
单词 meandering
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔meander〕We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.我们穿过架在蜿蜒小河上的一座小铁桥。柯林斯高阶〔meander〕We spent the afternoon meandering around the streets of the old town.我们一下午都在古镇的街道上闲逛。剑桥高阶〔remote〕He listened to her meandering gossip with a remote air.他带着恍惚的神情听她东拉西扯的闲聊。英汉大词典It is an area of marshy depressions and meandering rivers.这里到处都是沼泽低地和蜿蜒曲折的河流。剑桥国际No-one wanted to listen to his long meanderings.没人愿意听他那不着边际的长篇大论。剑桥国际This mountainous road keeps meandering toward the East until it reaches the sea. 这条山路一直朝东蜿蜒而行,到达海边为止。译典通We spent the afternoon meandering around the streets of the old town.我们一下午在古镇街道上闲逛。剑桥国际

