄话很生气。21世纪英汉〔bridle〕Alex bridled at the shortness of Pamela's tone.亚历克斯对帕梅拉的简慢语气很生气。柯林斯高阶〔bridle〕Alex bridled at the shortness of Pamela's tone.亚历克斯被帕梅拉说话时傲慢无礼的语气激怒了。外研社新世纪〔bridle〕BBC bosses might bridle at the suggestion.英国广播公司的老板们有可能会被这一提议惹怒。外研社新世纪〔bridle〕He bridled at the suggestion that he had lied.有人暗示他撒了谎,这让他大为恼怒。麦克米伦高阶〔bridle〕He bridled at their criticism of his methods.他的方法受到他们的指责,这让他大为恼火。韦氏高阶〔bridle〕He bridled at this insult.他对这样的侮辱怒不可遏。英汉大词典〔bridle〕She bridled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest.有人暗指她曾经不诚实,这使她大为光火。剑桥高阶〔bridle〕She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.她对暗示她在说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。牛津高阶〔bridle〕Smith bridled at anonymous criticism in the press.史密斯对新闻界来源不明的批评大为气恼。外研社新世纪〔bridle〕The senator bridled at the reporter's question.参议员听了记者的问题发火了。朗文当代〔coarse〕She bridled at the indelicate suggestion.她对不得体的暗示发怒了。美国传统She bridled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest.有人暗示她不诚实,这使她大为气恼。剑桥国际

