
单词 luck
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Don't listen to what she says about birds in the house being bad luck - it's just superstitious nonsense. 别理会她说鸟在屋子里会带来噩运,那只是无聊的迷信思想。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕As luck would have it, it rained the next day and the game was canceled. 真不凑巧,第二天下雨,比赛取消了。朗文写作活用〔Jonah〕One thought to bring bad luck.不祥的人:被认为会带来厄运的人美国传统〔LOOK FOR〕I spent months looking for a job, with no luck. 我找了好几个月的工作,都没有运气。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕Brian asked me to wish you luck in your interview. 布赖恩叫我祝你面试成功。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕Did you have any luck with the job application? 你求职有什么运气吗?朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕Good luck Archie! Enjoy your new job. 祝你好运,阿奇!愿你新的工作干得开心。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕I got the right answer, but it was sheer luck. 我答对了,但这纯粹是运气。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕If luck was on our side, the garage would have delivered our car by now. 我们运气好的话,修车厂现在应该把我们的车送回来了。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕My car had broken down opposite a garage, which was a real stroke of luck. 我的汽车在一个修车厂的对面抛锚了,那实在是运气。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕The company knew that their run of good luck would not last forever. 公司明白他们的好运不会长久。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕You're not having much luck today, are you? 你今天不是很走运,是吗?朗文写作活用〔PARTLY〕Doing well in exams is to some extent a matter of luck. 从某种程度上说,考得好是运气。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕In the film, Williams plays a down-on-his luck salesman whose wife has left him. 影片中,威廉斯饰演一个穷困潦倒、被妻子抛弃的销售员。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕For centuries, crows have been thought to bring bad luck. 许多个世纪以来,乌鸦一直被认为会带来坏运气。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕I thought about buying a gun, but then I thought, with my luck, I'd probably end up shooting myself by accident. 我考虑过买枪的事,但后来一想,就我这运气,很可能会不小心误伤自己。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕I'm afraid you're out of luck. The director has already left for the day. 恐怕你运气不好,董事长今天已经走了。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕With my luck all the tickets will be sold by the time we get there. 我总是不走运,我们赶到时票肯定已卖完了。朗文写作活用〔amiss〕A little luck wouldn't go amiss right now! 此刻若交点好运还是相当称心的。牛津高阶〔application〕Making your new business successful requires luck, patience, and application.新公司的成功需要运气、耐心和努力。朗文当代〔as luck would have it〕We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.我们在回家的路上汽油用光了,幸好当时离加油站不远。剑桥高阶〔attribute〕She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气。牛津高阶〔attribution〕Attribution of his success solely to good luck is not fair.将他的成功仅归因于幸运是不公平的。文馨英汉〔be down on your luck〕He's been down on his luck recently.近来他有些不走运。剑桥高阶〔be out〕My luck is out today.我今天运气不佳。21世纪英汉〔be the luck of the draw〕You can't choose who you play against - it's just the luck of the draw.你无法选择比赛对手——全靠你的运气了。剑桥高阶〔best〕We would like to wish you the (very) best of luck on/with your move to France.我们祝你搬到法国之后一切顺利。剑桥高阶〔betoken〕The arrival of such luxuries betokened an upturn in the luck of Serra do Bura.塞拉·杜·布拉收到这些奢侈品, 这表明她的运气好转。外研社新世纪〔brood〕He did not say anything, brooding on the brutal luck of his life.他一声不吭,暗自思忖着他一生倒霉的命运。英汉大词典〔carve out〕Wood has not had much luck in carving out a career.伍德想闯出一番事业, 但运气不佳。外研社新世纪〔carve〕Wood has not had much luck in carving out a career.伍德想干出点名堂来,可是总不能如愿。柯林斯高阶〔ceremony〕He wished me good luck in the future and left without further ceremony.他祝愿我将来交好运,然后没有多加客气就走了。朗文当代〔chance〕It was such luck that you were there to help me! 真是幸运,有你帮助我!朗文当代〔chance〕She was chancing her luck driving without a licence.她无照驾车,完全是在冒险。牛津高阶〔chance〕We decided not to chance our luck in the storm.我们决定不去冒险顶着暴风雨出去。朗文当代〔charm〕He keeps a horseshoe as a good luck charm.他把一块马蹄铁带在身边作为吉祥护身符。韦氏高阶〔charm〕He seemed to regard his scarf as a good luck charm.他似乎把他的围巾看作好运气护身符。英汉大词典〔chuck〕Tough luck, chuck, you're in for a shock.你运气不好, 老兄, 准备吓一跳吧。外研社新世纪〔come〕Instances of bad luck are supposed to come in threes.接二连三地发生麦克米伦高阶〔compass〕We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。柯林斯高阶〔count〕With luck, you might cover your costs, but don't count on it.运气好的话你也许够付你的开销了,但别太指望。朗文当代〔crush〕A string of bad luck had crushed his spirit.一连串的霉运使他意志消沉。韦氏高阶〔curse〕She seems cursed with bad luck.她好像运气不好连连遭殃。牛津高阶〔decide〕Luck is certainly one deciding factor.运气当然是一个决定因素。柯林斯高阶〔distelfink〕A traditional Pennsylvania Dutch folk art motif of a bird or birds symbolizing good luck and happiness.狄斯特芬克风俗:美国宾夕法尼亚州荷兰裔风俗,以鸟或鸟群为艺术主题来象征好运与喜悦美国传统〔dollop〕You'll need a big dollop of luck to succeed.你需要有很多的运气才能成功。麦克米伦高阶〔dollop〕You'll need a big dollop of luck.你需要相当好的运气。朗文当代〔element〕Besides ability, the other essential element in political success is luck.政治上的成功除能力以外,另一个必不可少的因素便是运气。朗文当代〔end〕You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.你可以尽最大的努力给主持面试的人留下深刻的印象,不过最终常常要视乎运气。牛津高阶〔finger〕He crossed his fingers, asking for luck for the first time in his life.他将两指交叉, 平生第一次乞求好运。外研社新世纪〔fluke〕A stroke of good luck.侥幸:突如其来的好运美国传统〔for (good) luck〕We have a horseshoe hanging on our wall for good luck.我们在墙上挂了一块马蹄铁,希望能有好运气。剑桥高阶〔form〕My luck was running true to form.我的运气和往常一样。柯林斯高阶〔good〕Good luck in your exams.祝你考试好运。朗文当代〔go〕Good luck to them. I hope they make a go of it.祝他们好运。我希望他们能成。外研社新世纪〔grace〕He accepted the decision with good grace, and wished me the very best of luck.他欣然接受了这个决定, 并祝我好运。外研社新世纪〔hard luck〕It was hard luck on him.他不走运。外研社新世纪〔harshly〕The harsh truth is that luck plays a big part in who will live or die.残酷的事实是,谁死谁活在很大程度上要靠运气。柯林斯高阶〔have〕He hasn't been having much luck recently.他最近的运气不太好。剑桥高阶〔hoodoo〕Bad luck.厄运美国传统〔hoodoo〕One that brings bad luck.带来厄运的人或物美国传统〔hoodoo〕To bring bad luck to.使遭厄运美国传统〔horseshoe〕For many people the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck.对很多人来说马蹄铁是好运的象征。剑桥高阶〔ill〕He had a life dogged by ill luck.他一生命途多舛。外研社新世纪〔ill〕She had brought ill luck into her family.她给家庭带来了厄运。柯林斯高阶〔integral〕Luck was integral to our success.运气是我们成功的必要因素。韦氏高阶〔jammy〕You'd think that at least he'd have the good grace to admit his blinding, jammy luck.你可能会认为他起码应该大方地承认自己是撞上了好运。柯林斯高阶〔jinx〕His luck has been so bad he feels jinxed.他的运气一直很不好,他觉得自己倒了霉。韦氏高阶〔jinx〕To bring bad luck to.带来坏运气美国传统〔just my luck〕The last ticket was sold a minute before I got there—just my luck.最后一张票在我到达前一分钟卖出去了,我就这么倒霉。韦氏高阶〔just〕Just my luck(= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working.我就是这么倒霉。电话又坏了。牛津高阶〔knife-edge〕The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.比赛形势扑朔迷离。一个失误或是一点运气就有可能决定胜负。柯林斯高阶〔load〕I wish you loads of luck.我祝你大交好运。英汉大词典〔luck into〕She lucked into a good job.她幸运地得到一份好工作。韦氏高阶〔luck is against you〕I arrived a little late and luck was against me: the last ticket had just been sold.我晚到了一小会儿,不走运的是,最后一张票刚售完。韦氏高阶〔luck is against you〕Our car broke down on the road, but luck was on our side and there was a garage nearby.我们的车半路抛锚了,但我们运气好,附近恰好有一个汽车修理厂。韦氏高阶〔lucky stroke〕It was only by a stroke of luck that we found a parking spot.我们只是靠运气找到了停车位。韦氏高阶〔luck〕Luck was with him, and he won easily.他交了好运道,轻易地获胜。文馨英汉〔luck〕A stroke of luck has fallen to him.他交上了好运。英汉大词典〔luck〕As luck would have it, it was exactly what they needed.碰巧这正是他们所需要的。外研社新世纪〔luck〕As luck would have it, my best friend is the most wonderful cook in the world.碰巧,我最要好的朋友就是世界上最棒的厨师。朗文当代〔luck〕As luck would have it, the train was late.不巧火车晚点了。牛津高阶〔luck〕At last he lucked out and made good money.最终他交了好运,赚了很多钱。21世纪英汉〔luck〕Bad luck seems to follow me everywhere.噩运似乎处处跟着我。朗文当代〔luck〕Bad luck, Helen, you played very well.海伦,你表现得非常好,只是运气欠佳。牛津高阶〔luck〕By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop.我幸运地在当地一家书店发现了它。牛津搭配〔luck〕By good luck I was able to see him.我凑巧能见到他。英汉大词典〔luck〕Damned if I didn't luck out.要是我不走运,那才真见鬼了!英汉大词典〔luck〕For many people, happiness seems to be a matter of luck.在很多人看来, 幸福似乎和运气有关。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Have you had any luck with booking your flight? 你订到飞机票了吗?剑桥高阶〔luck〕He couldn't believe his luck when the other candidate for the job withdrew.该职位的另一名应征者退出了竞争,他简直不能相信自己运气这么好。牛津搭配〔luck〕He had the luck of meeting her there.=He had the luck to meet her there.他幸而在那儿遇到她。文馨英汉〔luck〕He must have been hoping for a relaxed time. No such luck.他一定是一直想放松一段时间,可就是没这个命。柯林斯高阶〔luck〕He's been having nothing but bad/rotten/hard/tough/lousy luck.除了坏运气外他一无所有。韦氏高阶〔luck〕He's had a lot of bad luck recently.他最近运气很不好。朗文当代〔luck〕His name was Martin, a student down on his luck.他名叫马丁,是个不走运的学生。英汉大词典〔luck〕I couldn't believe my luck when he showed an interest in me.我简直不相信自己的运气,他居然对我表示出了好感。朗文当代〔luck〕I decided to try my luck at the roulette wheel.我决定到轮盘赌那儿试试运气。牛津搭配〔luck〕I didn't dare push my luck too far and did not ask them to sign statements.我不敢太过贪心, 所以没有让他们在声明上签字。外研社新世纪〔luck〕I found my watch by luck.我碰巧找到了表。牛津同义词〔luck〕I gave him a kiss and hoped it would bring me luck.我吻了他, 希望这能给我带来好运。外研社新世纪〔luck〕I had hoped there would be another train, but I was out of luck.我原本想着还能有一趟火车,但我不太走运。牛津搭配〔luck〕I thought I was going to miss the train but luck was on my side.我以为要赶不上火车了,还好我运气不错。牛津搭配〔luck〕I was sure I was going to miss the train; but I lucked out, the train was five minutes late.我想我肯定赶不上火车了;可是运气挺好,火车晚点了5分钟。英汉大词典〔luck〕If our luck holds, we should win.如果我们运气还在,应该能赢。牛津搭配〔luck〕If you're lucky at first, don't press your luck.你如果一开头交上好运,那就不要贪心不足想再交好运。英汉大词典〔luck〕It is just the luck of the draw as to who gets on the show.至于谁会出演则全靠运气。外研社新世纪〔luck〕It was just dumb luck that no one got hurt.没有人受伤真是运气太好了。朗文当代〔luck〕It was rotten luck to be sick on the day of the interview.面试当天生病,真倒霉。牛津搭配〔luck〕It was sheer luck that we were saved from drowning.我们被救了起来没有淹死,那全靠运气。朗文当代〔luck〕It's a custom that is believed to bring good luck.这是一个据认为会带来好运气的风俗。麦克米伦高阶〔luck〕Just my luck to arrive after they had left.我总是这样倒霉,他们离去后我才赶到。牛津高阶〔luck〕Lend me some money; I've had a run of bad luck (=a series of bad things happened) on the horses recently.借我些钱吧,我最近赌马连着输。朗文当代〔luck〕More bad luck struck last week.上星期又发生了更多倒霉事。牛津搭配〔luck〕My luck held and I found a petrol station just in time.好运常在麦克米伦高阶〔luck〕Of course it's all luck.当然, 这纯属运气。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Perhaps your luck will change and you'll meet someone really nice.运气突变麦克米伦高阶〔luck〕She couldn't believe her luck at meeting him.她简直不敢相信,自己竟如此幸运地遇见了他。麦克米伦高阶〔luck〕She crossed her fingers for luck.她交叉手指祈求好运。朗文当代〔luck〕She was going to try her luck at roulette.她要在轮盘赌上试试手气。外研社新世纪〔luck〕The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.完全是运气使然,这位小伙子必须面对一位美国一流选手。柯林斯高阶〔luck〕The forecast's not too good. You may be out of luck.气象预报说近期天气不很好。你可能会碰上坏天气。英汉大词典〔luck〕The goal owed more to good luck than good planning.这个进球更多的是靠运气而不是良好的战术配合。外研社新世纪〔luck〕The weather may be good or bad that day—it all depends on the luck of the draw.那天的天气可能好也可能不好,全凭运气了。韦氏高阶〔luck〕Then I had a stroke of luck that saved my life.然后我非常幸运地逃过一命。外研社新世纪〔luck〕We had good/bad luck fishing.我们钓鱼时运气很好/不好。韦氏高阶〔luck〕We have had no luck finding accommodation.不幸的是, 我们没能找到容身之处。外研社新世纪〔luck〕We wish him luck in his pursuit of the Olympic title.我们希望他能有好运相伴, 最终获得奥运冠军。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Well, hard luck, mate.哎, 真不走运, 哥们儿。外研社新世纪〔luck〕Winning was mostly a matter of luck.中奖主要靠运气。朗文当代〔luck〕With any luck, the money would turn up somewhere.但愿那笔钱会在某个地方冒出来。外研社新世纪〔luck〕With my luck, I'd lose if I backed the only horse in a one horse race.我这运气,就算是只有一匹马参加的比赛,我下注于唯一的马也会输掉。朗文当代〔luck〕Yeah, we really lucked out and got a parking space right in front.是啊,我们真走运,正好在前面有一个停车位。朗文当代〔luck〕You're in luck – it's stopped snowing.你运气真好 — 雪停了。朗文当代〔luck〕You're in luck. The doctor's still in.你真走运。医生还没走。柯林斯高阶〔luck〕You're in luck. We've got one pair left in your size.你运气真好。我们还有一双适合你的尺寸的。麦克米伦高阶〔mascot〕A person, an animal, or an object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports team.吉祥物,吉祥符:相信能够带来好运气的人、动物或物件,尤指用作体育运动队等某个组织的标志符美国传统〔movie〕He couldn't believe his luck. It was the sort of thing that only happened in the movies.他不相信他的运气,这种事只有在电影里才会发生。朗文当代〔part〕They have worked very hard, but luck has played a part too.他们工作得很卖力,但运气也起了很大作用。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕We'll have to trust to luck and play it by ear.我们得听天由命, 见机行事了。外研社新世纪〔pot luck〕Mary's welcome to stay for dinner if she doesn't mind taking pot luck (= having whatever is available).如果玛丽不介意有什么吃什么的话,欢迎她留下来吃饭。剑桥高阶〔pot luck〕We hadn't booked a hotel so we had to take pot luck.我们没有预订酒店,所以只能碰运气。朗文当代〔pot luck〕Would you like to stay for lunch? It's just pot luck.你愿意留下来吃午饭吗?就是家常便饭而已。外研社新世纪〔pot〕If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door.如果你没有预约,就敲门试试运气吧。柯林斯高阶〔pursue〕Bad luck pursued her.厄运纠缠着她。21世纪英汉〔push your luck〕She's agreed to help on Saturday, but I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to be here the whole weekend.她同意周六来帮忙,不过我想我要是让她整个周末都来的话就是得寸进尺了。剑桥高阶〔rage〕He began to rage against his bad luck.他因为时运不济而大怒。外研社新世纪〔rejoice〕We all rejoiced over/about/in/at our friend's good luck.我们为朋友的好运感到高兴。韦氏高阶〔root for〕Good luck, we'll be rooting for you.祝你好运,我们会支持你的。柯林斯高阶〔same〕Goodbye, then, and good luck.—The same to you.那么, 再见了, 祝你好运。——也祝你好运。外研社新世纪〔share〕I've had my share of luck in the past.以前,命运也不算亏待我。牛津高阶〔smile on/upon〕Lady Luck smiled on me and I won the jackpot.我得到幸运女神的垂青,赢了头奖。韦氏高阶〔smile〕Luck smiled on me last night.昨天晚上,我的好运来了。21世纪英汉〔sodding〕I never have any sodding luck.我从来没有什么该死的运气。麦克米伦高阶〔sod〕Get out of here, and good luck, you poor sod.走吧, 可怜的家伙, 愿你交好运。外研社新世纪〔spate〕We had a spate of bad luck.我们碰到一连串厄运。英汉大词典〔squire〕Hard luck, squire.运气真差,先生。柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕By a stroke of luck, someone else was walking along the trail and heard my shouts for help.幸运的是,刚好有人从小路上经过,听到了我的呼救。剑桥高阶〔stroke〕In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.正巧,有了合适的器官捐献者。朗文当代〔superstition〕According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.按照迷信的说法,摔碎镜子会带来噩运。牛津高阶〔superstition〕According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.按照迷信的说法,从梯子下走过会带来厄运。剑桥高阶〔superstition〕It is a common superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck.人们通常迷信地认为一只黑猫从你面前走过就是坏运气。韦氏高阶〔they〕They say it's bad luck to spill salt.据说把盐弄撒了会有坏运气。朗文当代〔tough〕Tough luck about your job, I hope you'll find another one soon.你工作上的运气可真不好,希望你能很快找到别的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔trust to〕I set off for the valley, trusting to luck.我动身去山谷, 一切全凭运气。外研社新世纪〔trust to〕I set off for the valley, trusting to luck.我动身去山谷了,一切全凭运气。柯林斯高阶〔trust〕However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to trust to luck to a certain extent.像这样的探险不管你准备得多么仔细,在某种程度上你仍然得依靠运气。剑桥高阶〔trust〕I'll just have to trust to luck that it works out okay.我只能靠运气,希望会有好的结果。朗文当代〔trust〕I'm trusting to luck that the shops will be open.我只能指望商店没关门。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕After the war my father went to Canada to try his luck at farming.战争结束后,我父亲去了加拿大经营农场碰碰运气。朗文当代〔turn〕His luck is on the turn.他就要时来运转了。牛津高阶〔turn〕His luck turned, and he lost all his winnings.他的好运到头,所有赢的钱都输了。韦氏高阶〔turn〕Hopefully my luck was on the turn.我的运气有望好转了。朗文当代〔turn〕My luck has turned at last.我终于时来运转。英汉大词典〔typical〕It was typical of our luck that it happened to be raining.我们真倒霉,那天恰巧下雨。英汉大词典〔unbelievable〕You've had such bad luck it's unbelievable.你的运气这么差,真是令人难以置信。剑桥高阶〔unhappily〕Unhappily, such good luck is rare.遗憾的是,这样的好运太少了。牛津高阶〔unheard-of〕This was an unheard-of piece of luck.这是前所未闻的好运气。麦克米伦高阶〔whether〕He passed the test, whether by skill or luck.他通过了考试,不是靠技术就是靠运气美国传统〔wish〕I wish you lots of luck.我祝你好运连连。朗文当代〔with any luck〕With any luck (= I hope that) we should get to Newcastle by early evening.但愿我们能在傍晚前到达纽卡斯尔。剑桥高阶〔worse〕You have even worse luck than I do.你甚至比我运气还差。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time(= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to).算他倒霉,在错误的时间出现在错误的地方。牛津高阶Emilie must be having bad luck with her cards -- she's passing on almost every hand.艾米莉的牌运一定很差----她几乎每手都放弃叫牌。剑桥国际He fears bad luck may befall. 他担心可能要倒霉了。译典通I envy you your good luck. 我羡慕你的好运。译典通I hadn't made a reservation, so I just took pot luck at the airport and got on the first available flight.我事先没订票,能在机场搭上第一班现成的飞机这完全是运气。剑桥国际I'm sorry to hear that you failed your driving test, but better luck next time.你没通过驾驶考试我很难过,不过祝你下次成功。剑桥国际I've got to work on Saturday, worse luck.我星期六也得工作,真倒霉。剑桥国际It was just plain luck that I ran into her in town, and she told me about this job.我在市区碰到她完全是运气,她跟我说了这份工作。剑桥国际She wears a charm that she thinks brings her (good) luck (= makes good things happen).她佩戴着自认能带来好运的吉祥物。剑桥国际She's had the devil's own luck finding a job.她找工作倒霉透了。剑桥国际Some people believe it's bad luck to (= bad things will happen to you if you) walk under a ladder.有些人认为在梯子下行走会倒霉运。剑桥国际They circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign.他们传递一张好运卡让每个人签名。剑桥国际This branch of the river is pretty much fished out, but you might have some luck a few miles upstream.河上这一支流的鱼基本上捕光了,不过在几英里外的上游你可能会碰到些运气。剑桥国际We lucked into tickets for the World Cup finals.我们碰巧得到世界杯决赛的票。剑桥国际We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it (= by chance) , we weren't far from a garage.回家路上我们的汽油用完了,但碰巧当时正离加油站不远。剑桥国际When I won the first contest I entered, he put it down to beginner's luck (= unexpected and probably brief early success).当我第一次参加比赛就获胜时,他竟将其归因为新手的好运气。剑桥国际Why don't you try your luck in another job -- it couldn't be worse than the one you've got.你为什么不另找一份工作碰碰运气呢----至少不会比你目前的这份差。剑桥国际With a bit of luck, we should be back in time for dinner.如果走运,我们能及时赶回去吃晚饭。剑桥国际

