
单词 low-risk
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔money market〕The trade in short-term, low-risk securities, such as certificates of deposit and U.S. Treasury notes.短期资金市场:一种短期、低风险的证券经营买卖市场,如银行存单和美国短期公债美国传统〔opt〕After recent setbacks in the market, most people are now opting for low-risk investments.经历了近来证券市场上的多次挫折后,大部分人现在都转而选择低风险的投资。麦克米伦高阶It's a low-risk (= safe) strategy.那是一个低风险的战略。剑桥国际Many of these funds were marketed as low-risk.许多这样的基金都是作为低风险基金推销的。牛津商务The fund focuses on low-risk growth stocks.这只基金侧重于低风险的成长型股票。牛津商务

