
单词 fix
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕I managed to fix the car on my own. 我设法自己修好了汽车。朗文写作活用〔ARRANGE〕Don't worry, Jean has already fixed everything. 别担心,琼已经把一切都安排好了。!朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕Leave the boy alone, I'm sure he's perfectly capable of fixing it himself. 别去管那个孩子,我肯定他绝对能够修好。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕These old teachers tend to have very fixed ideas. 这些老教师往往都很固执。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕Many people believe that the outcome of wrestling matches are fixed. 许多人都认为摔跤比赛的结果都是安排好了的。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕I have to fix lunch now. 现在我得准备午饭了。朗文写作活用〔COST〕I've asked the builders to give us an estimate for fixing the roof. 我已要求建筑商估计给我们修屋顶的成本。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕It'll cost a lot of money to have the roof fixed. 把屋顶修理好要花许多钱。朗文写作活用〔MOT〕The car will fail its MOT if we don't get the brakes fixed.如果我们不把刹车修好,这辆车就通不过车检。剑桥高阶〔PROBLEM〕The team's owner is in a fix - he's spent a lot to improve the stadium, but ticket sales are still declining. 该队的老板陷入了困境—他斥巨资修缮体育场,但门票的销售量依然在下滑。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕I took the car to a nearby garage, and they managed to fix me up with a new tyre. 我把车开到附近的修车铺,他们设法给我换了一个新轮胎。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕He took off the old handle and fixed a new one in its place. 他取下旧手柄,换上一个新的。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕We'll have to take out the engine to fix the gearbox. 我们得取出引擎来修理齿轮箱。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕I'll need to fix the boat before we can go out in it. 我们乘船出去之前,我先得把它修好。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The gas leak was quickly fixed, but workers at the factory say the danger remains real. 煤气泄漏很快就修好了,但厂里的工人说危险仍然存在。朗文写作活用〔ailing〕Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car.特德的车坏了,他问我是否可以帮他修理一下。剑桥高阶〔at sixes and sevens〕Everything will be at sixes and sevens until our computer system is fixed.在电脑系统修复之前,所有事情都将非常混乱。韦氏高阶〔bang-up〕He did a bang-up job fixing the plumbing.他把水管修得棒极了。朗文当代〔barre〕A handrail fixed to a wall, as in a dance studio, used by ballet dancers as a support in certain exercises.把杆:(练舞厅、舞蹈教室)固定在墙壁的扶手,芭蕾舞者在某些练习中用作支撑物美国传统〔bracket〕Fix the beam with the brackets and screws.把横梁用托架和螺丝固定。柯林斯高阶〔bumper pool〕A billiard game played on a usually small table with several fixed cushioned obstacles that necessitate the use of bank shots.撞球游戏:通常在小桌面上进行的撞球游戏,桌面上有几个固定的带皮垫障碍,必须使用擦边打法美国传统〔charge〕Do you charge for fixing flat tires? 你修轮胎收费吗?韦氏高阶〔charge〕There is no charge for fixing the tire.修轮胎免费。韦氏高阶〔charge〕They fixed my watch free of charge.他们免费修好了我的手表。剑桥高阶〔cladding〕A protective or insulating layer fixed to the outside of a building or another structure.覆面:固定到一座建筑物或其它结构上的保护层或绝缘层美国传统〔collude〕The two companies had colluded to fix prices.这两家公司串通操纵价格。韦氏高阶〔come〕She's got someone coming this morning to fix the computer.今天上午她叫人来给她修电脑。麦克米伦高阶〔constant〕A quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context.恒量:在一个具体数学问题里被假设具有固定值的一个量美国传统〔cost〕Fixed costs include rent.固定成本包括租金。牛津搭配〔creep〕The cushion creeps and we are always fixing it.坐垫会渐渐移位,我们经常得把它摆正。英汉大词典〔curtain wall〕A nonbearing wall, often of glass and steel, fixed to the outside of a building and serving especially as cladding.帷幕墙:没有支撑的墙壁,通常是玻璃或钢铁做的,固定在建筑物的外面,特别是做包覆用美国传统〔date〕Can we fix dates for the trip? 我们能确定旅行的日期吗?牛津搭配〔date〕We need to fix a date for the next meeting.我们得为下次会议定个日期。牛津高阶〔dinner〕A full-course meal served at a fixed price; table d'hôte.份饭,客饭:固定价格供应的正餐式的份饭;客饭美国传统〔dispute〕It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.目前在定价上和政府还有争议。柯林斯高阶〔divergence〕Physiology A turning of both eyes outward from a common point or of one eye when the other is fixed.【生理学】 发散:双眼从同一点向外转或一只眼不动,另一只眼向外转美国传统〔do〕Sit down — I’ll fix supper for you.坐下吧,我给你做晚饭。牛津高阶〔erratic〕Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.飘忽不定的:没有固定的或规律性的行踪;游荡美国传统〔fiddly〕Fixing the TV was a fiddly job .修理这台电视机很费事。朗文当代〔finial〕Architecture An ornament fixed to the peak of an arch or arched structure.【建筑学】 尖顶饰:固定在拱或拱状建筑物顶端的装饰品美国传统〔firmly〕Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.密切注视路的前方。牛津高阶〔fix ... up〕Do I have to fix up to go to the Websters?我去韦伯斯特家是不是得打扮一下?21世纪英汉〔fix for〕How are the climbers fixed for food?登山者怎样得到食品供应?21世纪英汉〔fix on〕The tail is fixed on the model plane with nails.机尾用钉子牢牢固定在模型飞机上。21世纪英汉〔fix sth up〕Nick loves fixing up old cars.尼克喜欢修理旧车。剑桥高阶〔fix up〕I need a few minutes to fix myself up before we leave.在我们走之前,我要花几分钟打扮一下。韦氏高阶〔fixed〕He sat with a look of fixed attention on his face.他坐着,脸上露出专注的神态。英汉大词典〔fixed〕How are you fixed for cash? 你有多少现金?朗文当代〔fixed〕How is the club fixed for money now? 俱乐部眼下经济情况如何?英汉大词典〔fixed〕My contract was for a fixed term of five years.我的合同是五年固定期限。朗文当代〔fixed〕They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.因为居无定所, 他们连求职面试的机会都得不到。外研社新世纪〔fixed〕They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.因为居无定所,他们无法得到工作面试的机会。柯林斯高阶〔fixed〕They are trying to live on a fixed income.他们在设法靠固定收入过日子。韦氏高阶〔fixture〕The condition of being fixed.固定状态:被固定时的状态美国传统〔fix〕Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes.你要重点考虑为你的计划融资是否可行。外研社新世纪〔fix〕A delivery date has not yet been fixed.交货日期尚未确定。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕Accommodation is never fixed up in advance.住宿从未提前安排好。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕Amy watched the child's intent face eagerly, trying to fix it in her mind.埃米急切地看着那孩子神情专注的脸, 想把它牢牢记住。外研社新世纪〔fix〕Can I fix you a drink? 我给你弄杯饮料好吗?牛津高阶〔fix〕Can you get a fix on the submarine? 你能给潜水艇定位吗?英汉大词典〔fix〕Don't worry—I'll fix him.别担忧,我会收拾他的。牛津高阶〔fix〕Everyone knows the contest was a fix.大家都知道竞赛被操纵了。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕Have you fixed up about the coach yet? 你已安排好长途汽车了吗?英汉大词典〔fix〕He fixed her with an angry stare.他生气地盯着她。牛津高阶〔fix〕He took her hand and fixed her with a look of deep concern.他抓住她的手,表情极其关切地看着她。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕He would know when I was fixing to leave. He'd wait by the front door.他会知道我打算什么时候走,他还会在前门等着。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕He's fixed up to take someone out.他安排好了带人出来。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象铭刻在他心中。英汉大词典〔fix〕His eyes were fixed on the distant yacht.他双眼凝视着远处的游艇。剑桥高阶〔fix〕How are you fixed for supplies? 你有多少生活费用? 英汉大词典〔fix〕I got my nostalgia fix at my class reunion.在同学聚会上,我过了一把怀旧的瘾。韦氏高阶〔fix〕I lent her the money to get her out of a fix.我借钱给她让她渡过难关。牛津搭配〔fix〕I need my daily fix of coffee.我要每天都喝咖啡才行。外研社新世纪〔fix〕I was in a fix.我那时处于困境。牛津搭配〔fix〕I'll fix a meeting.我要安排一次会议。牛津高阶〔fix〕I'll fix dinner.我要准备晚餐。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕I'll fix you up with a place to stay.我会给你安排住处的。牛津高阶〔fix〕I'm fixing to go to graduate school.我打算去读研究生。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕I've fixed a meeting with the manager.我已经安排好与经理的会面。外研社新世纪〔fix〕If you want to meet them, I can fix it.如果你要见他们,我可以安排。英汉大词典〔fix〕Investigators are still attempting to fix the exact time of the accident.调查人员仍在设法查出事故发生的确切时间。韦氏高阶〔fix〕It's not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short.虽然时间越来越紧迫,但现在处理这个问题还为时未晚。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕Jimmy wants to fix Joe up with his sister.吉米想安排乔和他妹妹相亲。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕Leonard was now fixed in his mind.伦纳德现在已经令他无法忘怀。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.那些变革中可能有很多只是权宜之计。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕Mary fixed him with a cool gaze.玛丽冷冷地盯着他。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕Rachel fixed him with an icy stare.蕾切尔冷冷地盯着他。朗文当代〔fix〕Several jockeys were arrested on suspicion of fixing the race.几名骑师因涉嫌在比赛中作弊而被捕。剑桥高阶〔fix〕She fixed hooks to the window frame.她把窗钩钉在窗框上。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕She fixed the child with a stare of such disapproval he did not dare move.她用责难的眼光紧盯着那个孩子,吓得他一动也不敢动。剑桥高阶〔fix〕She kept her mind fixed on the practical problems which faced her.她专心思考面临的一些实际问题。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕She was so frightened that she could not fix her thoughts on anything.她害怕得大脑一片混乱,根本甚么也想不清楚。剑桥高阶〔fix〕The child kept her eyes fixed on the wall behind him.这个小女孩眼睛一直紧盯着他身后的那堵墙。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕The election was fixed.有人在操控这次选举。韦氏高阶〔fix〕The result was unexpected, and some people suspect a fix.结果出人意料,因此有些人怀疑有黑幕。韦氏高阶〔fix〕The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.卫星通过反复观察每颗恒星进行定位。外研社新世纪〔fix〕The trial has been fixed for May 2.审判定在5月2日举行。英汉大词典〔fix〕These weekly amounts are fixed at the start of every tax year.每周纳税额在每个税务年度之初确定。外研社新世纪〔fix〕They'd fixed yesterday that Mike'd be in late today.他们昨天就断定迈克今天会迟到。外研社新世纪〔fix〕Wait till I fix my hair.等等让我把头发梳理好。21世纪英汉〔fix〕We'll fix him up with a tie.我们将给他准备一条领带。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕We're going to be in a real fix if we miss that bus.要是我们赶不上那班公交车就真的麻烦了。朗文当代〔fix〕We've got ourselves in a fix about this.在这个问题上我们已陷入了困境。牛津高阶〔fix〕Who fixed your hair for the wedding? 你在婚礼上的发式是谁给你梳的?朗文当代〔fix〕You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum.你得预先和博物馆联系安排好参观事宜。牛津高阶〔flat〕We had to stop to fix a flat.我们得停车修一下撒了气的轮胎。牛津高阶〔focus〕Mathematics A fixed point whose relationship with a directrix determines a conic section.【数学】 焦点:一个与准线的关系决定圆锥形状的定点美国传统〔formulary〕A fixed form or pattern; a formula.固定形式或规定模式;规则美国传统〔formula〕A prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion; a recipe.配方,处方:按一定比例将各种成分配制成药剂的方法;处方美国传统〔fund〕To convert into a long-term or floating debt with fixed interest payments.转为长期:转为有固定利息的长期借款或流动债务美国传统〔garage〕They took the car to a local garage to get it fixed.他们把车送到当地的修理厂去维修。麦克米伦高阶〔get around to sth〕I still haven't got around to fixing that tap.我还没有修那个水龙头。剑桥高阶〔hallmark〕Light comes in through curved fixed skylights which have become the hallmark of the car.光线从这款汽车标志性的弧形固定天窗里照射进来。外研社新世纪〔help〕I helped him to fix his car.我帮他修了汽车。外研社新世纪〔how are you fixed for sth?〕How are you fixed for cash? 你有多少现金?剑桥高阶〔hundred〕Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you can fix the problem by restarting the computer.十有八九,你都可以通过重启电脑来解决这个问题。韦氏高阶〔immobile〕Immovable; fixed.不能动的;固定的美国传统〔indurate〕To become firmly fixed or established.巩固起来:牢牢地安上,牢牢地建立美国传统〔ingenuity〕It will take considerable/much/some ingenuity to fix these problems.解决这些问题需要相当多的/很多的/一些聪明才智。韦氏高阶〔jalopy〕He fixed up an old jalopy.他修好了一辆老破车。韦氏高阶〔landmark〕A fixed marker, such as a concrete block, that indicates a boundary line.界标:用来指示界限的固定标记,如一块大的水泥石柱美国传统〔locator〕One that locates, as a person who fixes the boundaries of mining claims.勘探地界者:定位的人,如一个确立矿区申请购买地边界的人美国传统〔look to〕They look to me to fix the problem.他们指望我来解决这个问题。韦氏高阶〔magic bullet〕There is no magic bullet to fix our educational system.改革我们的教育体制没有灵丹妙药。韦氏高阶〔man〕The gas company said they would send some men to fix the leak.煤气公司说会派人来解决泄漏问题。剑桥高阶〔mask〕A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression.茫然的脸:具有空洞、僵硬、谜样表情的面孔美国传统〔maxim〕I believe in the maxim 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.我相信这样一条箴言:“不破不修”。柯林斯高阶〔max〕Fixing it should cost about twenty pounds max.修理它至多花20英镑左右。麦克米伦高阶〔mend〕To make repairs or restoration to; fix.修理:修理或修复;整理美国传统〔mess〕I have to try to fix the mess you caused.我不得不努力收拾你弄的这个烂摊子。牛津搭配〔modified American plan〕A system of hotel management in which guests pay a fixed daily or weekly rate for room, breakfast, and lunch or dinner.MAP系统:一种旅店管理系统,其间顾客须按日或按周交纳房间、早餐、午餐和晚餐的膳宿费用美国传统〔moment〕It should only take a moment to fix the problem.这个问题只稍片刻工夫就能解决。韦氏高阶〔muck about〕Don't muck about with my violin, I've just got it fixed.别再乱动我的提琴,我刚把它修好。21世纪英汉〔nice〕They've done a nice job fixing up the house.他们干得真不赖,把房子给修好了。韦氏高阶〔nomad〕A person with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer.流浪者美国传统〔number〕A member of the set of positive integers; one of a series of symbols of unique meaning in a fixed order that can be derived by counting.正整数:正整数集合中的一元;能够以计算得出且以一固定顺序排列的一系列只具唯一意义的符号中的一个美国传统〔pay〕I paid (out) a lot of money to get the washing machine fixed and it still doesn't work! 我花了一大笔钱修洗衣机,结果还是不能用!剑桥高阶〔people mover〕A means of mass transit, such as a moving sidewalk or a monorail, used to transport people, usually along a fixed route.载人工具:短程快速载客交通工具,如用以运输乘客的自动人行道或自动单轨铁路,通常沿固定路线美国传统〔period〕The medication is prescribed for a fixed period of time.开的药只适合在固定的一段时间内服用。牛津搭配〔pew〕One of the long, fixed benches with backs that are arranged in rows for the seating of a congregation in church.教堂长椅:教堂里为集会而设的一种成行排列的带靠背的固定长椅美国传统〔pin〕It's difficult to pin her down to fixing a date for a meeting.让她确定个开会日期实在是难。牛津高阶〔pitch in〕When I bought this house, all my friends pitched in to help fix it up.我买下这所房子时,所有的朋友都来帮忙收拾。剑桥高阶〔plumbing〕I spent all day trying to fix a leak in the plumbing.我花了一整天的时间试图修好管道里的一个漏洞。麦克米伦高阶〔principle〕A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.行为模式:固定的或约定的政策或行为方式美国传统〔rely on/upon sb/sth〕I'm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.我就指望修车厂能在明天之前修好我的车了。剑桥高阶〔resell〕He buys up run-down properties, fixes them up and resells them.他大量收购破败的房产,修葺后再转售。剑桥高阶〔rock-solid〕I've fixed the table - it's rock-solid now.我把桌子修好了——现在可结实了。剑桥高阶〔routine〕Try to get into a routine (=develop a fixed order of doing things) .尽量养成一个习惯。朗文当代〔saccade〕A rapid intermittent eye movement, as that which occurs when the eyes fix on one point after another in the visual field.扫视:眼睛快速间歇性移动,眼睛在视野内盯住一点然后盯住另一点是会发生这种扫视美国传统〔send〕My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter.我试着修理它,却让劳伦斯乐得前仰后合。柯林斯高阶〔service〕The company sends a service engineer to fix the disk drive before it fails.公司派了一位维修工程师前去修理磁盘驱动器,以免其出故障。柯林斯高阶〔shower〕Many British homes have a shower attachment fixed to the bath taps.英国的许多家庭都在浴缸龙头上安装了淋浴器。剑桥高阶〔sink〕A water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe and generally a piped supply of water.水槽:装在墙或地板上带有出水管和一般有管道供应的水的水槽美国传统〔sleeve〕She rolled up her sleeve as he fixed the syringe.他装注射器时,她便捋起袖子。英汉大词典〔speeding〕With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed.对这类相机而言,快门的速度是固定的。柯林斯高阶〔static memory〕A memory that contains fixed information and retains its programmed state as long as the power is on.静态存储器:含有固定信息的存储器,只要通电即保持其程序状态美国传统〔stay〕To rest or fix on for support.置于或钉在…上得到支持美国传统〔steadfast〕Fixed or unchanging; steady.固定的:固定不变的;稳固的美国传统〔steady〕Firm in position or place; fixed.稳固的:在一个位置或地方不动的;固定的美国传统〔stereotype〕To give a fixed, unvarying form to.典型化:给予一个固定不变的模式美国传统〔stipend〕A fixed and regular payment, such as a salary for services rendered or an allowance.定期生活津贴:一种固定并定期发放的款项,如为付出的劳动的工资或津贴美国传统〔stuff〕Get me some of that stuff for fixing windows.给我找一点那些修窗子的家伙。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕To become established or fixed.确定下来,固定下来美国传统〔technical support〕I called tech support and they fixed it.我给技术支持部打了电话,他们修好了。牛津高阶〔term〕An estate granted for a fixed period.有限期租用的地产:一段固定时期内租用的地产美国传统〔territory〕The territory of a cat only remains fixed for as long as the cat dominates the area.猫的地盘只在它占据那个地方的时候是固定不变的。柯林斯高阶〔testimony〕The popularity of diet fads is a testimony to the fact that people want a quick fix for their health and weight problems.人们热衷于节食就是想快速解决自己的健康和体重问题的一个证明。韦氏高阶〔that〕Lucy worked out how to fix it. That's Lucy for you (= She can fix anything).露西想出修理的办法了,她就是那样能干。剑桥高阶〔tranny〕He fixed the car's tranny.他修好了汽车变速器。韦氏高阶〔tuning fork〕A small two-pronged metal device that when struck produces a sound of fixed pitch that is used as a reference, as in tuning musical instruments.音叉:一种有两个叉头的金属器具,敲击后发出持续的固定音,可用于乐器调音和确定标准音高美国传统〔uncommonly〕Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.两人在修理东西方面都身手不凡。柯林斯高阶〔under way〕Nautical Neither anchored nor moored to a fixed object.【航海】 在航的:没有抛锚或系留于一固定目标的美国传统〔vested interest〕A fixed right granted to an employee under a pension plan.根据养老金政策给予职工的一种确定的权利美国传统〔wiring〕He fixed the radio's wiring.他修理了收音机的线路。韦氏高阶Fixed assets are depreciated over four years.固定资产分四年折旧。牛津商务Fixed wireless is ideal for people living in remote areas.固定无线对生活在偏远地区的人而言是理想的通信方式。牛津商务As Moreau begins to talk, the shadowy brown eyes fix you with an almost insolent directness.莫罗开始说话时,他那双朦胧的褐色眼睛近乎是傲慢无礼地直盯着你。剑桥国际He's in a real fix -- he's got two meetings booked for three o'clock.他可真陷入窘境了----三点钟他预定要参加两个会。剑桥国际Helen's going to put her hair up (= fix it into a position on the top of her head) for her wedding.海伦打算把头发盘起来参加婚礼。剑桥国际His eyes were fixed on the red embers of the fire. 他的眼睛盯著红色的余火。译典通I'd like to fix a date for our next meeting.我想为我们下一次见面定个日子。剑桥国际I'll fix up a meeting with the supplier.我会安排与供应商开一次会议。牛津商务I'm going to shelve (= fix shelves, esp. to a wall, in) the garage to give me more space for storing things.我要在车库里装一些壁架,使我有更多的空间来放东西。剑桥国际I'm gonna fix her one day -- she keeps telling lies about me! 哪天我得整整她----她总是造谣中伤我!剑桥国际I've fixed the table -- it's rock solid (also solid as a rock) (= very firm) now.我已经修好了桌子----现在它像石头一样结实了。剑桥国际Let me fix you a drink. 让我给你弄杯饮料。译典通Make sure the tarpaulin is securely pegged down/pegged at the edges (= fixed with pegs so that it does not move).确准一下雨布四周已经用桩固定好了。剑桥国际Many British homes have a shower attachment fixed to the bath taps.许多英国家庭在浴缸龙头上安装有淋浴器。剑桥国际Never fear! (= Don't worry!) Guy's here! I'll have that leak fixed in a few moments.别怕!盖伊在这儿!我一会儿就可补好漏洞。剑桥国际Some of the protesters were more radical and ideological (=had stronger fixed political beliefs) than the others.抗议者中一些人比其余的人更激进,信仰更强。剑桥国际The apartment was sold at a price fixed by an independent valuer.这套公寓根据独立估价人确定的价格售出。牛津商务The characters in the book are just stereotypes (= They represent fixed ideas about what people of that particular type are like).这书中的角色只是些僵化的人物。剑桥国际The engineers worked to fix the problem while the station broadcast dead air instead of the program.电台停播节目期间,技师们忙着修复故障。剑桥国际The government has fixed a wage floor. 政府已规定了薪资的底限。译典通The repairman disconnected the television set before fixing it. 修理工在修电视机前先把电源切断。译典通The shop fixed my watch free of charge! 那家商店免费修理了我的手表!剑桥国际The suspect is a person of no fixed abode. 嫌疑犯是个居无定所的人。译典通There are no hard and fast rules (= fixed rules) for successful presentations.成功的演示没有一定之规。牛津商务They're sending an engineer to fix the phone.他们正要派一位技师来修理电话。牛津商务We'll finalize the details (=make final / fixed decisions) later.我们将在以后确定细节问题。剑桥国际

