“mental disorder”例句

单词 mental disorder
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affective disorder〕A mental disorder characterized by a consistent, pervasive alteration in mood, and affecting thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.情感性精神病:一种精神病,症状为不断变化的情绪,会影响思想、情感以及行为美国传统〔ailment〕A physical or mental disorder, especially a mild illness.失调,精神不安:身体或精神不适,尤其指小毛病美国传统〔automatism〕Mechanical, seemingly aimless behavior characteristic of various mental disorders.自动症:由各种神经疾病引起的机械的,毫无目的的行为特征美国传统〔definable〕Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.许多人都患有能够辨识的酗酒、吸毒或心理障碍。柯林斯高阶〔definable〕Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.许多人都饱受酒精、毒品以及精神疾患的折磨。外研社新世纪〔deprivation〕Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.缺乏睡眠会引起精神紊乱。朗文当代〔disorder〕He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder and had served a term in prison.他看上去患有严重的精神疾病,而且坐过牢。柯林斯高阶〔disorder〕He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder.他看上去有严重的心理障碍。外研社新世纪〔disorder〕The family have a history of mental disorder.该家族有精神病史。剑桥高阶〔hallucinate〕Mental disorders, drug use, and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.精神失常、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人产生幻觉。剑桥高阶〔insanity〕Persistent mental disorder or derangement.精神病:持续的精神紊乱或错乱美国传统〔melancholia〕A mental disorder characterized by severe depression, apathy, and withdrawal.忧郁症:以极度意志消沉、无兴趣及逃避现实为特征的一种精神病美国传统〔mental〕The family has a history of mental disorder.这个家庭有精神失常的病史。剑桥高阶〔movement〕There has been a movement back to more therapeutic treatments of mental disorders in recent years.近年来,精神疾病的治疗又回到了更多借助医疗疗法的传统上。韦氏高阶〔neuroleptic〕A tranquilizing drug, especially one used in treating mental disorders.精神抑制药:镇静药,特别用于治疗精神紊乱美国传统〔nihilism〕Psychiatry A delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist.【精神病学】 虚无幻觉:在某些精神错乱中出现的一种幻觉,认为整个世界或一个人的思想、身躯或自己本身根本不存在美国传统〔phase〕In the earliest phase of mental disorder, relatives feel confused.在心理障碍出现的最初阶段,亲属会感到困惑不解。牛津搭配〔psychopathy〕Mental disorder, especially when manifested by antisocial behavior.精神变态:精神病,尤指那些有反社会行为的美国传统〔reaction〕Psychology A pattern of behavior constituting a mental disorder or personality type.【心理学】 习惯性行为:一种固定的行动模式,能引起神经失常或造成人格美国传统〔topectomy〕Surgical removal of specific areas of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex as a treatment of certain mental disorders.额叶皮质局部切除术:治疗某些神经疾病时施行的切除大脑皮层外叶中某特定部位的外科手术美国传统Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.精神错乱、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人们产生幻觉。剑桥国际The family have a history of mental disorder.这个家庭有精神错乱史。剑桥国际

